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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. get an Australian Complied Hi-Lux instead... Just kidding, I'm not sure what you can do, Off-road 4x4 is expensive to insure, imports are expensive to insure, is it the turbo model? Turbos are expensive to insure. I guess the best you can do is shop around for the best. But remember just because the company has the best price doesn't always give them the same cover, read all insurance information also before choosing a company to go with... hmmmmmm.... That is quite a bit to digest, maybe it would be easier to go and see a broker, they are very good at finding the right deal for each case...
  2. Yeah Dave is tall but I wouldn't exactly call him a 'big' person. But having said that I wonder what a lightweight like me could pull in Daves car... ;) I'd say there would be a saving of 10-20 kg's
  3. hehehehe yeah.. da pandaz.. so we have a snowflake and a couple of pandas... when does the polar bear land???
  4. OK... So far we have.... 1) Blue_Stivo 2) Screeminrolla - (Mr 14.92) :D 3) !*heatseca*! 4) obsessionz - (are you coming in the Ascent or a Skyline????) 5) waiwong38 - (i've just got to see this car!!!!) 6) EGG80X - maybe 7) sop11e - plus several mates 8) 9) 10) ... .. . . . .
  5. Would only be good if the wind is over 160 km/h and they don't run in those conditions... cyclonic!!!! :P :P But I guess fractions can come off if you have am 80 km/h tailwind to help the launch... Dave... Great going, brilliant work!!!! Looking at the splits from the mid track you just ate the other guy!!! What were you up against, had a good launch but no top end by the looks of it... hmmm imagine the potential if we could get the Stivo to launch properly... OK, who's up for an upgrade to LSD?????
  6. so when do you change your name to sillygrl.....???? :P :P :P :D
  7. ummmmmmm.... have you seen the rest of his car??? more rice would just blend right in!!!!
  8. I recently purchased a Cocktail Games Machine on E-Bay and am looking to swap over the PCB to my fav game of all time (I have this PCB also). I was wondering if any of you guys knew anyone who may be able to help me out as far as compatibility of the systems and what hardware modifications need to be made to make the unit compatible. This is to be set up as a dedicated system so I don't want anyone telling me, 'go set it up as a MAME system and you'll get 100's of games', as I feel that defys the reason for me wanting this particular Retro game!!!! If there is a forum out there for this kind of thing that would be awesome too if anyone knows anything like that... Cheers and Thanks in advance Dylan
  9. That looks Awesome!!!! I want the dash with Fuji International Speeway map on it too!!!!! :P :D :D
  10. ummm.... Google does some pretty amazing things...
  11. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,12252553-13762,00.html I submit for discussion - Exhibit A This is completely open to converstion and arguement!!!! :) :) :)
  12. still selling for the next 40 minutes.... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...4525668126&rd=1
  13. I'm sure she'd still manage to park on the white line or across it and bang the car next to it when opening the door!!! :P :P :P
  14. I always went to Cornes Toyota before I moved, could give them a try, but they are part of the CMI group anyway...?
  15. They should be alright, my old boss takes his Celica there... Just don't EVER go to Jervis Toyota... EVER!!! I've heard plenty of not so great reports...
  16. Hi Stephy... Welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy your stay... Another good place for info on the older Twin Cam rollas is Toymods But be sure to lower that thing... a low skirt is one thing but that thing sits like a Hilux... as is often stated on this forum (just ask Danthuyer, though I can't talk much :P)
  17. Welcome mate... What Dealer do you go to??? I used to live at Aberfoyle Park before moving over east Cheers Dylan
  18. Like I said, take it to the guys at Cornes Toyota (it's only 5 minutes drive from Adelaide CBD)... They actually fixed the issue without me commenting on it... I knew it was happening but chose to ignore it as, like craig said, not too much coolant is actually lost and I'd seen it before in previous cars. But when I picked up the car the service manager said to me, we found a bit of coolant on the reserviour so looked at the cap and changed to one with with a better seal for you, and I was like, SWEET... I was going to ask about it, but seeing as they picked it up for me, no probs...
  19. My suggestion is that if you are going to test on a Dyno to run an average of 3 runs for each Sparkie change as the variations you are looking at will be quite small.
  20. 3 days to drive Perth at Sydney if you really push... 1st day... somewhere near the Nullabor either side 2nd day... Adelaide or just out of... 3rd day... 13-14 hours to Sydney, not fun to do on your own either I can tell you, very boring across the Hay plains :P you'd be stupid to try and do it in any less time (or make sure you have lots of drivers to stay fresh) Have driven from Adelaide to Darwin with just a stop overnight in Alice Springs (but 4 drivers rotating!!!)
  21. Update..... When: Sunday 13 March meet at 9:30 for a 10 am start (sharp!!!) Where: Homebush Carpark (Same one as last time, see map) To Go: South... Heading to Wollongong, Robertson, Kiama, Geringong, Shoalhaven, Kangaroo Valley, Berry, Shellharbour and back to Wollongong and Home (may put on a BBQ at my place in Wollongong to finish but will keep you posted... need to find said BBQ) CB's would be handy for those who have 'em
  22. please read this link Sydney Cruise... Sunday 13th March
  23. What about the Sydney meet...??? http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=1782 If we can get a few of the modded bods out there... (I'm looking at you Influx, Screaminrolla, KoroLa883, xTigerx and grimlock (even though it's a 1ZZ) and waiwong38). It is atill a month away, plenty of time to prepare!!! If not, Anzac weekend would be the next best... being a long weekend we could have the Vic folk drive up and the Qld peeps come down, and it isn't too far for the Canberra people... That's a sure fire way to get the best modded cars in OZ all there, except Skitzo... sorry mate, unless you feel like driving 4000 K's??? But come on... Lets have a mega meet people!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
  24. Like I said... definately sounds like something with your hoses, it affects cylinder pressure causing bumps. Check all seals and look for splits, and if in doubt, take it into Toyota... Trust me I had a similar problem with my old Subie just after a service and rang them up to complain, they told me not to worry and bring it straight back and all it was, was that they hadn't connected a vacuum hose properly so the vibrations of the engine bounced it off, too 2 minutes and never happened again... Sometime the simplest thing can cause the largest reaction - The Butterfly Effect - yes, not just a band and movie name...
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