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Everything posted by Tash

  1. There will be no hiding at the back of the pack now :P but you did mention it needs a tune. see ya there mate :) Hahah +1 to this - it'll be great to see the Rexy again too :) Looking forward to this more and more the closer it gets! Cheers for chucking up the details again Andy, need to get to Lilydale Lake from Langwarrin so guess we better leave early (will be down in Melb pretty much the whole weekend, shopping, Titanic exhibition etc). My principal photographer Barb will be along for the ride again so there's two of us for lunch, am keen on checking out this pub :D Plus I'll make her hang out the window again and take more photos hahaha Lol and just in case any of you were wondering I am most definitely straight (probably the one thing I gleaned from Sexpo a few years back) - there was some interesting and very funny innuendo mentioned at the Dandenong meet about my partner not being with me! lol Tash. Even if you were inclined that way... its all good. I will give you this +1 Johnnie...as long as your thoughts are clean and above board. Lol! Cheers guys So glad it's on next weekend, hoping this weekend to get some more sunshine/no rain so I can clay, polish & wax before coming along :D
  2. Cheers for the replies guys - the fly wire idea is certainly an interesting one. Thanks for the note about the grille too Reece, my hands are small but I don't think that flexible! I will ignore the sneaky comment :P Looks like I'm heading out to Bunnings on the weekend then, after I clean the car heheh Jap, I have definitely thought about getting a car bra before (put a fair bit of thought into it before heading up to Sydney for the TOCAU annual meet) but the cost is somewhat prohibitive for me at the moment, I have been quoted between $400-500 to get one made. I'm a tight **** you see lol, esp when that money should probably be put towards paying off my wheels I'd like to get one in future though I think.
  3. G'day and welcome! If you're free you should come to our next Melbourne meet - its on the 26th of September, meeting at 10am at Lilydale Lake. It's a great friendly crowd and we're heading to Noojee Pub for lunch :D Check it out in the Upcoming Meets forum :) All the best for you and your Camry!
  4. Hahahaha, it's taken me around $15k to get the 'All New Camry Sportivo' to actually be what Toyota IMO, should have made it. No offence taken, the Camry has a street credit rating of approximately 3/10 of bugger all. Totally agree - although its quite sad really I must admit though after driving around a boring Gen 6 Altise I was sooooooooo happy to get back into the Sportivo, its like 100 times better. It scares me though that I need to win tattslotto to give it some street cred lol But then again, that's not the main reason I bought it, though I am certainly happy it turns heads, though I think thats mostly to do with the colour and more recently the wheels.
  5. Oh Daryl I feel your pain - I remember that picture!! F'in locusts! I've got no idea what I'm going to use to cover the back of the grille though.
  6. Heheh fair enough - you would be pretty over it after that volume every day! The bike would be a lot quicker too lol
  7. +1 to Lee's reply - plus I guess think about even if you had an at fault accident and had to pay say $950 excess, that's a lot better than what might be a potential $2000-3000 repair or worse still, much more than that if the car was a write off. I love the peace of mind full comp gives me, the Camry is around $96 a month (would be cheaper if I could have paid it all up front) with AAMI and its great, all my extras are covered, I have an agreed value that I'm happy with and anyone who drives my car is covered. I know a lot of people give the old line "I've never had anything happen" but its that little gremlin of what if; I know I certainly don't trust many of the other road users when it comes to my car not to mention what mother nature might do!
  8. There will be no hiding at the back of the pack now :P but you did mention it needs a tune. see ya there mate :) Hahah +1 to this - it'll be great to see the Rexy again too :) Looking forward to this more and more the closer it gets! Cheers for chucking up the details again Andy, need to get to Lilydale Lake from Langwarrin so guess we better leave early (will be down in Melb pretty much the whole weekend, shopping, Titanic exhibition etc). My principal photographer Barb will be along for the ride again so there's two of us for lunch, am keen on checking out this pub :D Plus I'll make her hang out the window again and take more photos hahaha Lol and just in case any of you were wondering I am most definitely straight (probably the one thing I gleaned from Sexpo a few years back) - there was some interesting and very funny innuendo mentioned at the Dandenong meet about my partner not being with me!
  9. Hahah you should have kept it Akuma! To keep reviving an old thread too, Eclipse actually have a good range of head units to suit the Gen 6 (double din at least) and they make the exact fascia surrounding for it so it'll all be flush again - I am not 100% on it but even if you went for another brand as long as the dimensions were pretty much the same the fascia should match. One of the benefits of Toyota still using some Fujitsu Ten stuff and Eclipse being the sister to that :) (think I've got that right!) I've been eyeing off the $1500 eclipse unit for quite some time heheheh
  10. And the bonus with an auto upholsterer too is a better choice of materials/colours - I certainly know that the one here in Bendigo offers quite a large amount of choice within the same price range. So you're not stuck with boring grey again if you don't want it, although I guess that's what matches the dash and seats. Unfortunately a sagging roof liner is quite a common problem with the Camry, especially as they get on in years. If you plan on keeping it for a while longer best to do a good job on it, whether that means paying someone to do it or doing a really good job yourself.
  11. Howdy all :) Down here in Vic and I'm guessing probably most of the other states we are expecting an epic locust plague again, ugh! Given last year's epidemic when locusts were in my grille, engine bay, fog lights and in between the spokes of my alloy wheels I am a bit concerned as they are predicting this year will be even worse, lucky us. Now, I have seen those ugly horror DIY jobs of a bit of mesh/shade cloth basically taped on the front or wrapped around really poorly and I'm after something a bit more sophisticated than that. So I guess firstly, I need to take the grille out (need to investigate the Camry manual on where the screws are, should do it this weekend anyway as its really faded and marred by old wax so it needs a good clean) and then figure out what would be the best material to use and how to attach it to the back of the grille where it will be essentially out of sight. Because it's that stupid honeycomb shaped grille (I wish I could get the fine mesh grille like the Aurions can!) basically the locusts can get sucked straight through it to their impending doom. Any others planning on some kind of protection or I am I just too anal-retentive when it comes to my cars cleanliness lol
  12. Hey Cheetah, I can't give you a definitive answer other than to say I have seen a handful of Camry's getting around with similar gear; there is a CFA car here in Bendigo with a fog light arrangement like that coming out of the grille and I've seen a fair few with the sets of two spotters. I wonder if getting in touch with an engineer would be of any benefit?
  13. Hahah well I came back from Phillip Island on the weekend and man was I confused travelling along! After the tunnel you now have to get off this new exit so I could go back up and over the bridge to get onto the Tulla again - was very weird seeing the bridge up ahead but veering off! Poor GPS had no idea what I was doing hahaha So I'm not sure about this exit numbering but guess I'll give it a go (I noticed on top of the signs it had W4/W3 as well for Bendigo); the main problem with freeway signage is as you say Lee you're going at 100km/h and often you could miss a sign, in Melbourne in a lot of places there is hardly sufficient warning for what exit is coming up next and more often then not you're stuck in the wrong lane.
  14. Ahh now there's a thought!! Cos I saw some VY's driving around after work tonight too and its damn close to their front bar but there's also something VT/VX about it. May I ask islander, why exactly are you collecting bumpers?
  15. Hahah I feel quite offended as a Gen 6 owner :P But I would totally agree with what has been said - though the manual gearbox makes for a MASSIVE improvement. I can finally say that with confidence having been driving an automatic Gen 6 Altise as a loan car whilst mine is getting some minor repair work (stems back to before I bought the car). I have a lot of fun in the Gen 6; I should have made the effort for more time and taken you for a drive Andrew/given you a drive. Plus as has been said it looks totally hot :D I would of course love more power but it suits my needs and it was what I could find in a manual. I'd also say that just the front strut bar has made a great difference in the handling stakes, nowhere near as boat-y. I did adore the Gen 3 I owned as well, and I would 100% agree with the earlier comments made on build quality and reliability, that thing was unstoppable. And actually quite an attractive car as well compared with others of its generation. I haven't driven a Gen 5 (only been a passenger of a few) so I can't really comment too much on its handling, although I'd probably put its 4 cyl Altise variant on par with the Gen 6 Altise variant.
  16. Hahah, fair point!! You can blame me though cos I started it I guess.. whoops! Ahh well I was looking at a VY as well out in the car park outside hence my guess. It doesn't look aggressive enough to be off a Clubsport Commy but it definitely looks like a Commodore's front end to me. Someone hurry up and identify it and put me out of my misery lol
  17. Hahah now now - could have been the infamous Camry rival, the Magna! I didn't realise they were so square looking, certainly gives you a different perspective on the look of them when its off the car. If I were to hazard a guess at the white one in the background I am thinking a VY commodore due to the cut out at the bottom and the 'rounded' fog light holes.
  18. Excellent write-up Andrew, very very handy indeed! Its great to know even from a general perspective and has helped improve my knowledge a little bit more :D
  19. I'm looking forward to this too and Aurora will be sporting most of a new rear end - looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story! Can explain in person :) Have we locked in any further details yet?? Exact meet-up location/cruise route etc Plus that sucks Nathan but I totally understand, am hoping I will be feeling at peace with my car shortly lol
  20. Hahah oh shivers!! I'm still looking for a way though to clean my wheel guards effectively, I just can't get them black again... There is plenty of advice around and quite a few other Gen 5 owners (as well as Camry owners in general); the search function is incredibly helpful as is a general trawl through the Camry board. All the best for you and your Camry! :D
  21. I know its sad :( luckily mine was under the new car (extended) warranty so it didnt cost me. :) The quotes i got for the alternators were over $500. When i got mine changed, the Service advisor said its a common issue with both Gen 5 and Gen 6 Camry. On that note i have not heard anyone complain about the alternator on the Gen 6 Camry. Hmm well that's interesting then, I will have to keep that in the back of my mind :) That said I haven't heard of any other Gen 6 owners complaining of that but I don't really know that many either. But I suppose if that's one of the worst things that can go wrong then it's not too bad, despite the cost!
  22. Looking great Adam! Love that GTP kit :D :D :D As for a spoiler... hmm... I do like them, have you considered maybe a lip spoiler? Good job on all the mod work too, lucky Trent hasn't gotten to me bahahahah Good luck with the projector retro fit, I'd love to see how that turns out! And go the K&N, I bet you will :P
  23. Another interesting point to add - before the Gen 6 I had a Gen 3 Camry and I had a problem with the alternator, I would get the light come up on the dash but wouldn't have any other problems, and the car would always start first time every time. It actually turned out to be the switch inside the alternator causing the problem, rather than the alternator itself. And that was sub $100 to fix, my mechanics sourced the switch from a wreckers and popped it in, problem solved. Pity there are so many reports of that trouble with the Gen 5 though, it's pretty disappointing :( Am hoping they fixed the problem in the Gen 6!! :)
  24. Only thing I have to add to that is how dirty are the pads/calipers?? Cos a general build up of dust/dirt/crud can also cause the whistling/squealing effect, although that's more prolonged so if its going away its probably as the others suggest. Still, a good clean under there probably wouldn't hurt either!
  25. Hi Jamie, no sorry I haven't - can you be a bit more specific? Are you sure it's the muffler? What is the noise like? I've got a Sportivo and mine's as quiet as mouse, going to have the muffler replaced in the near future (was going to do dual but can't be bothered with all the fabrication and doing new headers) for a better sound as the ACV40R has quite a nice note and good rev range its just there's not much there in terms of sound and if you give it a bit it just sounds like it is having the crap revved out of it lol (IMO the engine sounds nicer than the stock exhaust). In fact my boss's scooter makes more noise on idle than my Camry hahah
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