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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. Yeah I had this same problem solved at 6 month/10K km service. the seal in the coolant lid was faulty and all that was required was a new lid and no problems since. They also topped up the coolant for free as it was a warranty issue!!! :) If you are out that way, go see Cornes Toyota on Unley Road!!! I miss those guys over here...
  2. All I can suggest is check that the vacuum hoses are all connected securely, and take it in to Toyota ASAP, it is most likely a 2 second fix that thay can do on the spot, no need to book in...
  3. Have you though that maybe the charger adds a little extra weight making the weight differential negligable at the end of the day... but yeah the extra torque would be nice...
  4. Love that s##t mate... The old red T18 brings back some great memories!!!!
  5. Welcome Paz... Enjoy your stay... and I hope the food is to your liking...
  6. That's exactly what the church bulletin is for... Wanted... information regarding the scratching of 1 Corolla in Church carpark Sun 6 Feb 2005...
  7. BUMP... Sunday the 13th March seems to be as good a day as any but we need more people... come on, where's your team spirit. Later this week I'll have a detailed route determined that will take in most of what the Southern Illawarra and Upper Shoalhaven have to offer... There will be some great views, beautiful beaches, coastal points with 360 degree uninterreupted spendor, rain forest mountain passes and of course some great roads to drive on in good company... If this is not delivered I offer a money back guarrentee :P This will not be a high speed cruise but more of a touring cruise, but some fun can definitely still be had on the roads planned (plenty of great hairpin bends :D). So bring family, friends, anyone you can think of because this is sure to be one to plan upon in the future to try and get some more regular activities.
  8. DAMN... If it was 2 weeks later I'd be there for sure!!!!!
  9. Go the GT4, then at least you'll still be in the Toyota crew, and not an absolute defection to another brand!!!! I would offer to buy the blue bits off you but... ...naaaahhhhhhhh... I won't :P
  10. I have accidently found reverse instead of 1st on a couple of occasions when I've been a little eager and heavy handed with the change. In the Stivo the beeping starts as soon as you get into the Reverse slot of the box and not actually when you engage the gear, so acts as a good warning, I'll think I'll keep mine... but I can see how it would interupt the reverse sensor beeps.
  11. what about 1ZZ-FTE..... :P :P :P or change the heads over with a 2ZZ for a 1ZZ-GE... hmmm... what compression ratio would that make... maybe a better candidate to getting blown... mmmmmm 1ZZ-GTE.... :D :D :D :D
  12. I stand here now a naked, beaten man... I shall from this day forth hang my head in shame... :P :D
  13. Talk to Northy... He seems to get some freakish power out of his ascent SPORT... there are also a lot of other guys here with experience tuning the 1ZZ-FE, just use the search tool at the top and you'll find your answers there... ;) B)
  14. Gold and Platinum are actually better conductors then Silver, but I'm not sure about the realitive conductance of iridium... But I can find out for you and get back to you.
  15. The best thing to do would be to ring around a few Insurance companies and make sure they insure aftermarket parts, like rims. Try AAMI, CGU, GIO, SunCorp, etc if the wheels is the only modification, or Just Cars if you have a few more things changed, or would like to change
  16. Do your reversing lights still work??? I hear that the beeper is connected to them so may stop them working... best to check
  17. Both me and KT had got our babe done in Sydney City Toyota, Waterloo. The height doesn't change much...~!! ← Cheers, I'll look into it!!!
  18. Which dealer did you go to KT? If they can't get mine done properly at Wollongong I'll give them a try... Cheers Dylan
  19. My advice, wait for the new model to arrive and see what the new body kit is like before deciding... and you are garrenteed it will fit... but to answer your question, yes I think the side skirts fit fine, it's just the front bar that is different
  20. I'd like the SPARCO fairy to visit me in my sleep too, that would diffinately stop my scawny a** from sliding around on the twisties!!!!
  21. If a long weekend is best... ANZAC day is on a Mon this year making 23-25 April free... or Queens Birthday weekend June 11-13 (Both holidays are Johnnies favourites so might be a good idea to wake him up early!!!!) :P :P
  22. I don't know where that guy got his figures from but I'd be happy if my stivo had a 1.08 tonne tare mass!!!!! I thought it was 1.22 tonne.
  23. If you look at Jap imports, the radio in them only goes up to 104MHz, where in Aus the standard is up to 108MHz. As most of the major commercial station seem to be in the range of 104-108MHz, you can see how this can be a problem. Not sure what the Sth Africa standard is though... Cheers Dylan
  24. It's actually a radio thing, all cars sold in Aus have the radio to our standards and frequency range... The fact that we got a 6 stacker is a bonus.
  25. They are building a new closed circuit in Perth just for an annual round of the JGTC (and possibly will be used for V8 Supercars). It is part of the expansion plan to get the series out of Japan and to more supporters of the series. They are heading to Malaysia (Sepang) and China (Shanghai) also to race on the F1 circuits the same as V8's are to try and exploit this untapped market.
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