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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Maybe 351 should join in the fight and eradicate these hippies.
  2. All good hombre. Curse the internet for its inability to cross communicational barriers, thus confusing us all.
  3. You wouldn't say that if you saw a GT Starlet. I look at it this way, at least you're not getting a Mazda 121 bubble. That car was specifically designed with input from the female Japanese populous. Or a Rav 4. The Rav has aimed at the gay market in the US (nothing wrong with that either or course). That is an actual fact. You do realise its for her boyfriend dont you? Yes. Hence the 121 and Rav 4 remarks. There's nothing wrong with Starlets. I'm sure RME1 didn't feel girly in one. We drive Corolla's anyway. They're just overgrown Starlets in my opinion (with a motor and box from a celica course, that of which is classified as a hairdressers car by many of the weak minded). You'll always get stereotyping with cars in my opinion: Commodore = Bogan BMW = Sick Uleh WRX = Unoriginal try hard (which is a rather harsh stereotype for a decent car to be honest), and also 'Sick Uleh' Honda = Rice Ferrari = "Hi I need to compensate."
  4. This is why I love online games like BF2, Halo, COD4 etc. Many funny moments to be had. Last night my mate and I managed to drive a warthog into a copter by utilising a roof ramp. If you're out of rpg's, then improvise. Muahaha.
  5. You wouldn't say that if you saw a GT Starlet. I look at it this way, at least you're not getting a Mazda 121 bubble. That car was specifically designed with input from the female Japanese populous. Or a Rav 4. The Rav has aimed at the gay market in the US (nothing wrong with that either or course). That is an actual fact.
  6. The next time I have holidays I could be taking Elan up on his offer and heading west with him. It'll also give me an opportunity to finally meet the man as well (which is long overdue). WA, prepare for a future visit from myself and Nelson. I felt giving you ample heads up on this was feasible, as I don't think you're all prepared. Yes you can also touch my nipples if you want to.
  7. So, in a roundabout way, showing regard? By showing no regard for being regardless? My head hurts You are correctly incorrect.
  8. They need to do a db test imo. Some people don't have lives. The police officer in question sounds like one of those token people who were bullied in high school, and sees being a cop as a way to get back at society. As long as people respect one another on the road I'm happy. I'm more concerned with the fact that people DIE on the road personally, rather than petty crap like this. "Oh no the car is too loud." /wrists. Boo hoo get me a tissue. Oh yeah she was banned. Never realised she was like that. She blew up Rosie O'Donnel style.
  9. Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaammmmm Macchiiiiiinnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Daft Punk
  10. There's already a thread about tatoos?
  11. What if it's regardless of being regardless? How long is the universe? Is Nelson real?
  12. ZOMG lyk I cnt b3lieb u wud sai dat. wot da fuq did eye d00??? it cums up on the spill checker, gtfo hax hax hax hax hax hax hax hax
  13. The sad thing is that Nelson doesn't require feeding. He'll just keep doing it irregardless of what people say or do. The common trolls you don't feed though yes. Like 351 (aka omn1fail).
  14. You + me = beach volleyball game. Let's do this.
  15. Nice to hear good stories. If only they were all like that.
  16. Novelty marshmallow leprechaun jacket - Mod Wolf
  17. Make sure it's 35mm that you want. I was initially happy with it, but it grew old very quickly. To quote a Canberra member: "He needs to lower it more." - Jen "He did lower it." - micky_tee "LOL" - Jen
  18. So coming. I'm getting a raging clue over this farewell. I'm super serial.
  19. I used to stick a straw in Pizza Pockets and suck out the filling first. I was/still am a very odd person. Kings springs are my recommendation for a 50mm drop. It's just right. 18's aren't as bumpy as people make them out to be in my opinion. I've been tossing up putting my 17's into a shop to be touched up and then storing them under the house once the tread is out. I'm paranoid about them now that they're discontinued. I could be going up a size if that happens. Then again I could just harden up.
  20. Btw my car is very dumped and I've had no issues with hitting anything at all. Fair enough you have to be careful going over some bumps in my car, but that's caused by the fact I'm running hard springs in a coilover design. You just made my sig.
  21. Drop that thing like a hot pocket fresh from the microwave (personally, a 50mm drop looks nice). Then look at rims. 17's or 18's are the way to go. 18's may give you a better look, for the sacrifice of some handling. 17's seem to be the best all round.
  22. Yes there is. How did you make two topics though?
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