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The Ownage Game


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Don't know how many of you have seen this before. We used to play it on a DJ forum I used to frequent.

Basically, you have to find an image that "owns" (or "pwns") the previous poster's image.

The rules are as follows:

1. Each image has to be related somehow to the previous image, however loosely. Therefore you can't 'own' a picture of big bird with a nuclear missile. That would just be silly.

2. Your image doesn't have to be related to the subject of the previous image. It could be related to a different part of that previous image. For example, the subject of the image you are 'owning' may be a man on the beach. In the background, though, there may be a topless woman. You may use the topless woman woman as the subject of your 'ownage', even though the man was the original subject of the image.

3. You cannot 'own'
with Chuck Norris. This would end the game, as Chuck Norris 'owns' all, can cannot be 'owned' by anything, so a Chuck Norris image will therefore be counted as cheating. If somebody posts a Chuck Norris image, you must ignore that and use the image prior to the cheater's post as the subject of your 'ownage'.

These rules may sound a tad confusing, but you'll pick it up as we go along.

So, given that this is a car club, I'll kick off the round with something appropriate...

Edit: Also, remember to include a caption with your image. Even though it may be perfectly clear to you how your image 'owns' the previous one, it may not be so clear to everyone else. And lastly, please only post if you have an image to post. Chatter takes away from the smooth flow of the game and makes it hard to follow.


It used to be a Civic. There probably still is a Civic under there somewhere.

Edited by Paradigm
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It used to be a Civic. There probably still is a Civic under there somewhere.


Only after the Honda Civic was torched does it now get attention from potential purchasers. Owner who moded the car also started the fire said: "I had to melt the plastic to get to the scrap metal."

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