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Everything posted by Tash

  1. Can't say I've ever heard of this problem, mine did have a boot leak running down to the spare wheel well but that was the result of a poor repair job (looooooooooooooooong story) that I didn't know about when I bought the car. It was coming in under the tail light because of the bumper. I have heard a couple of members with Aurions mention leaks but again, its the result of something else happening to the rear end. I wouldn't worry about it if you're not getting any leaks, like the saying goes - why fix what isn't broken? Commonly my guess is it would be the grommets and seals and that these can be replaced under warranty, but again, only if there is a real problem.
  2. Tash

    Little Rants

    On the topic, this isn't my rant, but my dad's. He works on servers and he always hates how a company is willing to take their core business server down during work hours, but the email server can only be shut down after hours. wtf, the email server has stuff all purpose, use the phone. Hahah! I would completely agree with that one, although much the same logic applies here - if e-mail is down here we never hear the end of it (which locally we can do jack about, its Melb's problem) but then they're quite happy when the systems they actually need to use to get real work done go down. I don't think many know how to use the phone anymore!
  3. Tash

    Little Rants

    Here's one that drives me up the wall - okay yes, my job in IT involves helpdesk BUT! I am sooooooo sick of getting the whole "my computer's frozen, what do I do?". Does it seriously not occur to people to do a simple reboot? The scary part is that these people work for our state government and I have also been asked why the screen is black (computer is not on), where does a CD go, how do I use USB, how do I turn the computer off and the list goes on And of course all of these issues are the highest priority and their world will end if I don't attend to them straightaway. Oh and I love the one about "my computer is slow fix it". What do they expect when the govt orders PC's that cost sub $1000 including a 22" widescreen monitor?? That and majority of our apps are online over an absolutely terrible link. The icing on the cake for a sucky week last week was when on Friday a worker complained of getting multiple delivery failure reports when sending an e-mail - they were attempting to send it to the www address.... <_< Seriously, FML sometimes lol
  4. Cheers for the replies :) Daryl - I know exactly what you mean, especially as a daily driver. Will have to look out for that Sonax stuff, and I like the Chux idea too to get in and clean behind the wheels.
  5. Hmm oh dear... mine is no good then, although very comparable with quite a few other members. Will have to do some editing then! Edit: Who's good at resizing? If I do the crop to size in photoshop I can't get the whole car in, and resizing the image just squashes it.
  6. So I was having a look through our Show n Shine section and noticed there was no thread on wheel/tyre cleaning!! I'm always wanting to learn new things about detailing and my wheels are annoying me lately - I just can't seem to find a product that really brings out the shine. Because mine are part matte black/part 'chrome' (more like painting the bare alloy) I find it really difficult to get something that works. If I use chrome polish those bits look great but the black bits don't. The other big problem I have is that "hazing", like lines through the chrome even though I buff/wipe everything off. I did wash them today with Meg's Ultimate Wash and Wax and they have come up much cleaner but still a little dull. So far I haven't strayed from Meg's/Mothers - I find Meg's Non Acid wheel cleaner to work pretty well but it doesn't last long. As for tyres, I really like Polyglaze's Tyre Shine for when I'm being lazy/in a hurry, gives pretty good results for $7 a can. Although I have picked up Meg's Endurance tyre gel and I must say its fantastic, just apply it with a brush or those foam pads shaped to fit the tyre. It lasts for quite a while, and I haven't tried applying two coats yet like it suggests on the bottle for higher gloss.
  7. Finally picked up some Meg's Ultimate Wash and Wax today - have been meaning to try it ever since that great write-up Davo did on it. Whilst I can't wash the whole car here due to water restrictions I used it on the front end today to scrub off all the bugs/grime the car wash just didn't get. Must say I love it, whilst its 'sudsy' in the bucket it doesn't leave soap residue all over your car, and it has a great gloss afterwards. I'd love to do the whole car in it, better take it back North East so I can try it out lol Was getting plenty of weird looks this morning sitting there washing with a bucket!! Also picked up Meg's new glass cloth, green in colour, and its great too - it says "no grab" formula on the packaging and thats definitely true, wiped the product off (Meg's No Smear Glass Cleaner, cos I can use it on my tinted windows) with minimum fuss and left a clean streak free window. So I've very much been continuing my love affair with Meg's products lol Waiting for a sunny weekend now after I move so I can clay the car again. P.S Pete, the 'rolla is looking very nice! :D
  8. is thinking there must have been a fire sale on trolls... Awful lot around here lately!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johnnieboi


      36posts in one day.. epic

    3. SuperDave


      they provide some entertainment though

    4. Tash


      Hahah true Dave - got a good giggle out of the diesel thread! And they are most definitely turbo powered Pete..

  9. Ah well poor you... I'd say she's actually the winner out of that deal..
  10. Hi there - are we limited to just ordering 'kits' or could we put together say double packs of just Showtime? I'm not speaking for everyone but I know that for a lot of these packs I have most of it i.e. I've got all the microfibre clothes, I've still got good clay bars etc so its only the actual product I need. I'd be particularly interested in: Double packs of Showtime Double packs of Step 2 Sealer and Glaze (as I already have plenty of wax and use other paint correction products) The power cone (was there a mini version I've seen as well?)
  11. Tash


    I think this grouping should really just be changed to ungrateful people - so then we can lump in quite a lot of other types. The problem seems to be lately those few bad apples who spoil it for all by thinking (and voicing) that they are entitled to whatever they want by doing zilch. There are plenty of examples of this, and one of my pet hates is the fact that I would have earnt more money on the dole than I did working two part-time jobs to put myself through uni. And of course the argument that I get in response to that is the potential I have to earn lots of money now but its just not that kind of perfect world - I didn't walk out of uni into a $100,000 a year job. I must admit though that I try to avoid the shops on Pension/Centrelink payment days simply because I know there will be those handful of 'ferals' lol
  12. Great pictures everyone, what a day of absolutely gorgeous cars :D
  13. Well I'm in no major hurry so please keep me in mind if you do decide to sell :) I'm primarily looking at something that is basic enough for me to use but is going to apply more pressure, the main thing I have in mind is addressing swirl marks, I just can't seem to get them out with elbow grease alone.. Thanks for the suggestion on Porta Cable, I have heard that mentioned so will give it a look, and thanks for that link too Mole, I will keep that in mind :)
  14. Hey - would you have a piccy of the Thai sports grille? I'm pretty sure I know the one you speak of just want to confirm. How much would you want for it and could you post to regional Vic?? I have a Gen 6 Camry and know they aren't a direct fit but am thinking of doing a bit of DIY..
  15. Well that's understandable but disappointing nevertheless - we really do miss out on a lot of good things here in Oz.. Is the one you got from England the right voltage?? I have been thinking of importing one from the US but just worried about how would I use it, given its 110 volts.
  16. Fantastic BBQ at Albert Park today, massive thanks to all involved :) See you all again next meet!

  17. Not long back to Bendigo - after the rain being nice enough to stop at Albert Park I copped it on the way back!! Big thanks to Duy and Johnnie for organising and getting there early this morning, as well as all contributors inc Lee, Matt and Barb (aka Slave ) and other helpers who are no doubt eluding me right now! Great to meet some new faces too as well as catch up with the usual :) And not to mention the effort Pete, Charlie, John & Pete made to get here Can't wait to see some awesome photography :D Definitely keen for another catch-up before X-mas, even just a catch-up like today would be awesome :)
  18. Drizzling here all day but so what, even if it does drizzle tomorrow there's still great company to be had as well as awesome fun :D Very much looking forward to it and have had Barb busy making the chicken skewers hahaha Glad I washed the car last weekend and not this otherwise I'd be majorly ticked off lol Nathan, if you don't take the Camry as Plan B then Plan C will be me detouring to Sunbury via Gisborne :P
  19. Hahah yes, yes she did :P Remember to bring a chair! Thanks for posting that version of the map too Duy - I can put Clarendon St in the GPS as a cross street or something I think.. Better print it off lol
  20. Damn that sucks - I'm trying to remember the name of the bloke who sourced the Meg's brushes/bag for me in Victoria. Best of luck getting it from England Dutchie!
  21. +1 to this - I'd love to own one! Although they now have a Version 2 out in the states, so I'm not sure if its hit here yet or not. Have been thinking of e-mailing/calling the Victorian Meguiars rep. Or does anyone know if there'd be a way to use the American version with some kind of adaptor for the voltage??
  22. Sounds good - we'll have an esky with the chicken kebabs in so they make the trip down :) And probably a small cooler bag with some drinks in. BYO deck chairs is a great idea too, I have one and Barb will have to find her own lol Is there anything else that we need?? Have you got things like plates/cutlery/napkins etc sorted? yep yep, we got all that stuff sorted. worse comes worse, we can always shoot down to the shops. Awesome :D Just thought I better do the usual womanly nitpicking hahahahaha There's one of those Campbell's Cash & Carry cheap places here too so if you want me to get anything like chips I can too. Really looking forward to it! Aiming to leave Bendigo at 8am, go via Gisborne (where Barb is living atm) then head to Albert Park so that should put me there hopefully a bit before 10am.
  23. Sounds good - we'll have an esky with the chicken kebabs in so they make the trip down :) And probably a small cooler bag with some drinks in. BYO deck chairs is a great idea too, I have one and Barb will have to find her own lol Is there anything else that we need?? Have you got things like plates/cutlery/napkins etc sorted?
  24. So, yet another Toyota recall out altho looks like US only again. Can't find much about it other than Sunrise reporting it this morning.

    1. 69.NIX


      This is because the yanks can't build cars

    2. private number
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