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Everything posted by Blackkluger

  1. If u call 'Plastic' protection. Thats all there is underneath.
  2. We have nudge and tow bar, the tow bar has paid for itself already when some "nice old lady" decided she wont waste her brakes and rolled into it at an intersection, the front nudge bar will assist in stopping people in carparks mainly from knocking your car, helps also when you need to push things out of the way...lol I think it makes the car look better, maybe thats causing my tyre wear issue....? They can also fit large driving lights.
  3. Yes, the camber for the kluger according to toyota is -0'38", +-45" They have had mine set from FACTORY at -1'30", almost 3x the normal camber, im guessing, as are bridgestone, that they know of this problem and to minimise it they have already used more negative camber. Theres probably 3-4mm left on the left most tread whereas the right side of the tyre is as new! thats after just 7k!already had the first one replaced at 9k as it was already this bad. Has anyone checked their alignement and check what camber is set on theirs? Toyota said if they set it at the -0'38" it would worsen this wear...which seems correct.
  4. TOYO open country has been released last month through Tyrepower, i was quoted today $350 approx for each tyre fitted and balanced, thats 245/55/19 original specs. Im still having wear issues with the front left tyre, its wearing on the outside, and my local dealer is stumped, toyota head office said this is "NORMAL" for suburban driving....I take huge offence to this as most of us would use it in surburbia! Its like im doing something abnormal with my car! 20" is good, but hey, why not go all the way to 22"! lol
  5. Anyone been on any moderate 4x4 tracks around melbourne? Obviously nothing too serious but maybe a bit of dirt wouldnt hurt:) Any suggestions?
  6. Been and done another alignment, still dead on, so was refered to bridgestone, they double checked this, said it was all spot on. They can only conclude there is a fault which is machanical rather than alignment for the wear that is going on here. I just want normal wear!
  7. mute is the off button! lol - comes back pretty quick when you press it the 2nd time.
  8. yep, when the rear view kids mirror is down, it blocks a quarter of my rear vision mirror....just too tall for it i guess, i live with it as the side mirrors are so big i can see behind and two lanes to the right as well(or left!)
  9. our sun visors can, its got the extra pull out bit thinggi! lol
  10. Well, toyota have been kind enough to redo the alignment, they also want to do it again as the manual tells them a different toe compared to some other reference they use. back in again this week for ANOTHER alignment to see... Also found out whilst i was at bob jane that 22" with tyres, about $3000, but the tyres were only around $300 each! They would look good.....265/35/22!
  11. Proves my point, ran it to the empty line, fill today with 10L of 95 to clean up the rest. Back to 95, had to give it a go and see, i did see the economy drop to 15L by still higher than premium under same highway conditions. Thank goodness the fuel price has dropped!
  12. I was a long way away, and always make sure myself or wife parks in the park straight, therefore give people no reason to damage our car, even the guy at the shop said it will ahve to be resprayed as the paint has cracked...!
  13. So, i get side steps to protect the side of the car, nudge bar to protect the front, the trusty towbar to protect the rear(saved me 3 times in the last 3 years from other idiots), so guess what this Bright Spart did, they "deliberately" dented the panel between the fuel cap and the rear light assembly. I say deliberately as i have had and seen lots of carpark door dints in my life, this one is so big that you could be mistaken for me sideswiping a POLE! Damn, probably some teenages out at night causing trouble, no NOTE left, thanks alot MATE! My 7 month old car now looks like the pits with this HUGE DENT in it, got a photo, will upload later, to top it off, i had to use the touch up paint, oh, it seems to be gluggy, wasnt smooth like fresh paint, so it clumpt onto the RAW expose metal due to this! GREAT!
  14. mate, use premium 95 as the economy is a little better for me with this, i worked out for 6c a litre more, thats $3.60more on a 60l fill, if i improve my economy by just 1L/100k's, its work it, i get about 2L/100 better or more sometimes!
  15. Thats it, 17.5L current economy, normally 15L, therefore, no worth the couple of extra cents savings!
  16. Anyone tried it? I;ve just got a FULL tank of it to check it out as our large shell station has removed all shell premium 95 with E10!
  17. see, your kxr has different tyres, so its plausable that it wears ok on the 17" ones. These 19's are great but im not driving hard, virtually no offroad as yet, not even 15k's and at this rate, its going to be work on one side by 20k's! Not good enough for $500 tyres. Even if the tyre was $100 i would still be concerned, i cannot afford $1000 pair of tyres every year nor do i want to pay $88 to get alignment every 3 months, thats outrageous. I will call them tomorrow and see if there is a problem, especially when i havent been hitting kerbs etc, i expect it to stay true.
  18. Another complaint Had alignment done less than 3 months, couple of thousand ks only, and once again, the front left wheel is feathering...its also pulling slightly to the left No kerb hits, to damage from me, or wife, unbelievable toyota. Whats their head office number, im not paying $88 every 2-3months for alignment!!!!!!
  19. what are the details of the hybrid? WHat en=gine what hybrid system
  20. I wouldnt go the roof mounteed one just because all grande drivers cannot see out the back rear vision mirror when in use. I couldnt use it at all when i test drove it, so as we had the same headrest dvd screens, we opt and went for the kxs as well. Love it.
  21. All lexus and alot of toyotas have the auto light sensitivity too sensitive, if your ever driving behind one and go under a bridge, bang, their lights are on then off a few seconds later. With the alignment, i got the printout which showed the alignment was way out, the car now feels like it pulls all the slightly to the left, they will say its out roads, i know it aint. I have constantly checked the wear and it is fairing much better. I cant wait until there are more choices of tyres available though.
  22. I noticed that when i test drove the car, toyotas response is that it is not a head rest. End of story. They call it head restraint, therefore they claim they dont have to make it comfortable as they claim if you are in a correct driving position, you should not be using it to support your head. They do have a point, but 99% of people do rest their head on it, whether it be at a shopping centre or at the traffic lights. I personally think its a load of crap, and have bought a little pillow that fits in that hollow nicely, it was from an auto shop, works well, though my wife is shorter, it doesnt affect her as much.
  23. Hey guys, jut got back from 5 days in usa, i didnt see not even ONE new model kluger, and only about 2 of the old ones. Did see lots of other common and very american cars of course, but we see more here than over there for sure!
  24. we averaged without trailer but full car load, 11.9l/100kms from Frankston to Adelaide city. This was over a variety of roads up hills etc, also a fair bit of 110kms speeds. I found the fuel gage is over compensating, to make sure we dont run out of fuel, i believe once it hits 0kms to go, you got about enough fuel for 100kms...? I didnt test this theory out though lol...
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