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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. hahahaha funny how there hasn't been a lot of this... This is not a criticism, just an observation!!!!!!
  2. Clear coated stainless steel like the Delorian!!!!! :P :P :P :P Though that may pose other problems with the plasticy bits...
  3. I've kept out of this up until now because it has been talked about soooooo many time before. But this is a REAL problem, not an operator issue. I would direct you to several reviews of the car that clearly state 'inappropriate ratios in the six-speed gearbox are compounded by a notchy, occasionally reluctant shift action', so even the pros have trouble with this gearbox!!!! But there have also been comments like 'the clutch is light but abrupt. When trying to row the Sportivo along at speed, there's the occasional thump and lurch on engagement' which seems to indicate that this is possibly a clutch related problem as shown and solved by those that have updated to a better clutch. For any disbelievers, I offer the services of my pride and joy, for you to feel exactly what the sticky clutch is like to drive. Don't get me wrong I love my car as many here can attest to, but the clutch problem gives me the s**ts. I'm currently in the process on taking this up with TOYOTA also and letters have been written awaiting reply. I wish I had taking this up with my old dealer in Adelaide as they have a good rep for dealing with these sort of issues and listen to the customer, not just disregard their input, but at the time I thought it was just that the clutch needed to be worn in a little, but 20K kms on and I still have problems, it's time to get help!!!!!! EDIT: I refer you to review: Drive.com.au for the quotes.
  4. HAHAHAHA Yeah, that would be Jose pronounced Hose-ae (phonetically)!!!!! (correct me if I'm wrong) that cracks be up!!!!
  5. Anyone know where I can buy ELF (TOTAL) or REPSOL?????? That would be sweet....
  6. HEY!!!!! WHAT ABOUT SIMON EVANS????? That is one major split decision, to come back from his broken leg in tassie was a great bit of courage and he was right in the championship all season, just edged ont in the last round. EDIT: hehehe, just spotted he won last year too... :P :P :P but he was driving a Subaru then, much more cred' this year driving a Toyota I reakon!!!!! :D :D :D Previous Award Recipients 2003 Simon EVANS 2002 Craig LOWNDES 2001 Marcos AMBROSE
  7. Would that be the not Synergy 8000 type???? The one in the old ****y pumps??
  8. Exactly....... <_< <_< <_< I notice that Vortex has no votes as yet (95RON) but don't wish to sway the voting
  9. Used to run on Mobil Synergy 8000 back in Adelaide but now I've moved over here I cannot get it so run on Optimax do notice a slight difference but not as much as when I had to use 95 RON for the drive over...... :( :( :(
  10. Sorry, but a picture speaks 1000 words yours was the first I came across!!!! :P :P :P
  11. I said Mobil Synergy 8000 but I can only get Optimax, does that count!!!!!
  12. I'll refer you to rollagirls car for the answer..... :P :P :D rollagirls pretty blue bits
  13. I agree whole heartedly with this statement, the minute I sat in one (the previous model though, but same shape) I felt sooooo clostrophobic, it doesn't even have space for a centre console the 2 front seats are virtually on top of each other and the back seat, well I don't remenber seeing one but I'm assured it seats 4???? (there is a back seat for those pedantic people I'm merely adding sarchasm!!!!) If you ask me they out mini'ed the mini.... The phenominal performance comes from the low center of gravity and extremely light wieght, i think it was designed to compare to the Pug 205 GTi in that sence but doesn't have the same cult value... IMHO
  14. my mistake, I checked on some pics, looks the same (RHS)... :D :D :D
  15. Thanks, please PM me. Will see if I can afford it. I think it should fit with no problems looking at your underbody. ← Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the tip on the left on the LHD t-sport (when looking at the rear from behind) where as it is on the right on our s'tivos???? But could this be fixed by mirroring the system or is it more complex then that???
  16. I'm pretty certain that it's not going to look like that, that's the US Matrix, ours will be exactly that same as the Sth African RunX and the Euro T-Sport ie looking the same as the face lifted rollas coming out of Japan. Check out the photo album, there is a link on the TOC-AU homepage. Towards the end there are some pics from South Africa as well as a pic of my blue baby and rollagirl has a few also. They will look the same from behind, it is just the bonnet, lights, grille and front bumper and splitter that are different... adn I think the wheels are a slightly different style also.
  17. Silver cars are the safest on the road ***lifted from New Scientist*** :P :P By Shaoni Bhattacharya Silver cars are much less likely to be involved in a serious crash than cars of other colours, suggests a new study of over 1000 cars. People driving in silver cars were 50 per cent less likely to suffer serious injury in a crash compared with drivers of white cars, the research in New Zealand found. White, yellow, grey, red and blue cars carried about the same risk of injury. But those taking to the roads in black, brown or green cars were twice as likely to suffer a crash with serious injury. Sue Furness, at the University of Auckland, led the study but says the team does not know why silver cars appear safer. "We think it may be due to a combination of light colour and high reflectivity," she speculates. She suggests that increasing the proportion of silver cars on the road might provide a "passive strategy" to cut car crash injuries. "If there's proof that certain colours are safer and easier to see in all road conditions that might be useful to people in terms of purchasing a car," says Roger Vincent, of the UK Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. But he adds: "A lot of people will buy things purely on fashion." Engine size In their study, Furness and her colleagues took into account the engine size, make and age of the car, as well the sex, age, socio-economic status and ethnicity of the drivers. They also controlled for road conditions and ambient light conditions. But Vincent says other factors could be important, such as the way people view different colours, how many miles the car has on the clock and the background being driven against. The data was gathered from reports of road crashes in the Auckland area between 1998 and 1999. Silver cars made up about 11 per cent of the fleet analysed and were the fourth most popular car colour after white, blue and red. Metallic finish cars, such as silver ones, are more expensive, but Furness does not believe this is an important factor. "From these controlled data it seems unlikely that the explanation for silver cars being associated with a lower risk of car crash injury is related to the price or 'quality' of the vehicle," she told New Scientist. Journal reference: British Medical Journal (vol 327, p 1455)
  18. I've recieved a service feedback survey from Toyota Extra Care and will also be putting the issues in writing on this. I suggest you all do the same (if you have concearns) and be sure to be HONEST, no sugar coating. They need to know the problems exist before anything will happen.
  19. I think the lighter blue is a nicer colour yes but wouldn't look right on the rolla, the car sits too tall for it, it's more of a low sleek car colour. I just like Blue things..... :P :P Maybe toyota should have added GT stripes for a 'slimmer' look... my next choice would have been silver, it's got a sense of style about it. Could have had a Black one delivered on the spot when I bought mine but, yeah, shows dust and scratches more. Plus gets hotter in summer.
  20. Come on, lets settle once and for all which is popular and which is rare..... This is not what is your favourite, it is what you own (though I'd assume you'd buy your preferred colour) now let's get voting....!!!!! :P :P :P :P :P
  21. I reakon that thing'd be good for a jet engine
  22. CGU @ $900 - Rating one.... Also depends on age, I am over 25 so am OK, but when I bought the car it was 1 month to my 25th birthday and CGU was the only company that would quote me at a 25 y/o rate despite being rating 1 for 3 years and never even having a speeding fine (at least that was then) hence I went with them. When it came for renewal I checked around again and they were still cheapest for me.
  23. Had no choice, I was on the highway and just made it to the next town where I knew I could get 98 RON
  24. We decided at the Syd meet that the silver ones were built better as they seem to not have any problems, I haven't heard of any even having the selector cable issue..... But as far as Blue being the Majority..... take a look around, I'm sure that we are well and truely the minority..... Black is by far and away the majority choice for colour, but very few Blue... but I like it that way
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