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Status Updates posted by Seby123

  1. those rims might just be closer than i thought :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Seby123


      you need moar low rob.

    3. MrRob


      Its low enough. BTW I'm already lower than you even on full lift hahaha

    4. Seby123


      at least i can drive over speed bumps without slowing down...ZING!

  2. RIP tocau nsw.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. juvenile
    3. LFT-OOF


      totally agree i feel like im the only retard that wants to meet up and go for a cruise but i know heaps of other members are hanging to go aswell should be a set monthly meet at bunnings say 2nd friday night of each month or whatever night..... just a suggestion

    4. Seby123


      LFT PM me your fbook name maybe i you can join some of our private meets if you want. but i agree there should be frequent monthy's

  3. how much is a 60k km service at toyota?:/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wanga


      is the 60k just a regular oil and filter change? would be around $200 from most toyota dealerships

    3. Andrew357


      ZR6XY - took the words out of my mouth. A simple phone call won't hurt, is quicker and will tweak your phone etiquette.

    4. Seby123


      i'm gonna drive to the dealer where i bought my car anyways to fix my headlight so i might just ask then :P

  4. Unfortunately this vehicle is not eligible for Toyota Service Advantage. :(

    1. RollaRollin


      damn what was the reason?

    2. Seby123


      it didnt give me a reason just said what i quotet :/ probably all the services were used up or something.

    3. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      dude your car is a 2007 model, advantage is first 3 years ONLY

  5. pros and cons of getting car serviced at different garages instead of toyota service?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Seby123


      i'd have no idea about this capped price servicing stuff to be honest.

    3. DJKOR


      If you have the Service Advantage, your first 3 years (60,000km) of regular logbook services are capped at $120/$130. You can check vehicle eligibility here: https://webapps.toyota.com.au/apps/advantage/

    4. Seby123


      Unfortunately this vehicle is not eligible for Toyota Service Advantage. FML.

  6. dont want my car to get serviced :(

    1. Noodle Boy
    2. Seby123


      so expensive :/

    3. DJKOR


      Do it yourself then.

  7. anyone know a good exhaust place in syd?

    1. Charlie Trout

      Charlie Trout

      castle hill exhaust, westside mufflers

    2. juvenile


      Best Mufflers,Carlton..

    3. clifton


      +1 for westside

  8. do recaro racing seats fit into any car?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Seby123


      i was just asking will i will not buy anything until i have rims

    3. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      better be good rims lol youve been deciding for ever ahaha

    4. Seby123


      ive decided so now i just gotta hope he doesnt sell them before my birthday lol

  9. why are people not afraid of losing their cameras on rig shots?

  10. wakefield on monday :)

    1. juvenile


      watching or playing?

    2. Seby123


      watching lol. ive got nothing to play with :o

  11. rat style or race style...still cant decide :(

  12. rat style or race style....both sexy :/

    1. juvenile


      Just buy my rims and be done with it ;)

    2. Seby123


      nah john ive actually got a different set of wheels on my mind :| lol

  13. will probably celebrate his 18th in germany...this could be interesting..:D

  14. I ♥ ۩ ♫

  15. single toyota aurion engine for sale on ebay....wish i could :(

  16. who's going to the JDMST meet on sat?

    1. DemonRolla


      i might be, but wont be taking my rolla though, prolly head there with a mate.

  17. finding evidence of my car being in an accident at some stage -.-

    1. Tash


      I feel your pain mate - I bought mine as a dealer demo described to me as "brand new" in condition and also checked over by RACV. Turns out it was backed into a tree and not repaired well. Thankfully I kept pushing the case (a car built in '06 doesn't have an '08 dated tail light) and got it all repaired properly. I guess unfortunately though for you if it is used not much you can do about it :(

    2. Seby123


      seems like the same sort of thing here...something happened in the front and the headlight mustve fallen out...they MELTED (no joke) the things that hold the headlight back together, and now there are gaps around it and the things are breaking one by one..

  18. wow first bird poop i get on my car and its behind the door handle >.<

    1. dutchie101


      Thats some laser guided sh!t !! literally! :D :D

    2. Kenshin X
  19. someone wanna fix my headlight? i so cbf to do it again :/

  20. why do people sell stuff on here but then dont answer your PMs of interest.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Seby123


      is it remote controlled?

    3. juvenile


      No, bluetooth :D I don't think it's a Varex system

    4. Seby123


      i want varex :/

  21. tempting idea posted in photoshop section >.>

    1. juvenile


      I have commented :)

    2. Seby123


      do it john, it would solve all your rim choosing problems :P

  22. has anyone bought one of those sticker bomb books? are there actually car related stickers in there?

    1. juvenile


      I believe so,Sean(sikwitit) has bought one

    2. private number

      private number

      nuh it doesnt. just heap of characters and what not.

  23. the awkward moment when all jap day gets cancelled due to bad weather and its nice and sunny.

    1. LFT-OOF


      lol its a beautiful day today would have been a good day

    2. Seby123


      yea not too cold, not too warm. perfect :/

  24. back to crappy roads, school, stupid weather, stupid faulty lights and speedlimits on friday :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LFT-OOF


      ohh yeh i remember seeing that how did you go over there...?

    3. juvenile


      Any nice Auris pics Seby? welcome back :)

    4. Seby123


      went well. cracked the 200 :D RedSportivo you can rent M3 convertibles for 99 euros a day :P and no auris pics John, saw a 2 door today though omnomnom :o

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