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Everything posted by Tash

  1. Great recon run and info guys :) Sorry but I won't be able to make it - got a party on the Saturday night and there's no way I'm going to be in any condition to drive the next day, plus it'll be nigh on impossible to get down there to meet you all. If I was closer to Melbourne I would have made it work but yeah.. Plus there's no one to share the driving with me as no one else here can drive a manual <_< - I just don't think I've got a 10 hour drive in a day in me by the time I count the trip to Bendigo and back then the whole length of the GOR. Next time!
  2. Well thank you both for answering my blonde moment :) Although that is pretty confusing!! Currently my range reckons I've got 87km left and the needle is getting closer to the empty mark, so in effect I've probably got more like 150km left to travel. Was so much simpler in the old Gen 3 when empty meant empty!!
  3. Cheers for the replies everyone - it confirms what I had going around in my head; it just didn't really seem natural I guess to get less km out of a tank of premium than it did a tank of unleaded. But Daryl you've helped put that into perspective for me a lot, especially in regards to the freeway driving; I guess I would be seeing a lot more benefit to it say in a cruise/country road scenario with a lot of speed variation etc and as you said Andrew the cleaning benefits out of it. Thanks too for the instructions on resetting it if need be :) The car is due for a service as well which is my next problem - finding a reputable mechanic in Bendigo! Think I will just go back to 91 unleaded, let this last bit out - so Daryl that was interesting to note about the fuel tank, so effectively when the fuel empty light comes on, it's telling you that you have about 10 litres of petrol left? The empty light came on whilst I was in Sydney running 98 and reckoned I only had 50km to travel.. Very interesting about the muffler change Reece - although was that a hint for me?? Hahaha - if so, I'm getting there :)
  4. Hi all, this may sound like a strange ask for a newer car, I don't know - but does anyone know how to go about resetting the ECU? And is it something that can be done easily or does it require dealer intervention?? The reason I ask is because of absolutely woeful fuel economy (in my eyes) on 98 premium of all things, a couple of people have suggested maybe the ECU doesn't know what to do with it?? On the way up to Sydney, I used regular unleaded, so I filled up again in Lavington which was around 540-550km from Sydney and when I got there I still had more than a quarter of a tank left, so with a 70 litre fuel tank that was roughly 20 litres left (a quarter being 17.5). On the way back, I persisted with the premium (which I used on the cruise as well - and was very unimpressed, it sucked through the fuel like an absolute demon) and got the same 540 odd kilometres to 45.19 litres, again stopping in Lavington, at the exact same place, to fuel up again. Shouldn't premium save me a lot more? Now I'm no good at math's so someone please feel free to do the calculations for me. After I filled up, I got to Bright (less than 100km), Stanley and back to Bright (about 70km) and back to Bendigo (300km), so around 500km and when I got back to Bendigo my fuel gauge only read I had 1/4 of a tank left. Now it has me really curious cos I thought my fuel economy should be A LOT better - the digital display on the dash was reading fuel consumption at like 7.6lt most of the time, but if I do the calculations thats not what I'm coming up with. And you can't put 45 litres into a tank if there isn't room to fit it... I have checked the car briefly too and I cannot see anything leaking either. So far, I have gotten better k's using regular unleaded. Any suggestions anyone? Not sure whether it is worth running fuel injector cleaner through the car as well, or whether the 4th tank of 98 premium might be better??
  5. Well I've made it back to Victoria :) Not back home yet, am in Bright with family, but it feels great to be 'home' hahaha I had an absolute blast and it was great to finally meet a lot of you :D I will get my piccies sorted out when I'm back in Bendigo ;)
  6. Well what a weekend! Must say I am glad for a sleep in and lazy day today heheheh Cruise was great (except for the little friend right up my back end thru all those nasty corners) and I loved the view at Kiama, just beautiful! End of the cruise was a bit disappointing and I'm pretty ****** off with what happened to the QLD boys; can't really comment tho as I enjoyed a good highway/freeway run back to Syd and that was certainly long enough! Was absolutely stuffed after it all, so thank god for the sleep in today heheh Bring on Brisbane next year! :D Am hoping I will be able to make it along, certainly got plenty of time to plan it
  7. Great day today!! And beautiful sunshine as well It was brilliant to see such a great turn out and everyone was fantastic, lovely to meet some more new faces and keep chatting to others :) Big congrats to all the prize winners as well, gives me standards to aspire to And an excuse to drive to Brisbane next year lol(hopefully!) Special thanks also to Mish, Mark and Pete for putting it all together, it all went off without a hitch :D And of course the sponsors, was great to talk to the mother's rep in person and the Castrol guys were great as well. I've got photos on the laptop now but Photobucket is being stupid so don't think I'll get them up until later on, will try for tomorrow/monday but might just do a bulk upload when I'm back in Victoria Tuesday night. Looking forward to everyone's piccies!! See you all again tonight at Hooters :D
  8. Hooray, congrats guys :D Even more interstaters hehe, don't feel so 'alone' now! Catch up with you later tonight :) Oh also I forgot to add earlier, for people attending tomorrow please be patient, I'll be helping out to direct cars to parking, looks like to fit us all in we will need to park close-ish together, and there will be no doors open to fit everyone in - windows will be wound down instead. So please be patient with us in the morning and take it easy and we will get all the cars in with minimum fuss :)
  9. It say 8PM Tash on the first post? I know - I'm confused too!! The booklets have 7pm on them... I'd say probably stick with 8pm then :) I know at any rate I will be there around 8ish (maybe a tad before) and gone at 9, am getting driven around lol
  10. Hey all - very close now!! :D Busted my boiler today too cleaning the Camry so it's all shiny, although it'll no doubt need a lightning fast go over in the morning :) Looking forward to catching up with peeps tonight :D Just a reminder with time and location: Mini meet tonight, 7pm @ Villawood Bunnings, Cnr of Tangerine St and Villawood Rd :) Probably followed up by a visit to Pancakes on the Rocks. There is a limited number of booklets available with the weekends events, preference is for interstaters to receive one first followed by the Sydneysiders. I'll try and get Pete to put a copy online somewhere to download if he hasn't already :) I'll have to ask him what the meeting point is for the cruise, the booklet says something about Bankstown Air and the first step is to head north-west on Perimeter Rd, but not being a local I don't know where that is
  11. Hahahaha - you'd wanna be sorry Nah, they are a beautiful car and if I wasn't in a manual I'd be in one of these :D Too attached to my manual now heheh But you're right, it has great pick-up when you put your foot down, and its so quiet!
  12. I'm certainly no mechanic or expert but maybe a good injector clean out and perhaps new spark plugs would be worth investigating? The tyre pressure also sounds a tad low to me, I would be up around more like 34/36 PSI, especially if you're doing regular freeway trips. If you trust the mechanic you've mentioned it might be worth getting him to have a closer look at it, although I'm not that alarmed by your fuel consumption though it does fluctuate a bit, I don't think you're ever going to average a consistent 7 litres/100k all the time. Even in my Gen 6 Camry I've got fluctuating fuel consumption, anywhere between mid 7's to mid 12's.
  13. Ouch Andrew :( I had this problem in my last Camry (1995 Csi) and it was actually the switch inside the alternator causing the problem, not the whole alternator itself. But as the above replies suggest you'd definitely look at the alternator as being the culprit!
  14. Guni, Let me know, i'm free all day friday. Just name the flight and time and i'll be there :) Cheers Petey. Appreciate it. Heheh - if you arrive earlier it's another set of hands to help us clean our cars! :D Always a pleasure Tash Heheh cheers Guni ;) I will probably tag along for the airport run anyway - good way to see more :) Trent, I think that's a really wise decision :) You'll have to gear up for the 2011 meet, the boosted Cam will be more than ready then :D Will still be fantastic to meet you & Nic in person.
  15. Guni, Let me know, i'm free all day friday. Just name the flight and time and i'll be there :) Heheh - if you arrive earlier it's another set of hands to help us clean our cars! :D Mish, don't worry about the weather, it will be fine! Positive thoughts :) And Daryl, that sucks so bad about the damage to Aimee, but please please please don't get it redone by the touch-up repair guys, you will never forgive yourself if they don't do the work properly and it'll no doubt affect the insurance claim. Make them pay the excess and get it repaired properly :) As you say, now you can put the camera up front! Really really looking forward to it all, love what I've seen of Sydney so far Although too hectic a place for me to live lol
  16. I'd say so! Although if you're heading back on the Tuesday (the 15th) I can join you for a bit of the way :) Around this time tomorrow, although probably a little later, I will be in Sydney! :D Just going to take my time and enjoy the drive up there :)
  17. Some very useful info here - am going to have to check out those websites referred to above when I have a bit more time :D Perhaps we should try and get a group buy together if you need to buy in bulk quantities to get it shipped here?
  18. Tash

    New Camry

    No worries :) I come along to most of the meets in Melbourne (next one is Great Ocean Rd cruise in July) so can always catch up there too. When I was looking around for mine there were 3 in Melbourne at the time so I'm guessing that might still be about the case, I unearthed a few on carsales.com.au but some of them were right on the other side of the city.
  19. Congrats on the purchase!! I've driven the Hybrid Camry a couple of times at work and it is a beautiful car :D Be sure to keep us up to date with plenty of pictures :)
  20. Oh no Lee!!! :( What a shame you can't make it, but I totally understand, family does come first. I hope all is okay :) And oi - who bumped me off the Hooters attendance list???? I will just add myself again M_M BG Pete andrew357 DJKOR Northy SuperDave trentmeyer23 & Nicole Captain Awesome (aka 'Wheels') ELEGNT sikwitit Cappuccino aka Will Ingres VF-X (Maybe !!!) Tash
  21. Hey Guni - I'm driving from Bendigo to Bright on Thursday the 3rd in the arvo, staying there two nights then Saturday morning the 5th I'm driving to Sydney in one day so I'll be there from the 5th until the 15th. Tuesday the 15th I'll leave Sydney and drive back to Bright :) So could potentially trek back with you as far as Albury :)
  22. Tash

    New Camry

    Hey Baron - I own a manual ACV40R and I absolutely adore it! Sure it's still only a 5 speed manual mated to a somewhat aged 4 cyl engine, but there is a bucketload of potential :D I can't comment having never driven an automatic current model Camry, but I have heard the auto box does lag a bit, and I have an absolute ball in the manual hehehehe Whereabouts in Victoria are you? I'm in Bendigo and you're more than welcome to come have a look :)
  23. Dinner @ Hooters: M_M BG Pete andrew357 DJKOR Northy SuperDave trentmeyer23 & Nicole Captain Awesome (aka 'Wheels') ELEGNT sikwitit Tash :D Never been to Hooters before lol And I'm just relying on Pete to lead to a car wash beforehand hahahah
  24. Very nice Lee!! What a brilliant day :D Can't wait for the Great Ocean Rd run in July! (and the National Meet before that!)
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