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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. MR22ZZ


    hehe.. I love the roll on zeerolla's car :P
  2. Steve, you're a dead set ledge' mate!!!!!! I'll get mine up and running as soon I've got a spare minute or 10... Hmmm also need to clean my car and take it out for a few new shots, of course I'll get a mate to drive my car to locations.
  3. hmmmm... pics seem to have disappeared!!!! Damn, I would like to see what you have done!!!
  4. hmmmmmmm... What are all you TOCUKers doing here!!!!! shouldn't you be down at Bondi getting pink bellies because you refuse to use sunscrean like the other pommy tourists???? :P :P :P But wlcome all and enjoy your stay!!!! :D :D :D
  5. You can also update your personal details so location shows up on the left... <----------------------------...like this
  6. you beat me by a few seconds, I added that then modified it when I saw you had posted... I really like the Enyo chamois 100% lint free. No detergents to kill the fishies, that means more for me to catch and kill myself (or at least eat what I need and catch and release the rest) :D :D :D
  7. Yeah, sorry Briony, I'm with afyfe... $50K would be well spent on my own project, those wide body kits don't come cheep!!!!! plus I'd need another runabout for when the work is being done to little Tinkerbell...
  8. I just hate that the water temp is STILL about 18 degrees....... hurry up and get warm already, although the Air Con isn't running up the electricity bills!!!!
  9. Why do I have the words, PROJECT - Widebody Rolla running around in my head about now!!!!!! :P :D
  10. wtf? ← Ditto!!!! What's goin' on????
  11. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, be safe on the roads, don't drink and drive and above all, make sure you all have a great time!!!!!
  12. Hey NIKICH was that FX--7...??? I see that one around all the time... parked next to it at Figtree Coles, came out and they were just driving off so didn't get a chance to chat to the guy (older guy about 50 with his Mrs) but caught up to him in the carpark and gave him the thumbs up as I passed him on Crown Street on my way home!!!!! Also noticed a silver Stivo, white premium plates pass me as I was walking home from Uni on Wednesday at the roundabout that goes down to the TAFE near the Uni, had a bit of a ding in the front bar just above the plate, was that you??? Cheers Dylan
  13. I think Armorall was designed for the older vinyl style dash, where as these days they are the non slip polymer that is relatively soft in comparison in order to provide the non slip feel, this type of polymer is disolved by the solvent or one of the components in the Armorall. They may have some product out that would help I don't know, best to check with the experts, SILVABULLIT would be a good place to start!!!!!!
  14. :( and me :( ← Sorry Briony, and you of course...
  15. So you using all your petrol money in exchange for scooners at the pub :P ← Nah, that was in the budget long before the boys in blue told me I couldn't drive my little baby... at the moment the petrol money is going to christmas presents anyway!!!
  16. If you leave it until March I'd be tempted to cruise on up for the weekend, and maybe bring a few other along who may be interested!!!!! A weekend of Stivos, Alcohol, Camping and Fishing sounds great to me!!!! Plus a good chance to meet the Brissie clan... :)
  17. Also save the Unichip til after the Supercharger install as it is tuned to the car you will just waste money having to tune it twice (once pre S/C, once post S/C conversion)... This should always be that last planned mod because of the fact it is tuned to the car and the mods...
  18. Sounds like yours and mine came out of the same mould Blade....... <_< <_< :( But still able to have a bit of fun in spite of the problems, ain't gonna trade her in yet... but yeah, bring on the next service, the boys will be asked to keep her a few days until everything is sorted nicely...
  19. I would also add to this the point of stabbing the go fast pedal before engaging the clutch on the shifts in order to match the revs to make less wear on the syncros also!!!!
  20. MR22ZZ

    post #300

    As long as it's time on your hands and not sticky fingers!!!!! :P :P :P :P :D
  21. Saturday ordering a burger outside a cafe near North Beach, Wollongong, red Stivo pulls up, dude jumps out, I say to said dude 'nice car you pulled up in, got one of my own only Blue'. Proceeded to say how the car was his sisters and looked kind of embarrased that he had been spotted driving his sisters car (obviously never had a Lift session), so at this point all I could think of was, damn, I wish his sister was driving... But anyway, he didn't seem much too interested in conversing, so I let him go but I'll be on the lookout for this car a bit more I think, it is local to the Gong as it had Wollongong Toyota # plate surrounds and stickers etc. I'll make sure to carry some flyers with me from now on...
  22. On one of my many and frequent walks home from the North Gong Pub (gee uni life is tough) last night I noticed something different at the Caltex on Flinders Street, Vortex98 has already hit Wollongong. I was in utter disbelief, it has only just come out in Sydney a month ago. Well that now gives a plethora of choices for 98RON fuels - Optimax, Ultimate and now Vortex98, if only I was able to drive... only 2 1/4 months to go now!!!! As blackboard would say 'Oh hurry up' - Mr Squiggle quote for those who don't know!!!! Cheers Dylan
  23. We have to wait til 2006 for that pic!!!! :P :P :P :P :P gee thats a long gestation period Toyotas have!!!!
  24. Why spend money on your mums shopping trolly when you can save and spend it on your own car when you get it... If you are doing just so you look good for your mates when driving, that is lame and you should get a life!!! Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with personalising a car but if you are doing to a car that is technically not even yours just to look good, then the money could quite easilly directed elsewhere that you are sure to get more long term pleasure from!!! IMHO
  25. Enjoy :) send my regards to Narelle(the sheep) :P and have a safe trip back. ← I'm concerned by the fact you are on first names basis with the sheep lucio_libre!!!!!
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