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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. Oooooooooo, YAY, what do they look like??????
  2. Great choice stu.... good to see you went for blue for this one!!!! :P Seeing this definately explains the decision, but one question remains..... didn't your wife just get a SP23 after much humming and haring.... Why not keep the Stivo and just get the RX8 and keep the Stivo in the family? EDIT: not a critisism, just wondering, feel free not to answer if you do not wish to... I'm sure you are sorry to see it go, especially after all the work you put into it....
  3. -............. (I chose to copy OZ)........... Might be good to take any names out of the letter if you post here it also..... Cheers Dylan (can't incrininate by a first name!!!)
  4. Sunday the 5th Dec would be good, how's and afternoon down the south coast sound? My forced sebatical starts on the 7th Dec so this would let me go out in style, plus I'll be in Adelaide late Nov until the 5th Dec (get back in the morning)....
  5. Welcome Elini Hehehehe... yellow with red would make it look like a Macca's mobile!!!!!! best option is to go multi coloured, cost a bit more but can change the colour to suit the mood you are in, plus you can do some cool chaser effects!!!! (IMHO) Dylan
  6. March! Is it actually gong to take that long Dylan:o I would go crazy if i were you! And i am just using Dave's Stivo as a lab rat for the flywheel :P Can't wait can't wait! ← Yeah, thanks Zee, I'm making the most of the few weeks I have left with the poor girl.... I'll miss her as much as she'll miss me, but I'll try and keep her as warm as I can during my spell.... my parents might be coming over during Christmas / New Years, so she may get a good run then, but the time off will kill me, but I'm sure the extra walking and cycling will add 10 more years on the end of my life :P
  7. yeah, you know I'll be happy to wait until march or so...... :P but would like to see how the new mods go before that!!!!!
  8. can't wait to see how it performs, when is the next Wakefield Park run then????? :P
  9. so when are you getting it done Dave, are they still sitting on your floor?????
  10. This car has the trd clutch and TOM's fly (if it is the car we think it is) so shifting should be smoother, at pace, but will take a bit to get used to (i've heard) But I agree with Zee take it for another spin and make sure it is warm before you try and hit lift (it is well worth it) if the dealer won't let you take it for a long drive just ask him if he is serious about selling it or not, you need to see this car in full flight to really appreciate it, get it on a highway or freeway and let it fly off the entry ramp in 2nd or 3rd (depending on the speed you corner at) and let your nose guide you from there.... This is all news to me, the SP23 is 2.3L hence the 23 in the name, it is a detuned version of the Mazda6 engine, and the RS Impresa is a 2.5L where as the WRX in a 2.0T, but turbo the RS and you have an absolute killer machine, the Forester GT runs this set-up and has as much to play with as the standard WRX (not STi) with a significant detuneing, in the UK they have an STi Type 25 (SPEED 014, Aug 2004) which has a turbo version of the RS and it is one of the most powerful things you can buy off the shelf with full warranty, be it from a tuning house, but still..... :D In Aus we are VERY lucky to get both the WRX and the RS as very few markets supply both at the tuning levels we have. In the US the WRX equivalent for many years was what we get as our RS, poor bastards were wondering what all the fuss was about!!!!!! Aus is suprising one of the larger markets for SUBARU so they take us seriously, unlike many other makes who couldn't give a s**t!!!
  11. Would love to come along guys and add to a great cause but I'll be back in Adelaide for a couple of weeks from that weekend on so cannot make it.... Have a good one though, sounds huge, wish I could go!!!! :D
  12. But you have to remember this is NEW prices vs 2nd hand / demo prices so there will be some variation.
  13. Thats alright zee... yeah, I've seen the black one with the cannon exhaust at Albion Park and often wonder what else he's running and weather it is just for show... but there are a red, white and low and behold another blue one I know of at Uni, I'll see if I can get them along, and I know the white one is owned by another stivo chick!!!!! And the red one I see all the time and given him a toot and wave, but he just keeps on driving, but the car looks and sounds nice though, but could do with a clean!!!!! But I'll have to see your car again now it's got the suspension mods done, how's she running? I've got another month until my leave of absence... ;)
  14. Hey Joey..... It was more likely cutting out because the engine was still cold you need to give it a couple of minutes to warm up for you to be able to activate the high cams, or else it just cuts at 6000. The clutch does take some getting used to. If you aren't familiar with the engine bay it is hard to describe what to look for in terms of mods, but look through the pics in the gallery and see what different mods look like and where they fit to see if any damage has been left post removal (if any). Also check out carsales.com.au and drive.com.au to get comparative pricing redbook.com.au could also be handy. Have fun shopping Dylan
  15. Cheers Zee for that info, I'll keep a look out!!!! :D :D :D :D But it's exams at the mo' so don't like my chances of running into her, any idea what she is studying, would help to find the best car park to browse..... I'll keep the notepad handy, I should also start putting fliers on other Stivos, I know of at least 3 others at Uni.... ;) ;) B) B) XOOM: that avatar cracks me up, was going to post first of all, 'how did you get the camera into my room????' but then watched, and watched, and watched, and cracked up when I saw the horse!!!!!!! GOLD!!!!
  16. they said that was done because the celica did not accommodate for anything different, but with the corolla having more room under the hood to play with, a better positioned intake is do-able
  17. my question is, if the helical motion of the air is more efficient, then why not force all air pipes (eg exhaust) to allow this sort of air flow??? also would it have to flow the opposite direction in the Northern Hemisphere... :P :P :P :P :P
  18. for kits check out http://www.carmate.com.au/ :)
  19. yeah, the Celica is prome to this same issue....
  20. May sound stupid but often the simplest solution can be the best.... Have you checked the tyre pressure????? Adjusting just 2psi can make a big difference to the noise 'characteristics' of the car....
  21. You are on an absolute roll today.... LMFAO
  22. Guys, I was defending the process Trevor used, and think the exhaust is awesome, if I had the cash lying around I'd buy one myself unfortunately I'm just a poor uni student and don't have cash lying around for every single mod (PhD in Materials Engineering, specialising in polymer liquid coatings, so yeah I know fluids!!!!!). But yes this price for a proven custom exhaust is actually pretty reasonable, sure you buy off the shelf for cheaper but proven gains, well, you'll be rolling a dice and hoping for it to come up with a 7!!!!!! :P :P :P Plus it is within EPA noise regs which is something many places don't care about so no chance of getting defected which I'm sure we all agree is a GOOD THING!!!!
  23. Yeah get the rust delt with properly, don't want that hanging too long and ruining the long term future of your pride and joy!!!!!! I suppose rust can be compared to g/f's and YOUR money, they slowly take bits from here and there and before you know it there is nothing major left.... Oh also isn't there a 5 year Warranty on the paint work (ie rust) on our vehicles, check the manual.... I could be wong.
  24. Have any of you actually done fluid or gas dynamics... Yes adding a restriction increases the velocity, but only after the gas passes by. The restriction actually creates a back pressure in the system and eddies form in the air flow that lowers the averaged linear velocity (ALV) of the gas. The same occurs for press and mandrel bends, press mends are 'rougher' so the inperfections create small eddies and when combinded with the randon Brownian motion of the gasses lowers the total air flow and the ALV. the smoother mandrel bends allow a cleaner air flow. On the subject of ID (internal diameter) like was said previous, there is a peak diameter that this can be (in our case seems to be 2.25-2.5 inch) too narrow and the gas will not escape fast enough after it has been produced, and as mentioned increase the pressure and slow the piston rate and increase the work of the engine. Too large and the heat flow through the gasses is out of control and again you get eddy formation in the the center of the pipe where it is cooler, again lowering the ALV and the pipes also take longer to warm up due to the more dispursed and random air flow. Combining these 2 theories you produce a pipe that has the least restriction and more constant thermal gradient providing the best air flow possible and the best condition for the engine to work at it's peak performance.
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