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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. Where's the selection for M. Schumacher because he's a king, M. Webber because he's an aussie (but not because of Williams, I hate Williams) and Toyota because, well, it's Toyota.... So hard to split my loyalties, I think I'll watch IRL and support Ryan Briscoe driving for Chip Ganassi Racing (Toyota power), and of course James Courtney in the reformatted JGTC driving the TOM's Supra. I'm very tempted to fly to Perth at the end of the year to see the Aussie round!!!! :D
  2. MR22ZZ


    Welcome... Love those gold rims!!!!
  3. SPEED magazine has a Clubs/Forums section on the inside back page that it might be worth getting a plug into... I notice toymods already has...
  4. BUMP!!!! I'm re-opening the ideas on this... Anyone??? Just think of 30-50 Stivos fanging around our nations capital.... :D :D :D SWEEEEEEEETTTT!!!!
  5. Hey all... We haven't had a cruise/meet in a while and with the immanent reinstatement of my driving privileges, I am proposing that we have a nice long day cruise down the south coast around mid March (so plenty of time to prepare). This will be the cruise I was hoping to arrange before Christmas was at a loss due to time constraints... But now time seems to be much better, so I'm looking to see how many peeps will be interested in some great mountain passes with spectacular scenery. Preferred dates are 12, 13, 19 or 20 March (the following weekend [25-28] is Easter) this will be a day cruise most likely to start earlyish at 9:30-10 and will last for most of the day, hence the long advance warning... So lets get organised... Cheers Dylan
  6. I wouldn't put it passed the servos to set the pump to run fast, has been done before and I'm sure is common practice these days with lower margins due to fuel discounting, and is very hard to regulate. I mean how do you go around with a volumetric flask and measure every pump to see if it is calibrated properly all the time???
  7. Hmmmm.... It's awefully tempting to take all the money I'm raising for the Leukemia Foundation to shave my head that weekend and just blow it all on the game!!!! :P
  8. It is supposedly for performance. At 110km/h you can go from 5th to 6th and you will go from ~3.5K RPM to 3K RPM so not much chance what so ever.... I would have loved for Toyota to have geared a longer 6th gear for touring to you don't have to put up with the whine of the engine on lng trips.
  9. i remember reading a story a while ago about a guy who changed the exhaust on his WRX and then his engine blew.. Subaru refused warranty because of the Exhaust ← I thought you were covered provided you only change from the cat back.
  10. The easy way to find out would be to find the part numbers for various different Toyota springs, if they are different then, there you have your answer!!! As far as the ride height is concerned, remember the Stivo runs on stiffer skocks and dampers, so this will also have an effect.
  11. apparently his wife was having a baby and he was writing notes to the police while driving and throwing them out the window to explain...
  12. Now these I like... nothing like polished chrome (at least when it's not overdone) :D
  13. Spotted a Blue rolla (not sure what but wasn't a stivo) on the news outside Bankstown Police driving away one of the d**ks who bashed the kitten at the railway station...
  14. I think provided you have owned the car for greater then 12 months you are OK, but check the rules for sure, I could be wrong...
  15. Damn, a win over an XR6T would have been good... next time for sure ;)
  16. would the CES system fit onto the 1ZZ?????? just asking as most guys with the Remus exhaust have a 1ZZ-FE
  17. I'll let you guys know the next time I'm likely to be over visiting... most likely driving around June/July time at this stage, so there will be one more for a week or so then :P
  18. hehehehe soooo many troubles in the would could be solved if people just learned how to courtesy wave!!!! It always give me a warm feeling when I either give or see one in return, and you always finish the drive with a smile on your face!!!! :D oh and while you point out idicators to change lanes, you forgot indicating before you go around a corner and not 'at the corner or round about' (or once the light goes green and you finally decide to let the 20 cars behind you know that you are actually turning!!!!). Indicator etiquite is my single worst pet hate, as I cyclist I like to know what the cars around me are doing and the number of people who sho no consideration to those around them by letting them know their intentions is rediculous!!!! Oh well, got that off my chest... back to sleep now :P
  19. Are you sure it's not just your driving that is causing it to come out both ends!!!! :P I have seen some SAAS style ones that look like the material is like a neoprene/polyamide/spandex blend type thing that may be easier to clean, but doesn't look anywhere near as stylish as the grey (nor would it match the car which is the most important point). You could always take it into a leather upholsterer and get it done there, but it'll cost ya I reackon, lost of little fidly bits to seam together!!! Or there is 1 word - Teflon.... or perhaps Scotchguard for that matter, depends if you prefer DuPont or 3M!!!! EDIT: Should have also said CONGATULATIONS in there somewhere too... :P
  20. Good work Dave, great to see nothing still beats the Stivo for NA power below 1.8L... did they have any other 2ZZ's there to compare against, last time the competition was a little thin on for you, any better this time round? I also would have made it but, no way to get up there, next time for sure!!!!!
  21. Dude, thats a fantastic idea. I reckon that would have a brilliant impact. ← a bit, well a hell of a lot off topic... That was your 400th post Blade!!!!!! Nice work!!!!!! :P :P
  22. My feeling on the scaling is, if you can afford to speed you can afford the penalty... I know from my own experience and being almost $600 lighter in the hip pocket I have learnt my lesson and being much more cautious in the future, not that I spead much in the past anyway, I just missed seeing a speed sign because of the truck I was looking out for... But anyway back on the topic of better 'P' platers, I agree that it really comes down to education and attitude. I think a proper log booking system (where you have to clock hours with a trained instructor not just your parents, a system that is in South Aus) gives you a chance to train bad habits out of your driving technique. Advanced driver training and Defensive driving should also be rewarded by savings on rego, CTP, or insurance (or even all 3) and should be recorded by the RTA and noted on your license.
  23. He has a nice pic or 2 of the grounding setup in his garage
  24. very nice rims takumi :)
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