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Beep Beep

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Everything posted by Beep Beep

  1. Is this a trick question? It'd be zero, wouldn't it?
  2. I just did a quick google and every site tells me that it has 430KW at the front wheels. I bought this mechanism from ebay that says if I plug it into my motor I'll get double the power. So I'm actually pulling 860kw at the wheels. I've seen those! It also says a side effect is to expect 1/300th the typical service life of the engine...... :P All kidding aside, the important questions are :- 1. Have you plugged it in? 2. Does it work? 3. Is the vehicle still in one piece i.e. you haven't ripped the front end off because of the Sh&tcrazy boost?
  3. Sounds like an issue I had (and STILL have)....... Unexplained whirring between 40kph - 80 kph
  4. Just a bit of a belated update....... The Toyota Tech (the foreman apparently) couldn't figure what or where the noise came from. I hopped in with him for a good spin on the freeway and in around the streets near the service center, and the noise could occasionally be replicated but it was very soft, and its origin was a bit confusing. I suggested the various possibilities which could cause this eg. bearings, etc, but the response was that it shouldn't be because any previous issues would've have been already been fixed in subsequent models. Mine's a MY 2010 (Sept) build. Ultimately, we drove back to the service center, and he said the only thing he could suggest was for me to keep driving it normally and monitor it. If it does get worse, or much more audible, then bring it back in. It would be easier for the Techs to then diagnose the issue, and fix it. Thing is, after the service, the whirring doesn't happen between 40 - 80 kph anymore.......... it now happens between 85 and 100 kph? WTF???? Still getting the strange buzzing sensation through the steering wheel when the whirring happens, but only a very very very slight buzzing, and you don't really notice it unless you're really lookin out for it. Anyway, I'm just driving around as normal, but I do have to admit it does kinda take the shine off my new car when this happens... .it's an issue, but its not obvious enough for the Techs to pick up and fix it. :( Cheers, BB
  5. I'm curious to know what the RTA's stance is in regards to repairing alloys, specially cracked ones....... Do you need to have them inspected, or do you need some sort of certification for the repairs? Hmm.... I'd hate the thought of a repaired alloy rim exploding to bits at speed on a freeway.... It could cause a minor case of DEATH, which will probably suck a little bit and put a downer on your day.
  6. In a nutshell? NOPE. Never... Not even if you tied me to a giant antmount and poured honey all over me.
  7. You sure it wasn't a demonic, evil laugh? MUahahahahaa
  8. I guess they don't make cars the way they used to then...... Toyota's included.....
  9. Just purchase a frame (locally or from O/S) then go to your local optometrist to have the lenses made up to your prescription. Make sure you specify polarised, UV coated etc etc. Mine cost $275 all up (after claiming off my health insurance for optical, and the Medicare rebate for eye tests). Polarised, prescription sunnies are definitely the go. Anyone who's got them, and has driven on roads straight after a sunshower, when the roads are wet and you're driving into the sun, with full sunstrike hitting the roads and the blinding glare bouncing up at you, can attest to how good polarised prescription sunglasses are. Normal dark sunnies in this case would be about as useful as tits on a bull ;) . DJKOR is right, once you have prescription polarised sunnies, you will never go back. Polarised sunnies may not be as dark as non polarised sunglasses, but they are useable in a greater range of light conditions. For example, I can safely drive through a tunnel in my polarised sunnies and I can still clearly see the vehicles in front, the road, all my instruments, mirrors etc, albeit everything is slightly darker. It would be dangerous to do this with normal dark sunnies as they are just a straight tint. Cheers, BB
  10. What's with the Lexus badge?
  11. Could this possibly be some sort of self-test routine? I know when I boot up by PC, the disk drive clicks etc to check for disks etc.......? Cheers, BB
  12. Update :- Tried that. Still no go. Pressures are now at 34PSI all round but whine is still there. It's actually gotten louder in my opinion. I can now feel what I can only describe as a distinct, persistent buzz through the steering wheel when I take sweeping lefts on the freeway or on residential streets. It's also very pronounced when on the ramps getting on the freeway (it's a relatively sharp left sweeping turn usually). Right turns are a non issue, so there's DEFINITELY something wrong. I've booked the car in to be looked at on Monday at City Toyota on Aberdeen St, Northbridge. This is the first available time I could book it in. Even though I'm not due for a service for another 1,000km or so, I think this needs to be looked asap, and from what I've read on the forum, City Toyota has had pretty good things said about them. So here's hoping City Toyota in Northbridge can fix this!!!! And, since the car is in the shop anyway, they are going to do the regular service too. It's a bit of a disappointment from what would otherwise be a terrific, awesome car! Hopefully it's only a once off issue. Cheers, BB
  13. Oh why oh why would anyone buy it then? For that price you might as well buy a high end GPS device or for way more half than that price buy updated maps for your GPS device. Well yes whilst it true you cold buy a new Navman, Tomtom or Garmin every couple of years for he price of the update but the reality is if your car has the 7inch touch screen indash system you arent actually going to buy an aftermarket satnav that's just stupid and pointless? Also the Where IS software in the factory system tends to be a little clevier and on the money then the aftermarket units but yes why it's so exxy i have no idea, we'd sell three times as many if it was half the price! To me, at the current price being asked for the update disc, it's literally price gouging on the part of the vendors. Those of us with the factory sat nav are pretty much a captive market, really. So, if you want to keep your maps updated, be prepared to lose limbs and appendages in exchange for the privilege. As for the software in the factory system tending to be a bit cleverer, I'd disagree actually. Take for example Garmin GPS's. They are pretty bloody accurate atm, and now the lifetime updates come bundled as a bonus with the purchase of unit. This equates to 4 updates per year, for however many years the unit will last you. More bang for your buck, if you ask me......... I have the Garmin 1450T and, I hate to say it, but it absolutely ****s on the factory sat nav in my Presara. If I'm heading somewhere where I've never been before, I use the Garmin, even though the factory sat nav is there. I have Ver. 16 of the maps on the factory satnav atm. Yes, my Garmin only has a 5" screen and the factory display is 7" but this still doesn't make up for the lack of functionality, REAL TIME SPEED display, spoken street names, red light camera warnings, real time traffic advisory service.... etc etc... the list goes on. $2500 factory sat nav vs $400 Garmin (including lifetime updates)? Heck of a price to pay for integrated navigation aids in the console that looks pretty and cool and "works" with the rest of the onboard tech. Just my 2c worth. Cheers, BB PS - Pity the 7 inch screen can't be used as an TV/DVD/Blue Ray/PC display.... PPS - One thing I WILL give the factory Sat Nav is that it seems to work better while I'm going through the Graham Farmer tunnel...... Does it have inbuilt gyros to keep spatial orientation? If it does, this is an advantage over any portable GPS unit.
  14. Oh Gawd I hope not..... it's done less than 15,000km from new.... I recently had mine done at 135,000Km. One of the service guys I was talking to said that they've had vehicles come in at 30,000Km with stuffed Wheel Bearings. Generally it's only one Wheel Bearing (Like Mine) but they recommend replacing both. I've also noticed that the noise seems more obvious when turning left at around 40kph - 60kph. If it is indeed wheel bearings (I would be shocked if this were the case), it would probably be safe to say that this would be resolved under warranty. The good news is that it hasn't gotten any louder, or worse.
  15. Oh Gawd I hope not..... it's done less than 15,000km from new....
  16. Hi All, Just wanted to get your opinions on something I've noticed recently. There's a steady, but soft whirring at speeds between 40kph and 80kph when I'm on the road. The pitch also varies throughout this range, so I'm thinking that whatever is the source of this whirring noise is directly affected by the speed of the vehicle. I can't hear this noise at speeds greater than 80kph because road and wind noise is more audible at these speeds. I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with the following :- I've just recently increased the running pressures on all 4 tyres from 34psi (warm) to 38psi (warm)I am coming up to my scheduled log book service (15,000 km) service due in about 1,500km.The noise is more obvious when I'm on very good, smooth, fine (instead of crude & grainy) bitumen at speeds between 40kph and 80kph. The best I can describe it is it's similar to the tyre noise you get when you drive a 4WD with ultra aggressive tread, except it's very very very soft, and it's a gentle whirring. I'm wondering if it's actually tyre noise due to tread design, excarcerbated by the higher running pressures which makes the tyres less pliable. I've got the standard Michelins which came with the car (Factory rubber). Apart from this noise, handling and performance appears unaffected. I am however getting a HUGE improvement in fuel consumption after increasing tyre pressures. Any comments/ideas would be most appreciated. Thanks!!!!! Cheers, BB
  17. They're a direct fit, wiring and all. ahh thanks, good to know, i love the look of the new ones :) i'm guessing you can buy them from toyota ? Of course you can. But just make sure that you are prepared to hand over your arms and legs. And yer left nut. Got quoted $189.95 for a HALOGEN sealed beam unit for my 75 Series Landcruiser once.... nearly fell over. The parts guy at Toyota gave me the quote with a straight face too!!! He was like all, "What? that's a normal price for a sealed beam insert". Went to the local Super Cheap and picked up the IDENTICAL sealed beam insert for $27.65!! Both were manufactered by Koito, Japan, difference being the one from Super Cheap came in a generic box, and the one from Toyota had a box with "Toyota Genuine Parts" logo on it..... If you can get it from eBay or an alternative supplier, you're best off doing that.... you'll get slaughtered if you buy this from the dealer. I was told once that Dealers don't really make much from selling cars.... at most they make 1 - 3% on the car. Where they make their money is in PARTS and the HEFTY markups because hey, they got you by the short and curlies once you buy the car and you'll need to get their parts anyway...
  18. A small but important point (I think) :- If you're going to burn your own DVD backup of the original disc and use this backup in your GPS unit, you should burn the DVD using the slowest write speed and only use QUALITY blank discs. The cheap, bulk buy, 1000 per spindle packs are generally quite nasty and they degrade very very fast. Spend a few bucks on one quality DVD disc, and you'll find that it will last for years. Dont' forget the disc that's going to be in your GPS unit is going to have to contend with baking heat and freezing cold at various times of the year. This kills the cheap discs, and in a worst case scenario, the disc layers separate and messes up the laser and your unit totally. Cheers, BB
  19. $270 for $75000 km service from Toyota, i don't know why you even considering anyone else. mate just go with toyota the price they Quoted you is very cheap from toyota. At least they will use genuine parts & do proper check. At least you assume they do.... I'm sure there aren't any horror stories floating around where you spent a heap on money to send your car to a manufacturer service center and finding out later that they didn't do a proper job........ are there??
  20. When I took delivery of my Presara in October 2010, I didn't have to pay for T-Link because it was already included? Did you purchase new or used? I think Toyota Link membership may not be transferable......?
  21. true, maybe i was not as direct as you. but the answer is there on the fuel cap, any car that can take E10 will take any other fuel. unleaded or premium mixed or not. i would be worried, if my fuel cap mentioned Premium only and i mixed it with E10.. I would presume that TRD Aurions would have "Premium Only" on the fuel cap.... it would make sense if it did, considering it's a performance spec Aurion....
  22. Thanks rollaboy. The car is booked in at the dealer tomorrow for a few things to be looked at under warranty, I will tell them of this issue and see what they say. Just wanted to see if it's normal or not before I say something. I'm betting it's worn bushes.......
  23. Just don't do what that guy did on the TV ad and go to an auto shop and buy parts to systematically disassemble the vehicle, only to find out later it was a few screws kept in the slide out ash tray. I had a really annoying rattle in mine, and was flummoxed as to where it was coming from, until I realized that it was actually my sunnies in the sunglass holder located overhead. Apart from that, I haven't had much in terms of squeaks and rattles...... Cheers, BB
  24. I'm surprised no one's mentioned a NOS kit yet...?
  25. Hi Czaja74, Photos taken from my Presara attached. Hope this helps. Cheers, BB FRONT LEFT FRONT RIGHT REAR LEFT REAR RIGHT
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