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Everything posted by wishbone

  1. LOL when they pay for the fuel do they go "******en, that one over there mate" and point at there car?? Seeing as Jimmy hasn't replied yet.... YES, we get that a lot. Furthermore, it is usually followed by " Aw, I need a receipt with that too" in a half aggressive tone. They then read the receipt on the way out, and chuck it out at the door... yeah right they "need" one. They are checking to see if we ripped them off or not at the counter.... haha, peasants. And Suprathai, whats with the no searching for hookers? :P haha, yeah i get that alot too, i also work in a petrol station, so many people are thinking we ripping them of "that price is not right, did u give me the 6 cents/L discount?" reads the receipt for 2 minutes and say" now, where's my discount!? it dont seem right" i found that the people who complaint about the petrol prices are the middle age group, p platers dont really care they will put 20bucks worth of fuel regardless of the fuel price and Leory dont think too much about all the math thing man, just add fuel in and enjoy, otherwise u mind as well ride a bike like mr2zz lol i luv those guys with the fuel vouches ....its LIKE ITS ONLY FKIN 4cents!! if u fill up with 50 litres thts like only 2bucks...all u can do is buy a mars bar....****...
  2. ta mate...well im over the 5sfe and i wont more power...so basically i have to looke for a 3sge coz the 3sgte is turboed...cheers mate....oh and r the mr2s as realiable as the celicas and camrys?
  3. wow tht was good mate...btw wat do ppl think abt caltex/woolworths fuel???
  4. haha....that doesnt work if ur not asian....i tried doing tht once....the asian dude was gonna charge me 2gs for painting a bumper and replacing a corner light....lol wat a rip off....
  5. yeah the oldies do know how to take care of an automobile....mate of mine got a pulsar n13 off some old man who had it since new....it drove like new...engine had good performance it was soo clean inside out...bt newyz car was totalled few weeks ago .....my mates an idiot...lol...newyz y dont u think abt gettin some heavy duty clutch or a sports one?
  6. its jst tht i have used the 5sfe engine so its no point in buyin a celica if i sell my camry...ill keep u posted..Mr2s r quite expensive compared to celicas...newyz thanks mate...

  7. hey bro i chekd tht celica out...and u were right not very good...rust all over it...some parts missing...and he still wanted 1 grand for it...thanks for ur help

  8. wishbone


    hey i finally had a look at tht celica....guy wanted like 1000 for it and it wasnt in good shape...thanks newyz for ur help black turkey
  9. wishbone

    Mr2 how much

    after alot of consideration i have decided tht i want a MR2..i was intially gonna get a celica coz i got a 5sfe engine but tht engine is soo ***** weak...i like the mr2...im currently on my red Ps so i cant drive a turbo...so im looking for a non turbo (NA) Mr2...i also wanted to know how much a decent one will set me back and wat i need to looks out for when i decide to go check one out...and do these mr2 have the reliability like the camry?
  10. thanks mate...yeah im gonna use odd off when going up hills...and the etc button for higher revs (like overtaking people)...
  11. yeah it sucks was one of ur finest actors...RIP u will be missed
  12. yeah i really dont like the look of the new rollas...even tho they say its their hottest corolla i think its quite ugly....the old skool corollas are the best looking by far...from 1988-2000 i think those models were better looking...i think the one they made after the 2000 generation looks too much like an echo and the recent one looks like the mix of the yaris and echo...IMO the echo and yaris r the most hideous cars toyota ever made....lol
  13. parents bought 2 of em coz they r reliable as hell never had any serious problems...i can name all the probz tht i have had with my 95 camry...1. Dead Battery ( my fault shld have changed it) 2. flat Tyre (again my fault)..3. Alarm Sys. ( i had deactivated the remote control using the key coz the remote stopped working after awhile...bt some1 accidently pressed the button...so yeah)...cars great its not a sporty car bt great for some1 who doesnt want to spend money...will last forever if taken care of...
  14. hey guys just wandering if i leave overdrive off and turn the ETC button on so i get more power will tht put more wear to the engine?? i have noticed that with the OD off and the ETC button on i get alot more power out of the 2.2L engine...so wat do u guys think?
  15. sorry hear dude...that must suck!! i live like 15mins away from u...ur area is a wealthy area its just the nieghbouring suburbs that **** it up for you...where was ur car parked?? did ne of ur neighbours see ne1 suspicious or ne unfamiliar cars near ur car?? u shld get the cops to go thru with a fine toothed comb!...i hope u get those bastards and make em pay!! yeah i too have heard stories abt the breakins and strippings.....newyz good luck mick u shld prob invest into a good alarm system!
  16. yep whip cracker is spot on! camrys engines will last u a long time (considering she has had it regularly serviced) u shld have no problem with the engine...i say tht the engine hasnt even reached its half way mark...and the gtp gen 4 camry is quite rare and for 8500...i reckon its a bargin...with 17s and carbon fibre accessories its def worth the buy...engine mounts can be changed for abt 500 i think...good luck mate..if u do buy the cam (u made a good buy ur not gonna find many cars like a cam tht wld last for years and years)....
  17. YEAH ur right....bt i jst want the cam to look a lil more unique without spending too much cash....so i thght spring locks wld be a better idea...
  18. yeah i do have a camry thts y i dont want to spend money on it...im gettin a celica in a few months..so i want to get tht properly lowered...and as for the cam, i dont want to spend money on new springs...jst want somethin temporary...
  19. ummm dont leaf springs look totally different from normal springs?? like these?
  20. guys have u realised that this guy posted back in 2006 and the fact tht he hasnt been on since nov 4 2006...????
  21. if u want to add a lil abit of power without spending too much cash i rec. looking at ur inflow and ur outflow...thus ur air intake and perhaps buying a catback exhaust system...the cheapest of these 2 mods wld be an air intake...bt be careful with air intakes...freaks kinda right with sticking with the stock air intake...but if u set up a pod filter right u can suck up more cold air...if u change ur air intake system make sure ur not sucking up hot air from the engine...coz then u will be loosing power...with a catback exhaust system i think u can pick up a secondhand one for around 150....good luck dude...
  22. i was planing to use them on my car to see how my car looked if i was to lower em...and i was thinking abt using them for a few months before i opt to buy lower springs....so u dont think its a good idea as a temporary device?
  23. wups yeah i realised tht i posted this on the wrong section...im jst used to posting everythin in the general section...sorry..can some1 please move it to the suspension section....cheers!
  24. i was just interested if ne1 here has ever used lowering blocks or spring locks???i have heard they are unsafe and are they really worse than cutting springs?? thanks!
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