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Everything posted by Tash

  1. Wow - those pictures are amazing. What a machine, I am definitely going to have to read up on the LFA :D It's nice to dream of owning one too
  2. The rims do look excellent - congrats on the buy! Loving the tail lights as well :D Overall a very nice package, please keep the updates and piccies coming :)
  3. Hahahah!! Poor old lady :( At least you got out and helped her though - what a laugh though! Looking great so far and red is definitely a head turner :) Best of luck working out the future plans!
  4. Pretty much all confirmed Peter - we went for another run the other weekend and unfortunately one road is a bit damaged, so we'll go for another run right before the weekend just to check it out but there is an alternative way we can go :) Basically meet us at Kyneton VicRoads at 10:30am (maps on the first page of the thread :)) and we'll take care of the rest! We'll try and put together a map for you all too. Lunch will be followed by a jaunt to various locations for more photos for those interested in sticking around too ;)
  5. Hey Daniel and welcome :) Looking forward to seeing the piccies of the new wheels and 'zorst :D
  6. Glad to see its all coming along Duy - sorry about the rims :( But I'm sure the car will be back as good as new :D See you again at the end of the month!
  7. Oi!!! I was there last year and I'm from Vic :P You forgetful scamp! And I'll be there again this year - can't wait!! Looks like its all starting to take shape which is good :D
  8. They probably can't hear us over all the noise created by their clinking Cafe Latte and English Breakfast Tea cups... Hahah - I better not be included in that category!! I've got free accommodation up there as we'll be staying with Barb's brother, I forget which suburb of Brisbane. But I figure seeings we're up there early it shouldn't be too difficult to get to places and learn where they are for later in the week. Quite happy to help out wherever I can as well if needed :)
  9. Hey Michael, welcome aboard :) All the best for the Hilux, I'm sure this forum and other Google searches will have plenty of inspiration and ideas for you :D
  10. Very nice looking Aurion!! The clear tails do look nice at night - they're certainly interesting and they do work on the Silver. That is an interesting cut out for the towbar and looks like there should be some kind of plug there as you mentioned. Good luck hunting for rims, takes us all a while so don't worry - just take your time until you find the right set :D Great work on all the LED's though, can I ask what bulbs you used and where you sourced them from?? :)
  11. Poor Aurion :( Maybe we should put something on DOTEE's windscreen?? :D That and the green Camry Sportivo that is stalking me. It's stock as a rock too but they have a sunroof so I am jealous
  12. Hooray for another Camry! :D Congrats on the first car and enjoy - lots of things you can do to it!
  13. You've gotta help me drum up some more attendees ;)
  14. Just for lulz - Spotted: DOTEE again rofl! Black Corolla Ascent with pink personalised plates. This time I was going out to Kangaroo Flat on High Street and she was coming in towards town. I think she is stalking me
  15. Definitely looks like it'd be more than worthwhile heading to Melbourne for this :D Can you please explain what the different passes entitle you to, or is that information somewhere on the site as well?? And as benji has said, are you buying a pass just for one day, and you can attend any one of the shows on that day, and spend the rest of the day wandering around the festival?
  16. Those meet details sound good to me Silvabullit - coming from Vic myself and Barb will be up there on the Monday or Tuesday as we're making a holiday out of it, so a go karting session on the Sunday would be good and we can start our trip back on either the Monday or Tuesday afterwards. As long as the $80 for the go karting gets you some decent time on the track I'd say everyone will be more than happy and its always great fun :D A Friday night meet would be very good, I know I'll be devoting the daylight hours to cleaning the car, then Saturday morning another spruce up after going on the Friday night run before the Show N Shine in the afternoon, but that's just my plans :) Dinner on Saturday night would be really nice as would seeing the CBD, I haven't been to Brisbane for several years so it'd be great to do some sight seeing.
  17. Nothing wrong with photo spamming your car! Must admit I love taking all sorts of piccies of mine too :D The Canon takes very nice pics indeed! Very nice RColt you have there, it looks great in silver :) Any immediate plans?
  18. Didn't think old sexists were still around in IT - there are people here replacing parts in a printer, not only have I been told I'm questioning their repairs but I've also been referred to as "the lady". WTF? I have 2 damn degrees and know a broken printer when I see one!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 1stKill


      got the extended wty...so should be ok for at least 3yrs

    3. Tash


      Hahahah excellent :)

    4. Foss


      A good HP? Never heard of it!

  19. Wow is all I can say to this thread - it all just looks amazing and I bet it'd have some decent toe :D If I ever travel up to Sydney again I've gotta see this in person! Please keep the piccies coming
  20. Hahahah nice! Good sized area to fit all the 'rollas
  21. Great pics there - please say thanks to Joel and Di :) You should make them ride shotgun with you to take some pictures at the Feb meet!
  22. I've got "SPTVOH" on mine - couldn't get SPTIVO (and in Vic if I had of used a 0 instead it would have put a diamond separator so it would have been SPTIV.0, very stupid!). The car is a Camry Sportivo so the idea is kind of "Sportiv-oh!" :) I thought it would be pretty obvious but I've actually had a couple of Toyota dealerships ask me what it means.. <_< My gran first asked me "Spit voh?? What does that mean?" but now I've explained them to her she explains them to everyone else
  23. Cheers Mick that would be fabulous :D Could you bring them along to the Feb meet for me? Sure you don't want anything for them?
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