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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. spotted " LUNJIAOW" the great blue yaris!!! in utopia myaree around 10 ish?? im pretty sure its this guy, sorry i dont know your name, i was outside utop with a group of people. lolz... Nice car bro! :D
  2. shiat! sorry to mised out guys... lolz... still had bad hang over from the last 2 days of heavy drinking and clubbing lolz... but dun worry, next meet up ill be there.... did u guys take any pics? if u guys did , i wanna see :D
  3. yeah, i remember you noog star.... plus there was one time i accidently saw you in your garage... i wouldnt say on the forum where you live... hehehehe... jk2... did you see my car? it was a blue corolla... i tihnk you saw my car but dont take notice of it, coz it was pretty standard back then! lolz :) what cruise u organising mate? :)
  4. woah, for some reason right.... i havent been very active on the forum coz of work T_T so buzy... lolz.. but once i come back, i see many new members already... hmmm.... cant wait to see them!! :) eg the one above me, welcome Andrew, so see you on sunday eh? ;)
  5. ==================================================== Attendees: 1. Jase 2. Jeremy 3. Jeffrey 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!
  6. if some one is starting the GB!! ill be on for this! :) come on peeps! show some demand!! :D
  7. andy can u pm me ur msn mate? lolz mauahuhuaha ANYWAY! NICE! i wanna ask alot of question ROFL mauauaha
  8. any info on wher to get it andy? lolz... i need to get HID too! lolz
  9. LOL YOUR A FCKING *****, WHO TOLD YOU ?!?!?!?!?! grr LOL i hope no one took photos it was pretty bad aye HAHA but yes lols lets never speak of this again HAHAH ps. maggie said your brother is andrew ? IS THIS TRUE ?! right ashy... whats goin on here? is there anything that we miss out? bahahahahahahaa.... joking2! lolz... hope no one took photos??????!?!?!?! hmmm... must be pretty bad ey?? lolz... anyway, secret is a secret... fine2 LOlz jk2
  10. yeah, it seriously gives me the message. if u speed and get an accident, u wont only hurt ur self or the other driver... but other people as well eg, pedestrian, cyclist, people around the area etc2... definetly a good video to post!! two thumbs up!!
  11. HOLI MOLY! look! $890 including tyres! thats it... it will fall into one of my goal list next year... hehehehe
  12. thats not good enough toyota! seriously... can we claim this through ACCC? i dunno ey... it just doesnt sound right... something is wrong. plus not only you having the same problem, alot of people having the same problem. which means its a factory fault... toyota should pull all the product back and fix/ replace it behehehheheh :) dont u love that? :D
  13. hmm... ur net is great mate! i realized too i think a few weeks back, connection to TOCAU website is very slow.. now its getting better, but sometimes u still get some glitch while browsing. and YES! specially loading the big pictures! its annoying when you are reading and the page starts jumping up and down... lolz :) im not sure if others get the same problem, but i assume they have experienced the same thing
  14. HOLY!! that fog light looks so damn yellow! hehe... very nice... very nice.... :) does ur bf have photography as a career or a hobby or something?? damn, that pics looks hot!
  15. LOL! yeah! its gold ey!! hahahahha... specially posting it in the forum :D:D:D
  16. damn andy.... lolz... u been spending alot NONSTOP man! lolz... nice2... cars goin really2 good :)
  17. great success guys! :).. nice to meet you all... :D
  18. Happy bday Ashy!! LOL.. so what present did u get? gonna party alot? hhehehehe
  19. WOOOOO! andy's car have some azn eye lids now! BAHAHAHHAH! jk2 :D
  20. Yeah! they are boost R! lol.. how can u tell? behehhe... but it doesnt come out in black colour... repainted it LOL hahahha.. thanks man.. havent seen u for a while... i went to tyre power CV, once i said bozu's name... Paul, the guys, straight away give different price ( cheaper) lolz ! bahahahhahaha!
  21. yeah! i will! :) hehehe... havent seen u for a while dayve? :)
  22. lols.. thanks2... but it was a quite dodgy paint.. paid 250 to fix gutter rash and repainted... but will definetly need new one around next year? which is not too far away from now :)
  23. i know... i dunno how.. but my cousin somehow grabbed those centre caps and started putting it on my wheels.. he said it looks good >< lolz.. yeh.. ill take it off soon... i need some wheel locks too... LOlz You have to get at them from the otherside of the rim. In other words, take them off, and poke them out! OH WHAT? gotta take the rims off? thats ****! OH MAN! thats causing trouble! T_T
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