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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. it's also a Volvo... :P Mello - I find it helps to take a good synthetic chamois to the car wash with me (I highly recomend the Enjo one but SILVERBULLIT will suggest others if you ask him) this will allow you to dry the thing before you drive off :D
  2. Nah there was no annoyance I just wanted more info then a price, I like to know that the price will get me, but take note of Shoa's comments... The solid bars are always stiffer, so the question was valid, I stick with the Whiteline or TRD option...
  3. I was reading a review comparing Turbo to S/C conversions and an unmentioned benefit is that the S/C is kinder on the engine and provides better fuel and oil economy.
  4. The Japanese use Aussie or Thai Steel anyway... but either way it's all made from Aussie ore!!! :P
  5. it's 8400 on the Exige in 1st and 2nd to make it easier to land in lift, lucky Lotus owning yuppies :P
  6. I think it was noted by Skitzo and Rollagrl a while back that Blue was the lazy colour... :P :D :D
  7. MR22ZZ


    You might want to add to insert Axel stands once the jack is up, I've seen the result of not doing this and it is not pretty... YOU WILL DIE IF THE CAR DROPS ON THE JACK!!!
  8. NICE... Not too sure about the poo brown colour though!!! :P looks nice and clean, can't wait to see it in action :D
  9. Here's your reason for that little problem too... http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=2346
  10. you actually get an icky brown muddy colour, unless you are talking light, in which case it is white... however or cars are in the world of solids... ie icky brown :P
  11. PS you can use any size for the image but smaller is better as it loads much faster. I suggest using trial and error until you find one that works and is a similar size to others. Hope this helps - Man I wish I could EDIT to add this to my last post, this no editting will make me even more of a topic whore - :P
  12. The simple way it to upload the banner you wish to use into your gallery or garage which is easy to do. Find the link to the image (this is done by using the right mouse button on the image and selecting properties, and the image URL is provided). Cut and paste this URL into the box that gets opened up by clicking the IMAGE button in the Edit tools in the Edit Signature page (it helps to have 2 browser windows open) To make the image a URL link to your garage like Shao and MAP, all you do is add the IMAGE tag as the descriptor for the URL link to your garage.
  13. Minister snookers CUE plate By NIGEL ADLAM 11may05 A Government minister last night stepped in to ban a driver from having the numberplate FAR CUE. Transport Minister Chris Burns ordered the car owner to return to Motor Vehicle Registry and get a new registration. He had to use his powers of ministerial discretion to make the order. "I don't want to be a spoilsport but I decided to ask the MVR to reconsider this numberplate," Dr Burns said. "There is a system in place to deal with personalised plates that push the boundaries and it generally gets it right." Dr Burns acted after real estate agent Glenda Stripling complained that the rego number was offensive. She has seen the red four-wheel-drive carrying the plate twice in Darwin. "It's revolting _ so aggressive," she said. The vehicle is believed to be owned by a woman and her husband. Ms Stripling, 57, of Rapid Creek, said the minister's decision was "a good win" for decency. But she said the MVR's policy on personalised numberplates was inconsistent. Ms Stripling said a Greek-Australian woman was stopped from having WOG.GIRL and a Palmerston man was banned from using his nickname BALLS. "And yet they let through something that is obviously offensive," she said. MVR manager Craig Bradley defended the numberplate. Mr Bradley said FAR.CUE did not fall under the three headings that prompted a review by a panel of MVR managers _ being sexually explicit, racially offensive or blasphemous. "The two words in isolation are not offensive," he said. Prospective numberplates are read backwards to check that they are not offensive in reverse. Personalised numberplates cost $140 in the Territory, which makes them the cheapest in Australia. Wicking: Page 10 http://www.ntnews.news.com.au/common/story...5E13569,00.html
  14. it's also worthwhile thinking of RE-SALE VALUE!!! MX-5 has much better resale value, have you thought about the MX-6, a great shape and hard-top for better security, plus very stable on the track???
  15. I'm sure you wouldn't pass up a drive in a Ferrari, Lambo or Pagani either :P But let's face it Supercars are well beyond your $15,000 budget, but there is always hope (and e-bay)
  16. Have you more info on this IMEK other then just some words? I'd like more info regarding branding/manufacturer perhaps some pics and details on thickness(es) and stiffness. 90 USD may sound cheap but I'm sure does not include drlivery which would cost a bit for the size of the thing. Plus Whiteline is a local manufacturer to Australian road conditions and highly respected here and starting to make inroads into the US market. Maybe visit Whiteline web link and see for yourself...
  17. OK for those interested There are now some photos posted here... http://www.luc1d.net/other/circuit_club_250405/index.html Times can be found here... http://www.racetime.com.au/?event=i0507
  18. Is that a good thing that Steve hit the 100 mark??? All that means is we've had a hole mass or cr@p questions we've asked him!!! :P
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