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Layering Autoglym EGP over Dodo Diamond White Wax


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Heys Polishing n Wax'n fans,

Just thought i would share with you guys my little experiment i conducted yesterday with Dodo and Autoglym...

Well, it didnt go that well... :unsure:

Order of tasks:

Foamed - Snow Foam and Meg's NXT mixed together

Washed - NXT (had Dodo supernatural here but wanted to finish off the NXT)

Primed - Dodo Lime Prime Lite (wipe/rub on, wipe off)

Waxed - Dodo Diamond White Hard Wax (cured for 15- 20 min)

Sealed - Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection ( cured 30-45 min)


Dodo Lime Prime lite : Great stuff. Preps paintwork well for waxing. Light, fine finish as well. Easy to use.

Dodo Diamond White: Good, i have previously tried the 'Soft' Dodo Light Fantastic. Harder DW was a little more difficult to apply, but easy enough. Feel was good to great, but not as wet looking as the LF. As I will be off my feet in a few weeks for recovery, this will be the last wax for the LS in 2 months. I chose to seal the DW wax with Autoglym EGP. Knowing that these products may not go well together, i decided to try the combo anyway.

AutoGlym EGP: Application of the water thin EGP was easy enough, but from the smell of the solvent used in it, i assumed that the DW wax may have been dissolving with the application Of EGP. After allowing the EGP to cure (could have been longer but it was well dry) the finish was now rough to the touch (you could hear almost sandy like noise when running the back of your hand over it). Almost like it needed a clay (it was smooth before the EGP) it had areas of reasonable smoothness, but i wasnt happy. Shine was good to great, but it lacked serious "depth". I was a little worried about the rough, pitted feel, but decided to leave it till the morning.

This morning I gave it another hit of EGP (heavier dose too) and results were a little better after an hour cure.

I also re- Lime primed a section of the boot after the mornings EGP dose to re-test my theory. Hit the newly primed area with the Light Fantastic Soft wax, and waalaaah! Smooth again (90% smoother) and dept and wettness had returned. Hhhmmmmm....

SO, from where i stand, i think i should have, after priming, maybe used DW hard, and followed it up with LF soft.

I also had some Dodo Supernatural.... maybe i should have used this instead, but the LS needs a good polish, and im waiting for my Scholl S17+ to arrive first...


I discussed this with BGPete yesterday, i akin the effects seen to music.. bare with me here.

EGP is like CD's: sharp, surgical and crisp.

Light Fantastic is like vinyl: warm, wet and full of depth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO. I would have gone the other way. The egp is a sealant and in general will have better longevity than the dodo wax. Try apply the sealant Nd then layering ontop with a wax for depth. Done the same process on

Mine with ag egp and ag hd wax. Results are jaw


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