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Everything posted by Dead

  1. This Petrol powered one should meet your needs. It leaves burn marks :\
  2. Mine probably equates to a 65mm drop and I only scrub when I go over a biggish bump (not often) or when I'm flooring it around a corner (sometimes). 215/40 profile I could be playing with the height on mine still. popping the rear down 1/2 an inch an raising the front a couple of turns. It's fine though to be honest.
  3. I like my sexual harassment, hyper **** device. WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...
  4. Cheers for reviving the thread. That bike looks super secure...
  5. To quote Webster's Comprehensive Dictionary (1988, Encyclopaedic Edition, Volume 1, p. 726): "learn (lurn) v. learned or learnt..." On your logic, examples such as spelt, dreamt, and knelt should only be spelled, dreamed, and kneeled - Both are correct, of course. Furthermore, Ask Oxford dot Com puts the difference down to the original British vs the American adapation: "-nt" is generally used in British English, whilst "-ned" is the Americanism. I <3 Leroy
  6. Lemon = A specific model of car that performed badly, or was built poorly outright. Dud = A car within a reputable model bracket that develops 'uncharacteristic' failures.
  7. By telling work we needed a or two day off. You could always work overtime and take some leave in lieu or join an RDO scheme and not be down any pay ;) I work in availability, so I have to plan my time away well. I'd be too shagged anyway after 2 days of long distance driving coupled with cruising in between. I'm an old man now. I suck.
  8. Untz untz untz untz unzt untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz unzt untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz unzt untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz unzt untz untz untz untz untz TISM (Yes that is the actual song name).
  9. From experience I can tell you that it's a burden to carry. However, I welcome anyone to challenge me to the title of the Tocau Jester. If they dare. You're on, your schizophrenic / clownish / obscure / off topic / random days are over :P Fixed. Your move Carlo.
  10. Dead

    April Fools

    Pics of their face Carlo. Today my workmate turned the desktop upside down on the ladies work computer who sits next to me.
  11. From experience I can tell you that it's a burden to carry. However, I welcome anyone to challenge me to the title of the Tocau Jester. If they dare.
  12. Toyota Belconnen here in Canberra. Try the next closest dealer to you and see what they say. To be honest it's inexcusable for a Toyota dealership to 'not' know about a major recall like this.
  13. My first impression of the Paseo was that you were better off with a starlet. I guess the idea of an engine conversion would make it a fun project. :shrug: Off topic:
  14. I'm going insane. I'm actually praying for someone to come on here and start a flame war. So boring.
  15. the recall was done to ensure the car was ADR approved to be on aussie roads ...... it was a recall which was driven out of DOTARS so it wont cost u a cent if toyota hasnt done it ...... it is to be done for free .... this is why they keep a list of VIN #'s which have had the recall done. ello again, rang toyota today, mentioned the whole ecu thing, tried to explain as precisley as i could, gave them my vin #. and they have no idea. The guy i spoke to over the phone said he looked up the national database and couldnt find any recalls for my model car(corolla, corolla sportivo), he also didnt find my vin on it as well. He seemed nice enough but also had to mention that he had worked there for a while and that any recalls would show up on this data page he was on while he was searching through the computer. And that there was nothing. Any ideas??? This is the exact reason I don't go to Toyota anymore. They don't **** talk to each other or do research on their own problems. They just focus on pushing cars out, so it seems. It's complete crap that he can't find it on the national database in my opinion. I'd try some other dealers and see what they have to say on it. The dealer I went to here was on the ball and knew straight away.
  16. This place is boring again. Nelsons playground is dying. Help it. omn1potent, I wish you luck in your quest to beat the internet. I hear the end boss is hard.
  17. whats wrong with king springs? Nothing at all. Lovells, Kings, Pedders, Tein, Whiteline etc etc etc. They're all good in my opinion. Some have different heights / weights, that's about it though.
  18. Happy 4th birthday SuperDave.
  19. Apparently Bill recently purchased a Blitz s/c kit. Post pics when the twin charger is setup sir. We'll start building a launch pad for you.
  20. Dead

    April Fools

    Personally, my favorite of all time (even though it wasn't on April Fool's day) was the combined MAP81 / Rollamods effort when they gave poor Northy the wrong product code when addressing a thread a while ago. Let us share.
  21. I wish it worked that way mate, because that's exactly what I did. Within 2 hours of the incident I've reported it to the police and rang my insurance company informing them of what happened. The response I got was "Unless you have a witness outside of the car, you're both (other car and mine) liable for your respective damage. Not even photos taken would be good enough." I find that ludicrous to say the least. What if you're out somewhere faraway in the country where there are no witnesses? I believe I've pretty much done everything I could except for trying to find a witness, to which it'd be hard since everyone was too busy buggering off back to their households after work/shopping. Nelson was there. He told me. Sorry, seriously though, wrath cometh to the instigator. I can picture something rather bad happening to her in the not so distant future. Good luck sir.
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