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Everything posted by Chompies

  1. harsh man ps. this is a repost > http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=2824
  2. where abouts are you guys off to? and i'm assuming it will be around 20-30 bucks?
  3. lookin sharp are you guys moving in that pic?
  4. thought so mate, i love your grill .. so original i hope that's not the track normally.. ? looks like its flooded MAP's also extremely lucky he didn't get collected by any trees.. seems like he cut straight through the tree gaps into the water
  5. we might be able to pull some mazda 3s to come, in melbourne. let us know when you are organising a track day ilivfor6.. bring your rx8 buddies too :P out of curiousity, how did you mount your camera MAP81? oh yea, what cougs said: "What speed where you goign at?"
  6. me too! i would have been crappin my self.. specially since he has a CAI you looked relatively calm MAP81.. "o crap" .. > handbrake up
  7. MAP81, sorry to hear it happened to you.. however, i am glad to hear that you and your car are alright!!
  8. http://ozmazdaclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3859 <[Full Article] A guy from our Mazda club took his 3 to a trackday in Brisbane. A Corolla ended up in the water. Wei Wei, is that yours on the left? Is that Corolla in the water anyone's here?
  9. this is the list of restricted vehicles here in melbourne... http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/vrpdf/rdsaf...tedVehicles.pdf the Type R is illegal for a p plater :P ← yeah, those are all the cars that are over 125kw per tonne looks like they didn't update it? coz the Type S is more powerful than the Type R
  10. hyundai excel w/body kit & GT wing
  11. don't you guys in sydney have a power limit? in vic it's 125kw per tonne
  12. naaa, you guys aren't that bad *cough* commodores are the worst
  13. hahahaha, that's gold! some guys sell all sorts of stuff on ebay check out this one: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...=5581080336&rd=
  14. yeah, check out wei wei's car, it looks hot
  15. Chompies

    I'm off

    Take care of yourself.... whoever you are ^_^
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