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Everything posted by wishbone

  1. yeah i agree with xoom....defect them...they kill my ears when they pass by.....i need a new sound system to drone out their stupid noise!!
  2. hey mate congrats on buyin a camry...the camry u bought should be keyless...doors are supposed to open/close when u press the remote button...i say ur central locking syst. isnt working...shldnt cost too much to replace....i find theres a problem with the alarm systems on these gen camrys.....
  3. older Hilux's looked way hotter...y didnt they supercharge them??? they would have sold for sure!
  4. first of all im with AAMI and yes they r really bad....some guy hit my mum (she was stationary) and at the accident scene he accepted fault bt told his insurance a dif story...my mum didnt get ne witnesses...to cut a long story short...AAMI wanted us to pay the excess! even if u look at the damage on our car it was evident someone else hit us ( and u could tell his car was red too...lol)...newyz another prob with aami is they choose their own smash repairer...even tho u dont like their smash repairer u got no say....the smash repairer we had to go to...had very bad customer service took them a whole week to put one light and do a lil painting..and they were soo arrogant we wanted to go to this aussie bloke who restored cars...he was top stuff..bt aami wanted us to go their crappy repairer..so i reckon u shld go with NRMA even tho u prob pay a higher premium...claims r easier and u get to go 2 the repairer of ur choice!!
  5. with 5gs i dont think u can get tht much power....well if ur lucky u can get a turbo set up done...bt thts if ur really lucky...if i was u...i would do the basics...like wat tayles said....look at ur air intake and ur exhaust....and perhaps a ECU...def do air intake and exhaust coz those 2 will be the cheapest to do....
  6. there was a few websites with it...bt due to copyright laws they went out the dizzo.... http://www.camrystuff.com/index.php?page=Gen2_Manuals this is prob the only site that has somethin remotely close to the workshop manual bt it isnt the real thing....u will have to purchase it off somewhere...perhaps ebay?
  7. oh man i wish i was older...owellz...maybe in the future they will higher the minimum age to drive or even limit learners to driving 2Lt engine cars...ie yaris's or the echo's....lol Or 2.0L 3SGTE Camrys... i think the turbo rule is gonna stick for a long time!!!
  8. aahh see thts the problem these days...when ur prepared the idiot doesnt come...and when ur not he decides to strike....where do u work?? im guessin like telstra or something?
  9. oh man i wish i was older...owellz...maybe in the future they will higher the minimum age to drive or even limit learners to driving 2Lt engine cars...ie yaris's or the echo's....lol
  10. yeah i realised it was a delayed forcast when i checked out the website....lol...i was going for NY (coz my ex lives there now)...was soo stocked how they one like in the last 30secs....it was a great ball from Manning
  11. oh man i used to work at maccas when i was 15...the maccas i used to work for came off a highway it was basically one of those maccas only travellers used....newyz i was working late..and some prick comes in with a knife asking for money and free food....suppsdly he worked at maccas before...so one of the supervisors jumped him....bt yeah tht was my first experience and yeah i was scared....at my current job i work at a surf store....some dude comes in with a hoodie covering his face and a baseball bat asking for money.....my cuz always told me tht if some1 who comes into a store and is all nervous and sweating like crazy...U GOT THE UPPERHAND....this dude was practically drenched in sweat from being nervous...so i played dumb and tried to stall time till my supervisor came from the back....the dude was shaking like crazy...supervisor called coppers....lucky for me my mates where inside the mall at the time...i gave em a quick buzz while my supervisor tried to reason with him...within a minute 6 guys jumped him....lol dude had no chance....the cops took like 10mins to get their....during tht time the guy was crying and asked us to let him go...and tht he wont ever attempt to rob as again.... ...i found it f**king hilarious....first of all he wasnt confident to start off with....newyz i think if u get used to a situation u wont get scared....
  12. yeah was once a youngen....now im 18....jst cant wait to get rid of my Ps so i can drive a turbo!!!
  13. if u look at more of the newer cars u will see thts the case....its to combat speeding....just go by ur satnav....i use a gps system...mines 95 camry and its out by about 5ks....my parents got a new camry...and yeah same prob...u think ur doin 60...bt in fact ur goin like 51....i wouldnt worry abt it mate its jst tht u got a new car....jst go by ur SatNav...
  14. lol badz u just made this whole radar detector topic all complicated....wat happnd to the old days when u are more aware!!! f**k radar detectors....SPEED and read signs and look out for coppers...u cant be booked if u keep ur eyes open!!!
  15. do the coppers use the aurion now??? haha who would have guessed
  16. yeah thts a good tip whip...yeah the only prob i find with these gen camrys is the engine mounts...my ones only done 105ks and the engine mounts are gone...so check them out...bt engine mounts aint too expensive either....
  17. no probz mate...an engine rebuild can cost up to 3gs or even more depending on the car...bt for this car i think it maybe less coz im quite sure u can pick up one of these reconditioned engines for less than 3gs....well considering this car has been well looked after im sure it will last till 500Ks or even more..... a good tip would be go to take a test drive on a whole stack of camry vientas soo u can get a feel for how the car handles....when my mate went to purchase his car...wat he did first was find the car he liked (which was quite cheap) then he went and took a test drive of the same model but with a higher price tag on it (coz they were supposdly well looked after) then took a test drive of the cheaper car....felt tht they both drove similarly and both head decent engines...the only reason y the other one was cheap was coz the body wasnt perfect a few dings here and there and minor scratches all over....lol....sorry abt the mini story bt yeah take a few test drives of other camrys and then take this one for a spin....if u believe they both handle and drive well...then check the engine is clean and all electrics work....i would take a local mechanic...even tho he may charge u...its well worth it.....good luck mate
  18. wishbone

    Mk1 or Mk2

    cheers so cosmetically there was no changes to the sw20?
  19. okay well personally i wld opt for the 95 vienta coz it has been regularly serviced and used with good oil...so the owner has taken care of it...and its also a V6..only downfall is its 320Kms (but being a camry it shldnt be a worry) jst make sure u got enuf cash for an engine rebuild if need be...the second car (the 93 camry)...well the only thing i can say is its Ks is quite low.....and the dude selling the car hasnt said much abt servicing or the cars condition...and another con is its a 4cycl...bt nonetheless i would test drive both and view the car for urself before concluding...bt by the sounds of it the 95vienta seems a good buy esp if wat the guy says abt servicing is true!! good luke mate....
  20. if u lock the car using the key...remember to disable the remote by leaving the key in the ignition and turn it to the on position for 30mins (it maybe less i forget)....i learnt tht the hard way...coz when u use the remote it uses a 2 stage unlocking process...one to unlock the doors and enable ignition bt if u dont turn the engine on within a matter of minutes the alarm syst then auto. disables the ignition so u cant turn on the engine....SO DISABLE THE REMOTE otherwise u will need NRMA to come tow the thing!!
  21. is this the camry mate ur looking at? http://www.carsales.com.au/used-cars/priva...=0&trecs=39 ... coz its unregistered...if i were u i wldnt get an unregistered car jst coz there mite be a reason y its not registered...for 5gs u can get a decent camry v6...u shld spend a lil extra its worth it....
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