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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. Awesome Seb see you in the morning but I think Wy is out but he's coming to the meet up to take some photos
  2. See you in the morning. I'll be the odd 1 out in the Aurion
  3. Agreed with Tash. if there was a grill like that for the Aurion it'd be on my car. AWESOME
  4. Got home today and checked the mailbox to find i have been sent another TOCAU sticker. AWESOME.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VF-X


      Why I haven't got mine yet.. =(

    3. MrRob


      @Seb- i'll make sure my windows are closed and doors locked.

      @VF-X- When did you join coz i got mine in about 5 days

    4. VF-X


      Asked Steve about 3 weex ago? Member expiring in like 5 months.. lol

  5. If it were on a Sunday i'd be there but i'll be there later that night for the eomm
  6. I didn't see the car you were in but was it white
  7. I should be there if the weather is good
  8. Its on the other side of the rear windshield
  9. Had this made up. Thought it'd be nice to promote this site for Toyota owners.
  10. I'm gonna sound a little dopey here but how do i apply my TOCAU sticker if neither side is sticky. Its the sticker with just the lettering (NO LOGO).

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MrRob


      AWESOME i shall put it on tomorrow

    3. Branno


      plus, just take it off and re apply until you find a good spot.

    4. Branno


      just dont get any dirt on it, think of it like an iphone screen protector.

  11. I got my sticker today but not what i was expecting

    1. Seby123


      if you dont want it man ill take it for 5$

    2. Branno


      did you get the one where it was all text and no logo?

    3. MrRob


      Ha 5 bucks, Branno yeah i think we've got the same 1 and i've got no idea how to put it on since neither side is sticky

  12. Amazing how a simple service gives you that litlle extra power. Love my Aurion :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      And the placebo effect that much more :P

    3. Tash


      Hahah I've gotta agree though, I always love driving the Camry after a service, just feels so smooth.

    4. RedSportivo


      Its been 5000k's time for me to service mine to :P

  13. Hey Matt I can't help you with the grill but the eyelids i can.....maybe. I got mine custom made, painted and fitted at Team Jetspeed for $220 but pretty sure any bodykit shop can make them for you
  14. AWWWWWESOME that's sweet as have to be happy with that! such a great shot too! 14.77 is a good time as the best road test ive seen is 6.8 to 100 and 14.8 of the 1/4. although DJKOR did have a PB of just over 14 from memory on the strip? There's room for improvement, weather was warm that night so can't wait for winter to come around and very sure the 20s are slowing me down a little
  15. Gday mate welcome to the club
  16. Has anybodies rego gone up this year coz mine has gone up from $498 last year to $884 this year even though nothing has changed on my car.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pah


      Mine was nearly $700 this year there was a small increase in the ctp and an increase in vehicle weight from the rta plus you have private plates so im not sure if that makes a difference :) gotta love the nsw government

    3. MrRob


      I know the plates have a small part in the price but the premium was only $90 last year but this year is $440

    4. VF-X


      Custom plates has always been close to $500. Im surprised you didn't pay more than 1k for it.

  17. I am now a TOC supporter, can't wait for my sticker so i can display the best club in AUS

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Branno


      i became a supporter and didnt get a sticker :(

    3. Steve


      pm me details branno

    4. dutchie101
  18. HAHAHA Thanks Wycliff. With no disrespect to the other guys on the cruise i must say yours and i think his name was John (JVN11L) were the best Rollas there. :lol: Thanks Rob, my car has come along way and John aka JVN11L has helped me out a lot... Thats the first time someone has ever said that about my car.. hahaha. i think my head just got BIG!! hahaha.. Keep up the good work with your AURION, we'll do a proper shoot along with all the other BANGiN cars.. :D :D Yeah for sure we gotta, hopefully there's another cruise soon and we can all attend as well as the guys that couldn't make this 1.
  19. Didn't realize the brakes on my Aurion were that good until the ute with no brake lights decided to stop suddenly. Lets just say i thought i was gonna wreck my car.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chicken


      Brake assist and EBD will have helped too.

    3. maca_10


      ha, even though toyota had that problem with the prius', my corolla sportivo brakes are awesome too

    4. Silver-Aurion


      mate the fastest stop I ever did was from 180KM/h.. The smell was horrible. smelt like my brakes turned completely into dust. The Aurion stopped in several metres from a emergency apply from 180KM/h... :\

  20. HAHAHA Thanks Wycliff. With no disrespect to the other guys on the cruise i must say yours and i think his name was John (JUVINILE) were the best Rollas there.
  21. Absolutely, i had the chromes for about 6 months then realized that it was too much for me, wanted to go for the meaner look of the black.
  22. Thanks benji just like yours i don't think you can go wrong with black
  23. Thanks mate you car looks the goods too
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