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Everything posted by Lawz

  1. what a douche bag. That dude must be on something hardcore... *cough* too much cordial
  2. Currently... - studying Bachelor of Nursing at QUT in 2nd year. Hope to provide holistic care in areas of Orthopedics or Oncology. - Admin. Officer (Treatment Scheduler & Supervisor) for Queensland Health, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Division of Cancer Services based off site at Radiation Oncology Services (formerly Queensland Radium Institute) at Mater Hospital campus, South Brisbane. Been here for 4 years now. Experience/Skills - Household Handy man (cleaning, gardening, laundry, ironing, cooking, painting, plumbing) - Electrical technician (most audio visual, home appliances, car audio) - Computer technician (see Qualifications...) Qualifications - Diploma of I.T. (Systems Administration & Network Engineering) - Bachelor of I.T. (Network Systems) - Queensland Ambulance approved Senior First Aider - Suitability Care (Blue Card - Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act (2000)) Previous jobs - McDonalds (Fast Food Service - counter, food prep. and training officer) - Chinese Restaurant (cashier, waiter & kitchen hand)
  3. Lawz


    BKS didn't know that. So ease up on the cordial darling... Now on a serious note... If you are scared with a manual then I think the 3S-GTE will be far too much power for you to handle then. Better idea maybe in your case to save cash and purchase an Aristo, Chaser, or Supra... :)
  4. well first of all... these girls might be rebels and could be carrying a weapon and hoping to hijack the car... OR they could get in and 1 of them will call the cops saying you kidnapped them... OR then wanted to offer some services for the ride home... But seriously I would have done what your mate did. You just don't know with anyone these days. Can't trust no body.
  5. absolutely love it. Very clean and smooth look.
  6. approximately 106,800Kms on 2000 AE112R Corolla sedan Bought mine in mid August 2007 with approximately 86,800 Kms on it. Did the most Ks last year simply because I was cruising A LOT!
  7. it's actually occuring across a number of forums... I think it can be setup as well that only a legit email address works. Not free gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc etc
  8. oh Roast dinner aye... mmm gee could ya squeeze a few more of us to the dinner table :P
  9. hmm yeah I hope to be there... well I should be if KKs is on the menu :P I'll chip in to who ever is bringing em :)
  10. oh I'm jealous No offence but i don't dig moulding other types of cars into another. Wing would do with a Seca SX one than that... but kudos for not putting on a massive drift / racing style wing. But yeah whatever floats your boat... Each to their own. If you like the work that has been put into it... then that's all that matters. What colour will she be painted? I reckon get a 4A-GE 20v or 4A-GZE... :)
  11. you'll be right how about Camry GTP 17" mags...
  12. Lawz


    wrong section to post in about a corolla LOL... anyways have you considered or even heard about... 4A-GE 16v, 4A-GE 20v Silvertop, 4A-GE 20v Blacktop, 4A-GZE Supercharged or maybe for economy's sake a 7A-FE
  13. boot installs just went up another level Car of the Year... Unfortunately it went to a Honda EG Civic <_<
  14. Sorry my post isn't going to help really... but I'm just curious... How come you didn't get shocks and springs installed together at the same time? Hopefully you are installing it yourself or with mates otherwise yeah... you'll be forking more cash out I've got KYBs in mine as replacements. Still pretty good but Koni's are way better as SB has stated though more expensive (hence I couldn't afford the extra moolah)
  15. dam man that absolutely sucks. Luckily it wasn't more serious. At least it is repairable though... Hope everything works out and that she be back good as new :)
  16. 5 threads just over the weekend all asking the same questions and yet I still post the same answer for every single one *sigh* C-One wing tips are from ebay... here is the link... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/TOYOTA-COROLLA-04-0...1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. actually you should ask the seller if you could buy the whole wreck... then you can transfer all the TRD bits over :P
  18. congrats on winning the bid mate. as DJKOR has said... keep us all in the loop. Hahha I can just see it... Aurion owners will now be prowling ebay to get something off this written off TRD
  19. Marine carpet/flooring... perfect stuff. Minimal movement of the box :). Same material used on the boats and paving for non-slip jetties and ramps
  20. Perhaps giving her a scare. Sending a letter of request for payment of damages to property. Even violation of trespassing on to your mates' lawn... even better ask the other neighbours what she has done to them and write a letter stating all the violations and requesting payment for damages
  21. I feel your pain man. If that neighbour had such an issue with yous she should have either asked nicely or called the cops as most would. But still if she's done that to your car... and the Police won't do nothing... well guess what... DO IT BACK!!! It's so not fair why people do such things. My mate and I one day at shopping centre saw a Mother deliberately push away/roll away a shopping trolley towards a Mercedes which a woman had just got out of and walked away right in front of us. And since we are nice people we got to the trolley just before it hit. It's a shame some people out there are also selfish of others.
  22. very nice Stivo. I like the eyelids and how you have Sportivo sticker over the left headlight for some reason :) ooo So the Police have gone up a step... sesh such a nice Evo waiting for the Police to thrash
  23. hahha 12 bids and it's sitting at $690 with 2 hours and 40mins remaining... haha this might reach 1k if someone is really desperate for it
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