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When you are driving around a parking lot looking for a space and think you see one. Then you get closer and a small car is in there. Even worse is when it's a motorcycle or even a small scooter.

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2 of my most hated.

1. people that dont indicate at roundabouts.... but i allso do this.......

2. when a cashier is giveing you change and they give you the notes in your hand and put the change right on top of the notes............. **** i hate that

Right on both accounts; except I always indicate :P

shopping centres... car parks are bad, soccer mums parking next to you.. and then theres the part where you're in the shops, old people galore.. massive groups of ethnic teens who hang around not buying anything.. and people who walk slow :@

Don't forget the idiots who seem to think congregating around the top/bottom of the escalator or the entry/exit to the store is the ideal location to have their family/school/work reunion.

The other one I have noticed recently, seems to only occur in car shops. The ****** bogans who walk around thinking they are king ***** because they are in a car shop and refuse to get out of your way; or think they are more important than you because they worked out how to change a filter on a VR. The isle is 5m wide but they will walk two abreast and expect everyone else to move out of their way because they are 'being men, and buying manly things'.

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Don't forget the idiots who seem to think congregating around the top/bottom of the escalator or the entry/exit to the store is the ideal location to have their family/school/work reunion.


I really hate people who think they can walk in front of a car just because they are in a high pedestrian area.

Moving metal objects beat bags of flesh and water EVERY time.

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I really hate people who think they can walk in front of a car just because they are in a high pedestrian area.

On that subject; I really hate people who don't give way while I'm crossing at the lights. I have the little green walk man! I'm not sure how they think they have right of way :grr:

Most intersections it's fine. But the intersection out front of work...there are no rules apparently, illegal u-turns galor and cars hardly ever giving way to pedestrians.

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Traffic lights that are not in sync :angry: ....you have pole position,take off from the lights and reach speed limit only to be stopped a few hundred yards at the next set of lights that have just turn red before you get to them,take off again only to be bloody stopped again.

Are the petrol companies in bed the the traffic light people??? It would make sense to me then. :spiteful:

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Traffic lights that are not in sync :angry: ....you have pole position,take off from the lights and reach speed limit only to be stopped a few hundred yards at the next set of lights that have just turn red before you get to them,take off again only to be bloody stopped again.

Are the petrol companies in bed the the traffic light people??? It would make sense to me then. :spiteful:

I strongly agree with you there... all traffic lights that are in line of each other should be syncronised...

Another thing that REALLY annoys me is traffic that tends to slow down on the highway for no reason... or if it starts to spit rain... geez... some people really need to learn how to drive in the f***** wet. :@

also... i despise silly people that think putting a Chevrolet badge on a commo is 'cool'. ITS NOT A CHEVY ENGINE! If you want a REAL chevrolet, BUY A CORVETTE B)


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Another thing that REALLY annoys me is traffic that tends to slow down on the highway for no reason...

That really annoys me. Like when they go up a small incline but done bother to put their foot down more. This one stretch on the Centenary Highway that is 100km/h and without fail, everytime I travel that stretch, there is always a line up of people going 70-80km/h.

or if it starts to spit rain... geez... some people really need to learn how to drive in the f***** wet. :@

Yeah... those ones that think doing half the indicated speed is what they should be doing in the wet.

I think we need a separate thread with all our driving hates. That way we can keep this thread for little non-driving related rants. Or resurrect this thread:

Chance to vent about idiotic drivers

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asian drivers lol... not to be racist but they are pretty bad...

i was walking to the station and as i was passing a roundabout, a P plater asian decided to not stop, even tho there was a car to his right, the car to his right had the right of way and kept going, they came soo close so the asian had to stop, he decided to beep his horn at the innocent lady who had the right of way !

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This is about me and my car last night....sorry if its long but my car started a fire in the engine bay.

A young mechanic was servicing my car last year before christmas i found out today. Its taken till last night for the Engine Oil Cap to fall off whilst ive been driving and leak the whole engine bay. the mechanic put somone elses cap on my car that wouldnt even screw on cos it was smaller.

I lost a full engines worth of oil that ended up on the road, all through the engine bay and inside the top of the bonnet. The bonnet was dripping with it the whole time when i had it lifted. ASK TOYO ASSASIN cos he was there with me.

Anyway i finnaly got it home and the car was still in one peice. When i parked it out at home there was heaps of smoke comming out of the bonnet so i left the bonnet open just watching it cool down for a while, and the manifold of my car just went on FIRE!! with the oil that was dripping on it.

Quickly blew it out and avoided a massive explosion or at least ruined car thank god!!

Took it to the mechanic this morning have the O'dd oil cap taped several times though the engine bay to kep it held. Iwas told me i shouldnt have driven the car...and i must have lost a good 4L of engine oil..which he was right.

Anyway apparenlty the bloke no longer works because of simular problems like mine.so i think it safe to keep going back. I hope he wont let me down like this again by letting younger people service the car, and instead leave the himself ( owner mechanic of the business) do the servicing from now on.

Thats my rant for the day :mellow:

Anyway the qualified mechanic (owner) helped me out and gave me a oil cap so i can drive the car straight away and degresed the engine bay and washed it all out for me. He has ordered me the correct toyota one for my model which will be ready for my next service,which was great and i am pleased about. ^_^

Edited by Armstrong
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Just because he's young doesn't mean his dumb, there could be a 50yo and still be dumb, I'm young, and not only do I do services but other things, ATM I'm doing an astra that's a pain in my backside, removin motor, doing a gb, all because the radiator shat itself and Copland mixed with auto, no it overheats, gonna do thermo tomorrow

work trusts me a young kid :)

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Just because he's young doesn't mean his dumb, there could be a 50yo and still be dumb, I'm young, and not only do I do services but other things, ATM I'm doing an astra that's a pain in my backside, removin motor, doing a gb, all because the radiator shat itself and Copland mixed with auto, no it overheats, gonna do thermo tomorrow

work trusts me a young kid :)

Sorry to hear about the unfortunate near catastrophe you had there Nathan.

I also agree with Daniel here. It's statements like these that stereotype other young people out in the field. It's like the whole P-plater hoon stereotyping.

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Sorry to offend you both...but im sure u'd understand the frustration..i over reacted.

Your correct....people shouldnt judge age ...over just being a complete idiot. (LIKE I JUST DID ABOVE)

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My next little rant.. just one of those things that somehow annoys me.

... When you are weaving through traffic and there is a person behind you doing the same. Then they steal an opening in the flow of traffic before you can and before you know it... they are several car lengths ahead of you and getting further and further away.

That frustrates me.

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My next little rant.. just one of those things that somehow annoys me.

... When you are weaving through traffic and there is a person behind you doing the same. Then they steal an opening in the flow of traffic before you can and before you know it... they are several car lengths ahead of you and getting further and further away.

That frustrates me.

Ohhh that is me! :lol: Love doing it to others, hate getting it done to me.

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People driving in the fast lane when the slow lane is empty.... mostly i find old ppl, asian or women doin it.... I get really close up their **** - within a foot or so and scare them off into the slow lane.... Its really dangerous but it really pisses me off.......

This is my favourite (only on two lane roads as I always keep left since it's just a curtsey). I'm yet to have anyone intimidate me, trucks excluded (they have lead pipes :P), I just keep going slower and slower until they get the point and leave a gap, if they don't leave a gap then I keep going slower :lol: If they want to sit up my **** while I'm doing the speed limit they need to learn some curtsey themselves.

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With all the roadworks going on around home atm i'm starting to really hate dump trucks (and i had a huge passion for toy ones when i was a little tacka)...but the amount of crap (stones/dirt/mud...ect) they spew out the rear when on the move is just not cool,i find myself either trying to get past em at break neck speed or i hanging right back. :(

Also multiple speed limit changes...theres a stretch of road i travel regulary and in about a 1km section the speed limit changes no less than 5 times...40kph(for the kiddies :) ),then back to 80kph,down to 70kph(not sure why),then 60km(heavy residential),and then 50kph(shopping centre)....now i understand most of the reasoning behind all the limits but i thought the road was for cars and not people,with all the checking of the speedo you have to do i'm not surprised i see so many minor fender benders on this little stretch of tarmac.

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Another thing that annoy me. When you go a distance (like downstairs) to do/get something, then you get there and something else grabs your attention and you end up doing that. Afterwards, you return to where you came from only to realise you didn't do/get what you were meant to.

With all the roadworks going on around home atm i'm starting to really hate dump trucks (and i had a huge passion for toy ones when i was a little tacka)...but the amount of crap (stones/dirt/mud...ect) they spew out the rear when on the move is just not cool,i find myself either trying to get past em at break neck speed or i hanging right back. :(

Then when you are stuck behind one without nowhere to go and you se then hit a bump in the road shaking all the crap out of the rear. All you can do is listen to it and cringe.

This is the reason my my front end really looks like s*** now. It was so perfect and new 65,000km ago. The major disadvantage of living on a side of town where you basically have one highway linking you to everything else and they decided to redevelop it.

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some douche bag with a fake tan, gold chain and bum bag on a 95 degree angle listening to music of their ****ty mobiles without headfones on the trains... I want to punch him sooo much :(

If you don't recieve a reply with in the next few days, its coz i've been locked up for beating this muzza's brains all over the train

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1. the indicating at roundabouts makes me very angry

2.people who say youse instead of you. It is YOU not youse you f***ing inbred c***bag so get the hell out of my store if YOU aren't getting anything and while YOU are at it get some proper fitting clothes and if YOU are going to wear a cap don't wear it off to the side with a team emblem that YOU probably haven't even heard of

sigh browns plains people make me angry

end rant

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okay... so now that i'm doing roughly 180kms a day, i think i have developed a severe road rage at idiot drivers!!!

these fuqn idiots stay in the right lane WHEN THERE IS NO OTHER CARS IN SIGHT AND NO EXITS COMING UP!!!

plus, they sit on 90 in a 100 zone... ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!

oh and whats even worse is when they sit next to another car thats going slow as well...

i've started yelling and waving my hands about at them... :lol: i know they cant hear/see me, but it sure as hell feels good... haha

next step will be the horn and high beam flashing i think... :lol:

ohhhhhhhh, and dont get me started on those fuqn bastards that think its okay to wash their windscreen when someone is behind them!!! ohhhh, i wanna strangle them!! :lol:

i think i've just found my new favourite thread... :lol:

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ohhhhhhhh, and dont get me started on those fuqn bastards that think its okay to wash their windscreen when someone is behind them!!! ohhhh, i wanna strangle them!! :lol:

Oh man. That one seriously sh**s me off. Especially when my car was cleaned recently. So many times I have considered putting a sprayer jet in my rear bumper and then fill it with dirty water. Then I would overtake them and spray them.

My next rant.... those slack f*** that are so lazy that they can't return their trolley in a car park. It is really hard to walk that extra 10 seconds to place it in the trolley bay instead of hiding it behind a pole between cars.

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Eg. the latest news report where the 60 yr old lady drove through the brick wall......come on. Government should give free taxi/bus passes to all seniors.

Driving home the other day on king georges rd, some old guy who looked about 90 with these massive headphones on (not for doof doof lol, obviously some sort of hearing aid device) was driving and as the road would curve he would cut across lanes as if the 3 lanes was a single massive one.

plus the fact that he didnt know what blinkers were (probly weren't invented when he got his license) and i dont think he had enough strength in his leg to hit the brake cause everytime he stopped he almost hit the person in front.

I bet you the cops will never see this guy though. How can someone at that age keep passing the rta required testing thing that they have for seniors each year?

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