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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. yeah man that is one helluva car... i love the ra28 to pieces... good times too! :D
  2. lol nah man just extremely tired... anyway whatever i said was a joke.. not sure what time we'll be getting up there... gotta have a meeting with mish this week sometime to confirm everything... WHO'S EXCITED?!!
  3. if they are under 18 i will need permission notes from their parents... if they are over 18, i will need permission from you pete... i dunno what im saying... nor do i know whats going on... should be a good day. bring your friends and money.
  4. ahhh damn it... im going to the gym... i hate the gym... but i need to lose those winter pounds
  5. mmm thats very true... silver members had a free installation day the other week... some springs were installed, a stereo... pretty nifty stuff...
  6. hey man, welcome to the forums :D just thought id throw my 2 cents in as you mentioned you were thinking of picking up a shift performance CAI... go for it man - me and a couple of others have them here, and they are just as good as any other brand, but cheaper... they are a 2 piece, and people will tell you that you lose power in the join. that's not the case. if it was it would be at most .01kw or something ridiculous... the guys at shift helped me out and they're well priced... one guy here bought a cheapo US special from ebay and got it here for just over $100 i think and he's holding the 2nd fastest 1zz with just that and a sportivo catback... as far as im concerned, a CAI is a CAI.. its the filter that you buy that makes the difference... go and get a K&N, or something decent, and you'll get the most out of it... ok enjoy your stay :P cheers, Tom
  7. i watched a minute or so, but i didnt understand what i was watching... so i stopped...
  8. daammmnnn... they should mystery cruise to newcastle... with us... ahh well looks like we have a pretty good number of people who have expressed interest... should be a good day... WHO'S EXCITED?!
  9. its a corolla man -you'll never EVER need to replace it :P ever.. anyway VERY good times... love how you were car number T5.. what time did you get there? must have been freakin early.. wish id come down now if you got that many runs.. oh well when i get my extractors sorted out ill come down again... congrats bill - just gotta wait for that perfect launch and you'll be in the 15.6's no doubt...
  10. haha DUH!! :P as if pete could go a month or so without posting... he'll get major withdrawal symptoms...
  11. oh man... business law... thats the worst subject ive ever come across... and ive come across 8 subjects so far :P
  12. sorry guys wont be able to make it today - i just got called into work and i need the moolah so bad... good luck to everyone going for some records...
  13. that is easily the coolest thing ive seen today... love it!
  14. maybe... that would be awesome if i had a bunch of clones... as long as they dont come and kill me...
  15. he snapped his wrist or something skiiing... oh and hi :P
  16. rob sports the beaver muff himself usually GOLD!!
  17. hope you have a great time pete! didnt see your car at work today when i drove past... might have dropped in and said hi..
  18. hahaha thats the craziest thing ive ever seen... its really not me... but far out... even i thought it was me... im going to hunt that person down... brb...
  19. i would say the chances of getting it flush again are very good... just take it to a decent panel beater... anyone got any recommendations around sydney? if she's forking out the bill, take it somewhere reputable even if its more expensive and you'll be right... otherwise maybe time to upgrade? C-one perhaps? :P
  20. DUDE YOU HAVE TO LOWER YOUR CAR... but otherwise a verryyyy nice sedan :)
  21. spotted limz_rolla this arvo around midday turning off north rocks road..
  22. I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!! when the car isnt moving i can hit the gas and its silent, but when im actually accelerating and moving, i get a hissing noise... like "pst pst pst pst pst" as fast as the engine is revving... ive been trying to work it out with the exhaust guy... the 2 options are: 1. its just the natural sound of the extractors... apparently they do make more noise than normal... 2. the ball joint between the extractors and the exhaust pipe is leaking... so when you accelerate, it pulls them apart (just from sheer vvti power) and produced a slight leak... yours are TRD, so they should have just bolted straight on, and i cant imagine they would leak... but thats my problem... im going to try and get a new ball joint and get them to fit it and we'll see what happens... i will be angry if its not a leak and just normal extractor sounds...
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