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Everything posted by Blackkluger

  1. No vibrations here, the sound though isnt smooth until the rev drops below 1000rpm(auto chock?) but we usually turn it on in summer, to cool the car down while getting the kids in, so by the time we drive off, it seems smooth.
  2. Depends, i suppose if toyota charged $10,000 more for a diesel version, then it would not be worth while, if it was just $2000-$4000 more, i would opt for it, especially if it was a v8 diessel from the 200series.... I dont think ford would charge too much extra for the diesel.
  3. I hear the ford territory is coming in 2010 with a 2.7L turbo diesel, from jaguar? has anyone head whether toyota are looking at a diesel as well? I'll go for the v8 diesel in the kluger, same as the landcruiser 200 one? being a lighter vehicle, it wouldnt be bad!
  4. yes it looks very nice when new, some advice, dont let anyone else wash your car, and dont use machine car washes.
  5. Your very lucky, must be christmas:)
  6. the oem is 8mm new, how deep is the tread on the Toyo?
  7. hi guys, simply go to a $2 shop, take the pin thing with you and i ended up getting a slimline padlock(costs $2!) and it obviously can be cut, but it deters the opportunistic theives. I had this with the old commodore and works well, havent had a problem in 4 years using this, even when parked in unsavoury suburbs of melbourne! lol where we like i quite often accidentally leave my other car unlocked, nothing dissapears... spoke your area is not so safe and hence, your home insurance would be higher too?
  8. kluger is probably bigger and more comfortable, and probably safer too being a bigger car. we've been to adelaid melb direct and that was a great drive - until you get stuck behind a Slow car...
  9. This is a great topic, when i get my 40k service done, i will insist they get the correct part. Any other recalls keep us all in the loop. I havent received a letter yet though...
  10. This is when you need to ask(like i did) to have it part of the sale condition, just like all the accessories they chucked in. Push them as far as possible or theres NO SALE. Though i was at the petrol station within a couple of days anyway:)
  11. i feel 20" would be a waste of money, i've seen some here on 22' and they look fantastic, it still has a bit of rubber and who is really going to take your baby offroad....maybe check ebay for a cheap set of 17 if you are. remember you cant go too wide, when i looked into it, i think 265 was the max???
  12. simple answer, we dont use the auto mode....
  13. Our kxs awd doesnt have any RE smell, in fact, you could be hitching up the trailer with engine on and even though it is warm humid air coming out, no smell at all. holdens arent free of this, dad bought a vn many yrs ago and this was the worst re smell i have ever seen, he had to roll down(luckily) into the garage otherwise you couldnt breathe inside the garage if the engine was on! this was new in 1990!
  14. I have an older caravan which has a brake controller on the draw bar, therefore it isnt as good as the ones you guys have but i adjust it right for highway speed and find it simple to use, i have used 3 cars with this and no need to get any controllers fitted:), save heaps of money and HOLEs.
  15. We love the camera, no need for the sensors unless your blind:). It works well for those tight spots, too bad there aint one on the front as well lol
  16. Hey rolla boy, maybe we can bring our cars around to have them adjusted. Its is just like any other profession, some, you, may do it great, but most will do an average job and therefore when it is poor in the first place, it just exagerates everything. If it was a poor alignment of a good park brake, it wouldnt matter as it would still be ok, but yeah, hopefully the gearbox doesnt damage because of it.
  17. The park brake is pretty poor, i can pin it to the floor, and still it will roll down my driveway, i have no choice but to hold the car in P otherwise it will literally roll away, toyota claim agian this is normal... I say they should take apart the park brake on the vz commodore and see how it actually works, that one could lock the rear wheels up even half pulled up(easily!)
  18. [quoteAround $600 a yr, hang on, you have the car and have no insurance?????????????!!!??
  19. It definitely is the wiring, someone probably touched it so when you braked, instead of no reaction from the trailer, the one which normally powers the electric brakes was probably hooked up to the brake lights on the trailer or indicator. When u get the next trailer, test all lights work as they should, this shoudl eliminate any wiring issues.
  21. Hi cookie, hope you dont mind, as soon my lease runs out, im geting the Liquid injection gas as well. Could you tell us your initial impression on power and economy on gas when you can? did your installer do a dyno to compare the power loss? As apparently some far out claims say you can actually get a 5% INCREASE in power??? Cant get the government rebate when the car is leased....
  22. the cup holders visible in the front have a lever to hold smaller cups, wonder whether we can get the 12 way adjustable front passenger seat for our version(since their car is LFD, hmmm
  23. Ho did it go on real 4wd tracks, did you get stuck, turn traction off? did it go better with it off or on?
  24. 230379328174 - side steps bargain qld 19 wheels - nsw 250500665639
  25. It would still be a while off, and this current gen only came out in late 07? I'd expect earliest late next year. they wouldnt want a new update so close to the prado.
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