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Everything posted by jeffy

  1. Looks nice yo! Wanna borrow my dslr? :P
  2. Though as you said neither parties can provide evidence as to who damaged the vehicle, I understand as a fellow car enthusiast, I believe that we take care of our cars with utmost passion and care, that we cannot let ourselves cause wreak and havoc into something we put so much time and effort in. YOu can solemnly say that you would be an idiot to damage the vehicle on purpose. BUt no one would be foolish enough to, let along us enthusiasts, you of course as the owner of the vehicle, will notice every single change that may have happened upon leaving your possession. MAy it be something major or minor. I can only hope they can see it through my eyes, and as far as my opinion goes, I believe that you being prepared to go into court and contest a damage worth $200, is sufficient enough to tell me that you would not simply let this situation get out of hand, and how much time and effort you have given chasing the matter, I assure you that all your time and effort is worth more than $200. It shows how much you want to fight for what unjustice have they caused upon you, regardless of how small the cost may be, its the concept of them just being in the wrong. Sure hope everything goes well for you duy, hehehes I hope you enjoy reading :) -Jeffy
  3. Say: "are you racist? It's because im Asian you think I damaged the car?" SErious note: YOu can try and justify the fact that you said it is a $200 fix up and its not that expensive, imo, but the fact that you are fighting so hard for this damage, as a paying customer you are obliged to get what you paid for, isn't it part of the policy somewhere that if the vehicle is not up to satisfactory level, they take it back to comply within the satisfaction of customer, unless the situation changes as to, not picking the preferred panel beater, then would take no responsibility to whatever happens to the vehicle.
  4. Hahas, hello kitty :3 that's cute, I'm guessing they use that to clean those brembos, in the hot hatch thread, ;) And., O.O at Andrews list, in the photo it didn't seem much till you listed it, :P
  5. Yeahh, saw you on ringroad maccas, one time :P
  6. HOw much and what do I need to change my gear box to manual? Well obviously the gear box itself and maybe the ecu as well I think? :X
  7. by how much would the economy increase ? ive been meaning to ask this but i keep forgetting xP *sorry for being off topic* because atm im getting 11L/100km on the camry, i think this is a lot fora 4cyl, and i granny drive like all the time, i dont even get past 3000rpm. edit: is it because its an auto ?
  8. heh pretty long for your short story :P edit: even though i read all of it
  9. 1 finger space in between the guards imo, :P but its totally up to you, and how steep your apartment carpark ramps are,
  10. jeffy

    Funny Pics

    its a bad pun, but it made me smile :P
  11. i miss my camry :'(

  12. actually, i've been thinking about that was thinking under the lines of annie/connie/cammie/kimmie
  13. have you tried ebay as well ? i found some on jaycar: http://www.jaycar.com.au/productResults.asp?MID=5&SSUBID=1007&SUBCATID=1042&keyform=CAT2#5
  14. i can only answer a few questions for you, some only through my opinion, british people Wheel Size Calculator are you asking for the brake pads ? or a bigger brake disc ? if pads obviously no, you dont need them, unless they're worn out brake disc wise, im not too sure if it will affect it majorly, but in my opinion you dont need it, as far as my knowledge goes for getting bigger brake discs, its purpose is to offer better stopping performance, its like newtons third law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, if you go fast, you gotta stop fast. you mean tyres to go along with the 17" you buying ? imo: if you can afford it ? , or if you wanna change the look of your vehicle to go along with the new rims, but didnt you say you didnt wanna alter your car due to the warranty as well , not too sure if they pick on this though, but it may seem that it will, and thats all i can answer for you, in my own personal opinions, hope this helped :] -jeffy edit: hrmm, i was wrong it was the british/french who made the the imperial units, majorilly british, :P
  15. he's hiding from the cops, his camry is being hunted ;) tee hee :3 LOL a week without a defect is always a good week. Whats t3h plans for the next one boys and girls??
  16. thanks all, will definately do more hw on 6" or 6.5" for the fronts, will get the 6x9's for the rears, as soon as the camry gets fixed and all, :]
  17. bring your white one, you drive that more, and will doesnt have an exhaust setup, he just got the muffler chopped off and added cannons, its huy that has the mugen exhaust setup,
  18. have you tried goin supercheap/autobarn/repco ? they got some there, but they quite pricey though,
  19. actually.. i would like to try eastern creek one day... that track looks very interesting organise a vic track meet, :]
  20. jeffy

    Funny Pics

    im pretty sure everyone knows who vegeta is xD
  21. 1) dorifto 2) johnnieboi 3) jeffy +1 -> my mate with an s2k said he wants to come, he wants to turn it into a drift machine xP 4) jaderd 5) eviltwin 6) lateralus 7) KRS-093 8) Kenshin X
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