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Rav4 2AD-FTV Turbo Diesel Excessive Oil Consumption


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Welcome to the Forum! As you can see, those of us who have brought this issue to the attention of our local dealers are getting mixed responses. Some dealers seem to be oblivious to the issue whilst at least one dealer has taken the bull by the horns and is actively trying to do something about it. We are all relying on Welshpomie to report back on the results of his rebuilt engine. So if you go ahead with the rebuild, we'd all be keen to hear the result through this forum. Can you tell us who your dealer is?



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I recon the reason the dealers are not keen to suggest a rebuild is because they wouldn't make money out of it. Their bread and butter comes from sales and general service. When it comes to warranty work, Toyota foot the bill and they probably don't pay the dealers enough. So that is why we need to turn the screws on the dealers. If we don't get a result then it's up to us to pressure Toyota directly. So let's keep this Forum active and gather as many RAV4 owners as we can find.

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Hi All

Great to hear from everyone.

I look forward to hear more from Welshpomie as he progress with the reworked engine.

My 2013 RAV4 was purchased from Waverley Toyota Glen Waverley and serviced by them as well.


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Well my rav has been at the dealership for a week now and my motor has been removed, the dealership have informed me that they are awaiting toyotas reply on what to do next. The dealership have informed me of what they would like to do but said toyota has the final say. I think toyota are happy to string us along and keep us waiting.

Someone on here sold their rav back to toyota rather than getting it fixed and I'm curious as to what they offered you for your rav? Mine offered me $21,000 to buy mine back ( rav was 6 months old, I have an auto which cost an extra$3000 alone,

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Also have all the extras and a $3500 bull bar and driving lights and 4 x new tyres worth a $1000 as the ones supplied fell apart after 5 months. All up my rav cost me about $42,000 and they offered me $21,000 buy back, well I told them where to shove their $21,000 and said I might be blond but I'm not stupid.

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Hi Jennifer, the buy back price was significantly more than what you were offered. Mine was a GX auto with alloy wheels and I paid $36.5k after super fleet discount. I had the RAV for exactly 1 year and 25,000kms. The buy back price was the full settlement of the outstanding balance of the 5 year lease.

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Hi Talbit,

yes you are right mate. after travelling 4,500kms the engine oil lit up and as i checked, the oil level is at the bottom dot of the dip stick. I always check the dip stick after their service to make sure they change oil and top up properly.

I purchased my rav from peterwarren toyota in liverpool nsw.

they just did another 2000kms reading and they said that the oil consumption is about normal but they topped up again and want me to come back again after 2000kms again for the 5th time i think.

A lot of our members are right, we are now all victim here of buying a new car with fault and we are part of their experimental fix. This is the reality that is hard to accept.

21k buy back is unfair...

with their fix (piston replacement) they are also not sure if it will work.

Any response from ACCC or fair trading?

Hopefully we have a member who has connection with media (ACA or today tonight) to have this brought into open publicly.

For sure Toyota will have a faster response on this engine design issue.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

I raised this issue with Toyota Canberra on my last service and 7,000km later needing to add more oil again. Like everyone else I hope this issue can be resolved without going to Fair Trading.

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Welcome to the fourum. We are all awaiting the outcome of Welshpomie's engine rebuild. I go to Fyshwick for my services and they haven't mentioned the rebuild option but they are well aware of my concerns. The trick here is to keep this forum alive and round up as many Rav4 diesel owners you can find. Did you check the oil level when they did the service? They overfilled mine and if I'd left it then the oil light wouldn't have come on before the next service.


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I haven't contacted Toyota directly but it if I don't get a sensible answer from my dealer soon them I'm going to. It all hinges on the results of welshpomie's rebuild.


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Just wanted to update you all on my rav.

Toyota have approved work for new pistons and rings to be installed and are awaiting the delivery of these parts. I don't know if that will fix the oil consumption? The rav had now been at the dealership for over a month and it was toyota warranty holding things up not out dealership. The dealership wanted a new motor installed however the warranty department said no. We don't know where the pistons are coming and our dealer said he really had no idea if this will solve the problem.

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When I took my new Rav4 in for its first service, they had to replace the main engine management computer and they said it was coming from Japan by sea! I asked why couldn't they fly one in from Japan and they said they didn't do it that way. They gave me a loaner vehicle so it didn't hurt me too much. Fortunately, there was one on a ship which arrived soon after so they had it fixed in about two weeks. So if your parts are coming by sea, who knows how long it will take. When you get your vehicle back we are all very keen to hear the result.


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I spoke to Canberra Toyota Belconnen about my out-of-schedule service. They will be running some diagnostic program over the next 2000km. I questioned if there is a known problem with diesel Rav4's and the answer was No. I requested for the service manager to speak to Fyshwick. Do you have a contact at the other service center how has been dealing with your issue i can put Belco in contact with?

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I'd better not name anyone in this forum so I've txt his name to you. But your comment is interesting. I just don't believe that you are the only person in the whole of the northern Canberra region (which includes parts of NSW) to notice this issue. This is an example of dealer incompetence or an attempt to fob you off.


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Hi everyone the latest update on my rav rebuild is still going good with 5,000 km on the clock since the rebuild there is still no loss of oil so far ,and getting a average of 5.5 - 5.6 to the hundred km so fuel usage is very good ,previous to the rebuild the average was 5.9 - 6.1 bus as i say it is still early days , the rav goes in for its 60,000 service next week so the monitoring will continue ,doing a average of 1,000 a week it will be at least 2mths before a decent assumption can be made which means a straight 10,000 km stint , Welshpomie .

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Welshpomie, thanks for the update. Looks good so far. Lets keep our fingers crossed. Great news also on the fuel consumption which is a bit of a surprise.


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Hi Talbit . the fuel consumption was always reasonable .but has improved slightly ,has i have said in the past this has always been based on HWY driving at 100km we rarly go into the city of Brisbane , i have noticed the calabration on the speedo is about 5-6 km out so in real terms if i was to drive at what the actual speedo reading shows the consumption would be less again, the lowest so far was 5.42 per hundred with the wife driving ,i really dont think we can achive a better result unless the driving speed is reduced ,i may have forgotten to mention the rav has a manual gear box.


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Thanks for keeping us all up to date. I too have noticed the speedo is way out of whack. I've checked mine with several independent GPS systems and mine is 6klm out. It is actually within the new Australian design rules so Toyota won't do anything about it. I started a forum on this subject - search for "Rav4 Speedometer inaccurate"

Also, I don't trust the Rav4 computer. I started checking the litres verses kilometres manually and will start doing so again. Yes your manual vehicle will probably give better efficiency than the autos. At the moment the computer tells me my open road fuel consumption is about 7.5L/ 100klm which is good so any improvement will be a bonus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I joined this forum to tell of our experience with 8 th month 2013 rav4. first 10 k no issue secon 10 oil low light came up at 16.5 first thing they asked was did you put any oil in it ( dont do this) we said no we will bring it to you to top up. at 19700 same thing so my mrs went in for service and they said no no known issues this is normal. Lets say I went in for a robust discussion, with service manger usual theme if there was a known issue we would know about it. I said good as I know from this forum a few are getting affected so I must have a issue that needs fixing. No w here is another common theme, yes sir we need to do a oil survey for toyota so they can quantify the problem you will need to come back in another 5k . Fill out the forms car arrives outside, first thing I do is check dipstick guess what it went well over the dipstick, drag servivce manger out side and show him. He looks embarrased but says it is on an angle, 20 min later after they take it out the back he apologise profusly and they pulled out 300 mill, ( so people be warned) at 23600 oil light comes on 800 mls added ( checked by me ) at 27500 again. By this time they commited to rebuild. New pistons rings head gasket this took two weeks and we got car back last friday. Oh yeah and they charged us for a service! another phone call to service manage, why did you charge us for oil and filter, it was on the sheet I thought strange he says, so what are we going to do about this, he had no answer, I suggested he bring car in at 30k and put new oil and filter given it has a rebuild and we dont want to do 12.5 k before it gets changed, he thought that was a good idea. It has been a saga and we had to push all the way they did not contact us at all we had to keep prodding. Not good customer service, but saying all this we like the car. So I will update all on the outcome as it does a few km's



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Hi I joined this forum to tell of our experience with 8 th month 2013 rav4. first 10 k no issue secon 10 oil low light came up at 16.5 first thing they asked was did you put any oil in it ( dont do this) we said no we will bring it to you to top up. at 19700 same thing so my mrs went in for service and they said no no known issues this is normal. Lets say I went in for a robust discussion, with service manger usual theme if there was a known issue we would know about it. I said good as I know from this forum a few are getting affected so I must have a issue that needs fixing. No w here is another common theme, yes sir we need to do a oil survey for toyota so they can quantify the problem you will need to come back in another 5k . Fill out the forms car arrives outside, first thing I do is check dipstick guess what it went well over the dipstick, drag servivce manger out side and show him. He looks embarrased but says it is on an angle, 20 min later after they take it out the back he apologise profusly and they pulled out 300 mill, ( so people be warned) at 23600 oil light comes on 800 mls added ( checked by me ) at 27500 again. By this time they commited to rebuild. New pistons rings head gasket this took two weeks and we got car back last friday. Oh yeah and they charged us for a service! another phone call to service manage, why did you charge us for oil and filter, it was on the sheet I thought strange he says, so what are we going to do about this, he had no answer, I suggested he bring car in at 30k and put new oil and filter given it has a rebuild and we dont want to do 12.5 k before it gets changed, he thought that was a good idea. It has been a saga and we had to push all the way they did not contact us at all we had to keep prodding. Not good customer service, but saying all this we like the car. So I will update all on the outcome as it does a few km's



Your lucky they rebuilt it so quickly, Toyota made me wait until 55,000 ks before agreeing to rebuild my motor my problems started at 10,000 ks.

Update : my rav is still at the workshop it's been there for 6 weeks now.

I think the staff got sick of me ringing as they now ring me to update me on the progress.

The parts are due in this week all except the head gasket as this can't be ordered until the rings and pistons are fitted and measurements done.

Toyota was kind enough to loan me a car for free and I'm being very kind and running up it's ks for them.

I'm not upset with the service department the staff there are brilliant but Toyota as a company really need major training in customer service, empathy and how to be honest with their clients.

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Welcome to the forum. It looks like you certainly have been given the run around. It seems your oil light was coming on every few thousand klms. Your experience with the dealer is typical. Some dealers say they are aware of it and some others say they are not. The TNF58/14 mentioned by RSECHI in this forum should go to all dealers. It seems they don't bother to check them. Bad management in anyone's book. It's interesting though that some dealers are doing the rebuild while others are not offering unless they're pressed. The overfill happened to me too. They weren't too concerned. I drained the extra out myself. I recon they just overfill hoping that the oil light won't come on before the next service. My dealer told me that they just pour a set amount in from a calibrated container. But clearly, the guy who does it doesn't bother to check the actual dipstick level. Anyway, we are all keen to hear of the result of the rebuild so please keep coming back and checking in to this forum.

At the moment I'm running on full synthetic and to be honest after 2,000 klms I haven't noticed any difference. But I'm not confident. Did they go through the synthetic oil routine with you?

Jennifer - The delays in your rebuild is nothing short of disgraceful !!!

Hang in there.


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Further to the frustration !!! It's interesting that some dealers are doing the rebuild. They must have the okay from Melbourne and Japan. So that means that Toyota Australia is fully aware of the issue and have decided on the quite expensive fix. But then the other dealers aren't aware of it - or they say they aren't. So this is where we must keep on their backs. The dealers don't want to do the fix because they won't make any money out of.


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