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Everything posted by KAA

  1. Hi and Welcome Francois..Enjoy the forum KAA
  2. I agree with Trent..unless you are really pushing it and constantly changing up down... shouldn't be an issue..I mainly use sports for slow crawls as why have an auto if not enjoying the cruising care free change...as the view rolls by KAA
  3. Welcome to the forum Tim..Look forward to some interesting updates from you KAA
  4. A load of fun time ahead mate.. Enjoy it and keep us updated KAA
  5. Welcome Adam..Good Luck on the restore..if no luck getting information your after on here..maybe consider a direct email to Toyota themselves, certainly can' t hurt to try KAA
  6. Sounds like that would do it for sure KE70 at least that would be my first try and fix KAA
  7. Welcome Mathew, Enjoy your SR5 and OZ KAA
  8. hmm one glass of white too many yes it's a camry LOL thanks mate KAA
  9. yea I figured another crazy internet "FACT" KAA
  10. Welcome Craig..I am sure you will enjoy playing with your Rolla KAA
  11. WHAT THE!!!,,if it runs, is roadworthy and you like it..then stuff them and there opinion...their own dam fault for building such a lasting great car KAA
  12. Great work Jacko16..and good luck with fitting Bargin let us know the outcome KAA
  13. Welcome Geoff, yes a very rare old stout..Good Luck with the rebuild I am sure someone on here can advise a good builder KAA
  14. Glad it has been easily sorted for you..now you can truly enjoy your Aurion KAA
  15. Great News then Kimberly..Glad it wasn't a major pain in the butt..Yes please post when you have Pic's..I am sure anyone else in the same position would like the helpful info.. Thanks again KAA
  16. Hi Kimberly, Welcome Having had a Tarago and other van/people movers..removing the rear seats is not an issue, I believe it is only if your altering the type of seats or adding seating where there were never any seats etc that affect rego and require inspection. So if your just removing them I see no issue at all Hope I am right if not I am sure others will rectify the information for you.. Good to have another "Coasty" on=board KAA
  17. Hi and Welcome Collin, I am sure a lot will be able to provide loads of ideas for you and the Rolla KAA
  18. LOL Trent..Yep Check-lists are nice to look at but when the alter, adjust, Modify work begins it becomes endless KAA
  19. Thanks for the report Ashley, will be interested in the out come, so good luck..hope it is a simple adjust for you KAA
  20. Excellent new's on the manuals..glad that was sorted KAA
  21. Welcome to the forum..Glad you enjoying KAA
  22. Hi and Welcome Kevin..as GD said loads of advice and help for your Aurion on here..Enjoy KAA
  23. Welcome to the Forums Steven..Sweet Rolla..Thanks for the post..keep us updated KAA
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