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Everything posted by Tash

  1. That's just awesome!! Love the TOCAU trailer (as previously seen on Facebook) and it even stars Aurora :D And Coche' De Negro's adventures I can't wait for! I can see you getting many many movie requests for other people to make their car a star, starting with mine
  2. Yum! Chocolate mud cake :D Although cup cakes would be just as good too! Don't worry about the signs Ying, just look for our cars, they're pretty identifiable My gold Camry will be there, plus a heap of Corollas in various colours (though white and black mostly!), a silver Aurion, a dark grey old school Corolla, the list goes on! I will PM you my mobile number :) Lol!! I thought we were doing breads and salads?? Well I'll do that part then and if you want to be chicken skewer making factory go for it hahahah We are gunna need a bucket tonne of chicken rofl
  3. Sweet, its all coming together nicely then 10:30am sounds alright too, I reckon we'll meet up in Bendigo then about 9 and head on down, doesn't take too long to get to Bundoora from memory. Google Maps reckons its two hours but I don't think its quite that long. Damn Mick :( You better be coming next time though hahah
  4. I reckon it should be awesome. Black and gold....hmm, I seem to remember a song called that :) Hahahah so there was!
  5. Thanks a million Tash,glad you like the new look :) Hopefully will head up for the annual, that's if they let me in not that long to go either,bloody half way there already,it'll be Christmas soon the older I get,the quicker time goes by,hmmm I don't like that...... I see we have a new ZRE member,I take it that was your doing Hahah yeah, time does go by pretty quick these days! That'd be good as though, reckon it'll be a really good meet-up plus a great opportunity for a holiday :D Lol yes that was partly my doing, but the SX pretty much sold itself No ZR cos the orange fleck through the interior is hideous in the facelifts, and they only manufacture tidal blue in the facelifts. So she'll be picking all your brains and using your experiences for her own mods :)
  6. Hehe wonder who this could be? Welcome!
  7. Damn! That looks absolutely fabulous John Wheels are looking great and as has been said the ride height is just perfect and I will echo the sentiments of others here when I say that you know exactly what to add to the car to really set it off - nothing looks out of place. You heading up to Brisbane for the annual this year? Would love to catch up again and check this out in person :D
  8. Ordinarily this would have been a nice easy find at www.camrystuff.com but unfortunately its returning a 404 error :( I'm at work so most pages are blocked here but a quick Google search is only turning up websites to buy it on but the PDF should be out there somewhere, unless someone else has uploaded a copy somewhere? You're looking for a Gen 5 manual if you've got the 3L Altise, only 2.4lt 4cyl Camry's around around in the current Gen. It might be on toyotanation.com
  9. Looking good!! Can't wait to team up for a photoshoot, black and gold are gunna look great side by side :D Keen to check out that stereo too!
  10. Excellent, I reckon that sounds like a really great idea and happy to donate to the flood appeal :) Although with all the troubles we're having up our way there will be a Victoria appeal soon too Okay so to make it simple its Sunday the 30th of January, BBQ lunch at TBC location, most likely Bundoora Park. That works really well for us Bendigonians too because Bundoora is not hard to get to :) So, we're a bit tight on the cash so no chicken skewers from our end, what if we bring bread and salad? We are having our housewarming here the night before so if we've got anything good leftover to bring we'll bring that too ;)
  11. That's fair enough - one of the suggestions on the first page was to do a picnic in the park type thing :) But you guys know Melbourne so I'll leave it to people that'd know a nice park to go to. Bundoora Park is a nice one, easy enough to get to, and has a nice lookout with a reasonable size carpark we could all get some great photos at if the weather is good. Has BBQ facilities as well. Sounds good to me!!
  12. That's fair enough - one of the suggestions on the first page was to do a picnic in the park type thing :) But you guys know Melbourne so I'll leave it to people that'd know a nice park to go to.
  13. Hmm... Probably a bit late for me, wouldn't really be down there for long before turning around to head back home again so it wouldn't be worth the trip.
  14. Okay well seeings it was Peter doing the beginning organising I think he should have a say in what we end up doing. For what its worth because there will be 3 of us coming from Bendigo a day time meet would be great, say like midday for lunch, that way we could leave around 3 or 4pm and not get home too late. I don't mind the drive but if we're going to be in the city or out the other side its a 4 hour drive or more there and back. Is the JDMST meet taking place during the day or night? Because if its late arvo/night then its definitely out for me, especially on a Sunday. Personally I'd rather do our own thing because like I said a fair few of the JDMST weren't really that welcoming and were only interested in the cars that had owners who had invested a lot of money. Don't get me wrong there were a lot of nice guys too but they didn't really introduce themselves or chat much like we do with each other. I reckon a lunch somewhere we can catch up and chat would be awesome and maybe a short drive to a nice location for photos - there's still time to organise a BBQ but there's a bit of work to do that so there were a couple of restaurants suggested, lets pick one of those maybe? Sorry to sound like the typical bossy woman () but I'm really looking forward to catching up with you all again and there'll be a couple of new faces along, so something easy and low key would be great, and maybe we can combine the meet with JDMST another time.
  15. Well both myself and Barb are female and we'll have our cars, plus quite a few of the guys bring their girlfriends along. Plus all the boys are pussycats I don't really mind combining but the one JDMST meet I went to was pretty segregated even though there were a few of us there, didn't really feel that friendly like our meets.
  16. is searching for a nice chrome Sportivo badge, anyone know any good sites for a reasonable price?

    1. Tash


      It's for the Camry - in place of the standard sort of hyper silver/plastic looking Sportivo badge.

  17. Hahah well the profile pic is the problem - if she tries to edit anything on her profile it tells her that she's not authorised to do so. So we need to e-mail Steve and find out. No worries on the maybe, as long as you come to the cruise up our way its all good lol
  18. Cool, I know the IGA but not sure about the golf club, but I'm sure I could find it! :)
  19. I'm seeing a mini convoy happening :D Any of the options sound great Pete, count Barb and I in as well for the 30th :) Must admit the steamboat in the city sounds interesting. Not so keen on the Peking duck idea being a fussy eater, but guessing there are plenty of other menu choices? Well if you's go down we may as well meet up somewhere and form a "convoy" :D Done! Given you're out in Maiden Gully pick somewhere out your way to meet up and we can head out via the Calder Alternate ;)
  20. I'm seeing a mini convoy happening :D Any of the options sound great Pete, count Barb and I in as well for the 30th :) Must admit the steamboat in the city sounds interesting. Not so keen on the Peking duck idea being a fussy eater, but guessing there are plenty of other menu choices?
  21. Pretty sure I'll spot you one of these days (even if it's pre-arranged) Heheheh, nothing wrong with that!! I have been keeping my eyes open for your car too, no joy so far :( That will be my good self! It's about time someone spotted me haha. What the hell were you doing on that road man? I only spotted you for like 2 seconds as we both went past each other at 100KM/h! I had a good feeling it was you too which is why I posted it here. But what a random spot that was in middle of no where outside of melb. I'm too good B) . Who were all the passengers? If you spotted the car at around late Sunday night (8:00pm-8:30pm or so). Tash would have been in the car as well as her friend. :) Kinda counts as me being spotted if that was the case lol
  22. Yep - if you click on your username and go to your profile, there are two tabs "Topics" and "Posts", its all there.
  23. is feeling pretty sleepy.. Come on 5pm and home time!

  24. Awesome! Photoshoot soon! :D Stop being cryptic you lot and lock in some details I want to know what we're doing! Heheheh
  25. I'd say that'd be Nathan (Tofuboi) - he lives in Sunbury and takes a bit of a back way home from work every day. don't think i will see you unless you come down here to melb-i never go to bendigo. Well you'll just have to come to the next meet
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