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Status Updates posted by Seby123

  1. corolla auto vs. manual, so much difference in pull! whoa!

    1. jeffy


      and burnouts, ;) with clutch kicks :P hehehe

    2. Seby123


      excuse me NO HOONING! haha

  2. white LFA at my local lexus dealer...time to break out the wallet....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. master.Cuong


      trolling clifton lol

    3. Seby123


      whats trolling? yea i put a deposit down, going to test drive it tomorrow! cant wait!

    4. clifton


      im going along with the troll :D.

      shotgun first drive!

  3. to anyone who owns a stickerbomb book....do they contain sponsor stickers or just characters and figures?

    1. juvenile


      Won't find one here, BUT PM sikwitit, I think he has one and not using it anymore.

    2. private number

      private number

      they dont have sponsor stickers. just characters

  4. still looking for ZRE engine cover :p

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. juvenile


      and for cheap, don't forget that bit :DD

    3. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      one on ebay for like 35 bucks guy

    4. Seby123


      ooh true! that wasnt there when i looked lol. sucks having no money though :(

  5. anyone got a spare ZRE pre-FL engine cover they are willing to sell?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seby123


      ok then, ZRE engine cover! lol

    3. juvenile


      What are you doing with it ?

    4. Seby123


      something that is not reversable therefore i want to have an original one left over in case i wanna sell :p

  6. how come my forum automatically subcribes/watches certain topics? :L

    1. jeffy


      yeahh.. i got that same probelm too =\ but i moved all tocau mail into junk, cos it was kinda annoying,

    2. DJKOR
    3. jeffy


      ohh so thats what i ticked last time, cheers D,

  7. does paddle shift need a different gear box to a normal automatic?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Seby123


      wish i could lol

    3. cruzer


      just leave ur car somewhere for the night get springs changed :P pick car up and pretend nothing happened :P see how long u can get away with it :P

    4. cruzer


      Make it a game haha

  8. Gt5 taking its sweet time updating.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Seby123


      i heard forza 4 is better in some ways, i still prefer ps3 over xox though.

    3. RedSportivo
    4. Seby123


      GT5! <3 because havnt played forza :p

  9. fuuuu dad y u no just let me lower my car.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. trentmeyer23


      Spoilt brat? I've had to work my butt off for what I have, be thankful champ!

    3. Seby123


      am i saying im not thankful for the car? lol. still doesnt mean i cant get frustrated when my dad says its my car but then decides to not let me lower it.

    4. trentmeyer23


      Very much sounds it. It's a bit disrespectful ragging out your old man on a forum. Appreciate him too, because things can turn sour really quick. I'll give you a tip for young players. Family is the most precious thing there is.

  10. might just have another supercar photoshoot lined up! woo!

  11. best 600km drive EVER.

    1. jeffy
    2. Seby123


      so much more fun when you can go as fast as you want.

  12. got to shoot an Audi r8, which included hitching a ride in it...and wow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seby123


      i only have two lenses, 18-55mm and 75-300mm. i prefer using the 75-300 :)

    3. Seby123
    4. P_T


      Yeah, telephoto gives you better subject isolation and with some of the "rounder" car, the compression is also more flattering.

      Nice shot of the R8, but isn't the cropping a bit too tight on the left/right side?

  13. loving my new camera!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seby123


      1100d, might only be a beginners camera but still does a pretty good job!

    3. jeffy


      ooo those ones, theyre cute :3

      its all about the lens and the settings, and of course the person :P

    4. Seby123


      exactly right...so far my camera is only doing me good :)

  14. i got 99 problems and being underage isnt one.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. juvenile


      There are some really good creams available these days :D

    3. Ascendant Rice
    4. cruzer
  15. gotta love legally maxing out your rental car. :)

  16. just got my international driving permit...sucks supercharged auris are only sold in switzerland.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dutchie101


      2 hours of probably the most kick ***** roads when you get about 3/4 of the way!

    3. Seby123


      lol so ive seen...but i wont be able to afford the fuel...i used up a full 100 euro tank of fuel for a 2h drive in a mercedes because i was always trying to max it out lol

    4. Ascendant Rice
  17. cant we just all get along lol honestly...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. juvenile


      we are but we ALL can't get along ;))

    3. Seby123


      mm i see what you did there :p

    4. cruzer


      lololol John

  18. interesting to see what people that act nicely here talk about on fbook...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. DJKOR


      Trying to say something there?

    3. master.Cuong


      this is fkn stupid... no seriously guys just have a meet up and have a go at each then....

    4. trentmeyer23


      It is interesting that in parabolic equation the answer is SPAGHETTI B*TCHES!!!

  19. anyone in Syd with a ZRE corolla able to help me put my springs in?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. dutchie101


      Wanna be taking whichever sucker you get to install them to a pretty nice place for lunch :D

    3. Seby123


      lol im gonna do it with the same guy that did a.rice's install...lylee! but yea in the end its still gonna end up being cheaper

    4. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      bro, seans got a spring tool, alighment is only 40 bucks at tyre power. spring changing isnt rocket science lol just a PITA

  20. got the green light from finance...now just to find good arguments for lowering my car to convince my dad :p

  21. springs sitting in the garage...no going back now

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JO00LZ


      haha! how come you have them then?!

    3. Seby123


      coz he didnt want to leave em in his boot all the time and cbf taking them out, so he told me to take em.

    4. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      yeah put my springs to good use.

  22. ***** just got serious :p

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MrRob



    3. Andrew357


      QLD wins, look what happens at State of Origin time when we win at the game of Smashy-Smashy!

    4. Seby123


      state of origin is boring and irrelevant. yea i went there. :p

  23. nice mini meet tonight, hope to get the same treatment when i might drive up to QLD beginning of october! a meet just for me and other NSWsers if theyre coming along :p

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Seby123


      lolol not that sort of treatment daryl! although....i will be 18!

    3. DJKOR


      And I'm sure the girl involved probably is....

    4. Seby123


      i prefer fresh vegies anyways ;)

  24. Pictures from NSW August meet!

    1. Seby123
    2. JDM-GTFour


      No pics of that crappy celica that was there. bummer.. the d/h who owns it will have to line up for a photo next time. :)Other pics look good.

    3. Seby123


      haha im sorry! lol

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