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TRD Aurion


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My rant for the day!

It still surprises me how many people on here go on about how Toyota should have done this and should have done that!

They offer a package in certain cars that appeal to some and not to others.

All i ever here about the TRD Aurion is how it should have been rear wheel drive, and have this and have that....and most of those complaining are either those who don't have one or those that simply can't afford one. Yes it appeals to me as it is a big family car with a bit of power under the hood. It handles well, its safe and it appeals to a certain market. It is not for those that think it is an all out sports car...and it has never been marketed as such.

Front wheel drive......who cares....i didn't, if you don't like it, why buy it or even consider it....Why not give Toyota a pat on the back for giving us a choice......yes i too would like to see more cars and even a rear wheel drive layout...bring back the Supra.....but there is just not a big enough market for it here.....its all well and good saying i would buy one if it came here, but most of the time, people are full of s**t.

I have a family and the TRD Aurion is perfect for us....I have owned Wrx's, 200sx's and so on, but none are practical for me or my family.

Its funny to find that most critics of the TRD drive normal Aurion's. Hell, if its that bad, why did you buy one in the first place knowing it was front wheel drive......

I am just sick to death of people being so negative........no wonder Toyota and other car manufacturers cease production of great packages because joe public is nothing but critical of what they have to offer. For all those out there that are not happy, go buy a Holden or Ford and see how long it is before they too give you the s**ts.

Brad. :angry:

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My rant for the day!

It still surprises me how many people on here go on about how Toyota should have done this and should have done that!

They offer a package in certain cars that appeal to some and not to others.

All i ever here about the TRD Aurion is how it should have been rear wheel drive, and have this and have that....and most of those complaining are either those who don't have one or those that simply can't afford one. Yes it appeals to me as it is a big family car with a bit of power under the hood. It handles well, its safe and it appeals to a certain market. It is not for those that think it is an all out sports car...and it has never been marketed as such.

Front wheel drive......who cares....i didn't, if you don't like it, why buy it or even consider it....Why not give Toyota a pat on the back for giving us a choice......yes i too would like to see more cars and even a rear wheel drive layout...bring back the Supra.....but there is just not a big enough market for it here.....its all well and good saying i would buy one if it came here, but most of the time, people are full of s**t.

I have a family and the TRD Aurion is perfect for us....I have owned Wrx's, 200sx's and so on, but none are practical for me or my family.

Its funny to find that most critics of the TRD drive normal Aurion's. Hell, if its that bad, why did you buy one in the first place knowing it was front wheel drive......

I am just sick to death of people being so negative........no wonder Toyota and other car manufacturers cease production of great packages because joe public is nothing but critical of what they have to offer. For all those out there that are not happy, go buy a Holden or Ford and see how long it is before they too give you the s**ts.

Brad. :angry:

Ur argument is true at certain point, but the most of the things that has been ranted here were found after we bought it. Like rattles and stuff. I don't complain for Aurion being fwd. Im happy with my car as it is. It's just that for a car that's considered to be rather expensive, it's surprising just how the quality as they are. Noises and rattles, shaft spline, etc2. For me, it's not because certain things have to be done at a CERTAIN way, It should've been done the RIGHT way.

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I agree with you when it comes to rattles and noises etc...but you get what you pay for.....i am not happy i have squeaks in a 60k plus car but i knew what Toyota was like and i still stuck with them because i am a happy camper. My previous cars were much worse.

My concern is people are not happy with what they have to offer as a car......as a platform you could say.

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Ur argument is true at certain point, but the most of the things that has been ranted here were found after we bought it. Like rattles and stuff. I don't complain for Aurion being fwd. Im happy with my car as it is. It's just that for a car that's considered to be rather expensive, it's surprising just how the quality as they are. Noises and rattles, shaft spline, etc2. For me, it's not because certain things have to be done at a CERTAIN way, It should've been done the RIGHT way.


not referring to the recent insights of global failures at toyota hq, but maybe its toyota australia thats causing some/most/all of the issues, more new toyotas made in aust are surcoming to quality issues compared to prior years/models.

current overseas v6 camrys are deemed one of the most reliable v6 vehicles, however its the nissan maxima/cerfero that takes the lead in the best overall affordable family v6 japanese vehicle, perhaps in the world due to quality, build, refinement and an engine that constantly sets benchmarks in the v6 world.

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I agree with you on how people say it should have been FWD/AWD, etc etc. It has been designed, and then canned. There's no point stating the obvious design changes the TRD should have had. Enjoy it for what it is or buy something else. And as you say, it mostly comes from those that don't have one. Those I've spoken to who own a TRD appreciate it for what it is... not complain about what it isn't.

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I am glad someone understands what it is i am trying to say.

TRD Aurion is based on the everyday Aurion platform.........being a FWD car.........its all good and well saying it should be a RWD or AWD but this is not what Toyota was trying to achieve......it was a performance version of a car that is already in production. To change it to rear wheel drive or all wheel drive loses that Aurion background.......you may as well design a whole new car. The AWD platform did not work for Mistubishi with the magna...........so why would Toyota do something that is not economically sound. People buy Subaru's for the AWD.

I hear many comments comparing them to FPV's and HSV's. They work off a platform also and that is rear wheel drive. Why would they change to AWD or FWD.......because its a product and brand that they offer and are succesful with. Toyota have huge sales because what they have is succesful.

Personally i don't belive the market for TRD is there but its great that Toyota offered us something different, all be it, only for a short time. And i for one am lucky to own one.......it handles great for on the road....i mean most owners would never let there car see a track anyhow............

Hey, life would be great if all we had to chose from was a Holden or Ford would it not.

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It is not a true performance car. Its more grand turismo car, you should compare it to XR6 Turbo and SS sedan(not to FPV or HSV). XR6T is a step for car enthusiasts before performance European brand(which most of us can not afford before certain age) or just stick to Ford. But TRD is a strange package, it is not for car enthusiasts, and way too expensive to justify. Toyota should put standard V6 in it and some who cares about look will buy TRD if priced close to standard Aurion. Or put V8 and give it a go... but lexus isf. Its all comes to profit, if Australia will still sell European brands and Lexus and Infinity( which not even here) for such insane prices - you do not have real option for performance Toyota here. Lexus here for this role.

Of course you happy with your purchase, as most of us do. Nice ride, but a bit odd for value/money/performance set up.

Edited by avstral
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Believe it or not, the TRD aurion has been marketed as a performance 'sports' sedan (hence TRD badge).

Compare it to something similar, and you'll see why TRD pulled out of australia so soon.

Now that the comparison has been made, you can see why people wish it came as rwd/awd.

Edited by RoM2nV
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Believe it or not, the TRD aurion has been marketed as a performance 'sports' sedan (hence TRD badge).

Compare it to something similar, and you'll see why TRD pulled out of australia so soon.

Now that the comparison has been made, you can see why people wish it came as rwd/awd.

yes but we've all overlooked something crucial, Australians generally dont know what the true value of a TRD badge is. Eventhough its from a normal everyday manufacturer & even though its just some souped up version of a normal family whitegoods car, japanese manufacturing sports brands come at a premium.

B4 TRD went bust, it was one of the big 6 heros of fine jap sports engineering, you've got:







FPV/HSV have cars that can possibility "kill" most models from the hero 6 brands (except the legends eg. a Nismo Skyline GTR and the likes), toyota have marketed TRD like bmw and merc have marketed AMG & Mpower - thus why the trd badge on a fwd aurion was deemed "premium", compared to the likes of HSV & FPV - which compared to the hero 6 jap sports brands, are unheard of (maybe once or twice in appearances on topgear, and the odd export by HSV, but come on - once u step outside australia people all over the globe are most likely to know all of the hero 6 jap brands than HSV/FPV).

may sound stupid, silly, ridiculous, but the hero 6 brands get the same, if not better WOW factor to the european sports brands.

not saying TRD aurion is worth more, or can out do fpv/hsv, its just the image toyota hq wanted toyota australia to continually portray, just like sti & ralliart have maintained that "premuim-ness".

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My understanding from a reliable source is that TRD had its problems internally too in relation to the way the company was run by management and the attitude of Toyota Australia.

Aside from quality issues, there was a lot of confusion over the direction of the brand and exactly where it sat in the market. Lets be honest, TRD was no threat to the likes of FPV or HSV and whilst it was marketed as "premium", it could never take on the likes of BMW-M and AMG.

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to the original poster:

i own a trd, and even though i love it to bits, i still wish that it was rwd or even better awd...

but in saying that, i dont regret buying it as a fwd platform because at the end of the day it is a pretty damn good 'package'... :)

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Don't get me wrong, the Aurion would be a fantastic car if it was a RWD and would have been some stiff competition to the Fords and Holdens but the simple fact is that its not.

We bought our cars knowing that they were FWD and for me, i don't see an issue.......for those that think it has severe torque steer and massive understeer.....well it doesn't if you know how to drive it....and i beleive that those who criticise either don't own one or have never driven one. Remember this car was the most powerful front wheel drive production car from the factory floor.

People still say even in this column that Toyota were aiming at HSV and FPV or the Euro market......they produced something that is different....not the same same like the Holdens and Fords..........it was aimed at an older market, not young blokes looking at modifying..........

And at 60k, i think personally it is a bargain, and the 2nd hand market for 40k is an even bigger bargain........a great package that yes could have been better, but all cars from the showroom floor can be improved.....even the top end market...

Other than Holden and Ford, which personally i can't stand, there is a big hole for enthusiasts in that 60k to the 100k market.

Personally, i think its a great package and its a shame TRD have shut down the operations in Aus.....

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a great package that yes could have been better, but all cars from the showroom floor can be improved.....even the top end market...

whilst i agree with you in theory, i really still fail to see how the C63 AMG can be improved... yes, you can squeeze more power out of it, but why the hell would you want to do that? :huh:

anyway, back on topic...

surely even you can see where people are coming from when they say they are confused over the reason this car was made...

even to this day, i find it hard to put the car in a segment of the market... it really doesnt 'compete' with anything out there... it was just a strange move by toyota/trd... even the trd hilux doesnt really compete with anything else on the market...

but in saying that, i thank trd/toyota for making the car... cause i love it... :lol:

(actually, one major gripe i have with it is WHY OH WHY did they make the sensors so easy to trigger!! :lol:)

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c63 amg is pure porn....now thats a perfect example of how a car should come of the showroom floor.

I here what you are saying, it was a strange move by Toyota to do the Aurion and Hilux......but i am glad they did......i also too love the way the car is. Its a shame that people don't understand just how good a car it is. Can it be improved.....hell yeah but for what it is.....its a great car and for the price......i find it reasonable.....cheaper would mean they would have not been as exclusive.

I would love to have seen a Corolla in TRD form........

As to the category it fits in, maybe just maybe it will be the start of a whole new era.....with Aurion the pace setter......FWD isn't all bad..........

By the way guys.......the names Brad. B)

After saying just how nice a car it was yesterday...some sneaky little bugger last night decided it was a great time to throw golf balls at my car whilst driving home.......did i see him, no, just the balls......and hows this for cheaky....from the angle they were thrown...he or they must have been in the bushes in a large roundabout.......

Now to get a price to get my Bonnet fixed....... :angry:

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I would love to have seen a Corolla in TRD form........

now THAT would have a very defined place in the market... and if they made it they way they made the aurion/hilux, it would have been the best in the market, imo...

ford focus xr5, mazda 3mps, etc...

or corolla trd... i know which one i want!!!

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I would love to have seen a Corolla in TRD form........

mmmm yea....why did they do that huh?

it must have been political from toyota hq

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If it were RWD/AWD you'd have a drive shaft going through the rear leg wells instead of it being perfectly flat.....

At the end of the day, it boils down to cost. Australia is too small a market for Toyota to build a brand new RWD/AWD platform, so TRD only had the stock Aurion to "play" with. They've done a great job with the car, and you get the refinement and reliability as well as performance (this is coming from someone who used to drive an Evo X).

I've heard that even Japan HQ thought Toyota Australia was a bit insane trying to build the TRD brand off a V6 FWD, but they gave the go-ahead anyway. I can bet there were many "I told you so"'s muttered during the board meeting when TRD Australia was shut down.

Now, all you guys need to do is get Toyota Australia to bring in the Mark X (which is based on the Lexus IS platform). I've relocated to Singapore and I test drove the 2010 Toyota Mark X, it feels simply amazing. Feels very "Lexus" but yet very sporty. It's a third less expensive than an IS250. They even have a 3.5L supercharged version (which I can't afford). http://www.7tune.com/2010-toyota-mark-x-update/

If Toyota Australia brings in the supercharged Mark X and sells it for about $50k - $55k (to compete with the Ford G6E Turbo), they'd have an instant winner there.

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If it were RWD/AWD you'd have a drive shaft going through the rear leg wells instead of it being perfectly flat.....

At the end of the day, it boils down to cost. Australia is too small a market for Toyota to build a brand new RWD/AWD platform, so TRD only had the stock Aurion to "play" with. They've done a great job with the car, and you get the refinement and reliability as well as performance (this is coming from someone who used to drive an Evo X).

I've heard that even Japan HQ thought Toyota Australia was a bit insane trying to build the TRD brand off a V6 FWD, but they gave the go-ahead anyway. I can bet there were many "I told you so"'s muttered during the board meeting when TRD Australia was shut down.

Now, all you guys need to do is get Toyota Australia to bring in the Mark X (which is based on the Lexus IS platform). I've relocated to Singapore and I test drove the 2010 Toyota Mark X, it feels simply amazing. Feels very "Lexus" but yet very sporty. It's a third less expensive than an IS250. They even have a 3.5L supercharged version (which I can't afford). http://www.7tune.com/2010-toyota-mark-x-update/

If Toyota Australia brings in the supercharged Mark X and sells it for about $50k - $55k (to compete with the Ford G6E Turbo), they'd have an instant winner there.

That car is NICE!!!!!!!!


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Now, all you guys need to do is get Toyota Australia to bring in the Mark X (which is based on the Lexus IS platform). I've relocated to Singapore and I test drove the 2010 Toyota Mark X, it feels simply amazing. Feels very "Lexus" but yet very sporty. It's a third less expensive than an IS250. They even have a 3.5L supercharged version (which I can't afford). http://www.7tune.com/2010-toyota-mark-x-update/

that wont be happening for ever and ever...australia doesnt have the population for them to justify importing such an awesome car down, in terms of costs to benefit ratio.

and they'd rather sort their global crisis issue (which will cost them dearly) first before doing anything drastic like importing a new car to the outback.

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