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After Sale Products - HAVE I BEEN CONNED?

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I bought a new LC200 from a Perth dealer last year. I let them talk me into purchasing the Defense Pak paint, rust and fabric protection package. They expalined how essential it all was and that it came with a life time warranty. I went for it as they did a heavily discounted price.

What they didn't tell me, and what I've just found out after being sent a reminder letter from the company that carried the work out, is that the life time warranty is conditional on having a mandatory inspection after 12 months (cost $130) and follow up inspections/touch ups/re-applications every three years from then on (chargeable but costs unspecified???).

Had I been told this at the time I would never have purchased the options. I believe I have been conned and have lodged a complaint with the department of consumer protection. I'm interested to hear other members opinions on this and also to find out if anyone else has had a similar experience.


Paul S

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The fine print is in a printed form I was given after I agreed to purchase. There is no signature on the form, it did not form part of the purchase contract. Interestingly I emailed the company who perform the work yesterday on the pretence of being a new customer. I asked how much their rust & paint protection was and they told me $990. Only when I pressed for more information did they disclose that the 10 year warranty is conditional on undertaking an annual $130 inspection. I asked if that didn't mean the true cost of the treatment was in fact $990 + 10x$130 = $2160? Their reply: Yes, it does.

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Toyota rolled over at the mention of DOCEP and agreed to pay all of the ongoing costs invloved. They made no reference/excuses as to why I wasn't told about them in the first place.

I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions....

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It is not only toyota doing this. Other car companies are too.

They should all provide full disclosure on cost and reapplications of treatment.

Also aftermarket warranties on used cars are full of tricks like $1000 excess on claims , car must be serviced every 3000km/3months to maintain warranty and only engine and transmission covered.

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