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It's great that Buddha also resides north of the river, cause it's the best side (PLEASE LET's NOT GET INTO A DEBATE ABOUT THIS) but Buddha isn't in a Sportivo, so unfortunatley for the 'Spotting Fraternity', Buddha blends in too much...

Put a little Sportivo Sticker on your side skirts, and I'll spot you....


Put a little Sportivo Sticker on your side skirts, and I'll spot you....

Not sure if you can quite tell in my pic to the left, but I actually have an OEM Sportivo grille, picked up a bargain from Danthuyer recently!

Maybe you can spot that! :)


Which roads does Buddha travel on, afyfe might have to make sure he keeps a better eye out....and waves if he sees Buddha


I'm in the Aspley/Chermside area, so Gympie Road mostly, but if travelling to work, usually Sandgate Road, a bit quieter than the "main drag".

I'm a regular spotter of Rolla's of all types, so I'll keep an eye out.


I travel from Murrumba Downs to Herston and back again each day and usually via Gympie Rd.

Inbound trip is usually made around 6:45 - 7:45 am and return around 4:00 - 5:30 depending on when this health public servant feels like flexing off....

Red Sportivo, with black/yellow personalised plates... can't miss me cause I ususally have the front windows down with Linkin Park for all to hear....

Inbound trip is usually made around 6:45 - 7:45 am and return around 4:00 - 5:30 depending on when this health public servant feels like flexing off....

Ah, flextime ... such great memories ... I'm an ex-federal health public servant (my "trade", as I like to call it).

Will keep my eyes and ears out for the "wed wocket", to quote another post. :D


Saw a red Stivo on Coronation Dr today at about 1pm. Had personalised plates on it - MIK **. Anybody from here? Also saw a red Levin with full sportivo bodykit on it with some sort of exhaust as well on Coro dr.


Not I

I have red tivo, but personalised plates ar AZZ76


Saturday ordering a burger outside a cafe near North Beach, Wollongong, red Stivo pulls up, dude jumps out, I say to said dude 'nice car you pulled up in, got one of my own only Blue'. Proceeded to say how the car was his sisters and looked kind of embarrased that he had been spotted driving his sisters car (obviously never had a Lift session), so at this point all I could think of was, damn, I wish his sister was driving...

But anyway, he didn't seem much too interested in conversing, so I let him go but I'll be on the lookout for this car a bit more I think, it is local to the Gong as it had Wollongong Toyota # plate surrounds and stickers etc. I'll make sure to carry some flyers with me from now on...


Spotted a blue Stivo heading towards the freeway on Loganlea rd at about 1.30-2pm. Was it you sporthatch 141? Also spotted a white Levin with full stivo kit. I thought it was danthuyer due to the hilux stance...


I saw what I thought was an Ascent (I think it had black bump strips up the sides...) with Sportivo kit yesterday turning off Gympie Road at Kedron at Sci Fleet.. heading towards service department


Saw a silver Sportivo on broadway this morning, number plate started with F...... had a trd sticker on the back, lowered and brake calipers were red....I was behind u in a silver sportivo.....I high beamed but u didnt see i dont think

Posted (edited)


Edited by sport1vo
Saw a silver Sportivo on broadway this morning, number plate started with F...... had a trd sticker on the back, lowered and brake calipers were red....I was behind u in a silver sportivo.....I high beamed but u didnt see i dont think

Hey NIKICH was that FX--7...??? I see that one around all the time... parked next to it at Figtree Coles, came out and they were just driving off so didn't get a chance to chat to the guy (older guy about 50 with his Mrs) but caught up to him in the carpark and gave him the thumbs up as I passed him on Crown Street on my way home!!!!!

Also noticed a silver Stivo, white premium plates pass me as I was walking home from Uni on Wednesday at the roundabout that goes down to the TAFE near the Uni, had a bit of a ding in the front bar just above the plate, was that you???




Dylan this was Broadway in sydney that i saw the silver 1....

I dont have any dings on my car....I dont get to drive it much cause i commute from wollongong to sydney....On the weekends i try and do the rounds.....If you and Zee wanna meet 1 day we can do that...have a chat and stuff like that...

I guess that would go for anyone else on the forum that wants to do a cruise to wollongong...



Anyone drives a Black Levin(i think) with white rims with the number plate TRD198?

I saw this while i was driving my Camry CS last night on Paramatta RD leichardt.

Lol, nice rolla, that it caught my attention.


Brizzy roads appear to be a little dry of the ol tivo the past few days...

Buddha, I know yours aint a tivo, but whez ya bin....

Brizzy roads appear to be a little dry of the ol tivo the past few days...

Buddha, I know yours aint a tivo, but whez ya bin....

Funny you should ask, Afyfe ... my wife and I were up in Hervey Bay over the past few days, and this arvo on the way home, I spotted a white Stivo turning to go south on the Bruce Hwy from a Kilkivan turnoff, just north of Gympie. We were in traffic and he was a bit obscured, so I can't identify it any further but it appeared to be stock and had standard Qld plates.

With all the traffic, this car could be from anywhere, I guess, but if the owner is reading this, please say g'day!


afyfe - man i see you everywhere i saw you last nite im sure it was you at kangaroo point going past the gabba but i wasnt in the car... you were the one behind me at wynnam a few weeks ago ey the one up my ***** :P :P



this one's for the folks in Sydney...

I was driving my gf's echo tonight (down the Hume Hwy) and came up to this silver 1ZZFE sedan with an exhaust and cheapish looking sideskirts and was driving as fast as I normally do. Came up to a slower car and this corolla slowed down to block me off and later on was trying to race me.... in an Echo(stockie) with a full load.... does anyone know an asian lookin dude with that Corolla (rego XYF - ...)??

Was kinda sad trying to race an echo though :blink:


afyfe - man i see you everywhere i saw you last nite im sure it was you at kangaroo point going past the gabba but i wasnt in the car... you were the one behind me at wynnam a few weeks ago ey the one up my ***** :P :P

That would have been Boxing day, LNE15, but wouldn't have been me....I had too many lemonades that day to drive but yeah it was me on Wynnum Road..he he he....and it wasn't that I was up your *Woohoo*, it was that your rear bumper wanted to meet my car :D :D :D



Tuesday 28th December

Bruce Highway Southbound near Glasshouse Mountains (7:30am ish I think) - Blue Sportivo heading south...

Bruce Highway Northbound near Glasshouse Mountains (1:30pm ish - Blue Sportivo heading north...

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