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Unfair speeding fine.

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Hey guys, was driving to a mates place last nite in sunnybank and on the way was given a

speeding fine for 80km in a 60km zone and the officer didnt have a radar to prove it. Apparently he can

what speed i was doing by how i pulled away from him at the lights. What do u guys think of this as i need

to appeal or else i will lose my licence for six months as im on 1point for a year at the moment.

And the thing is that i was not speeding the only reason i pulled away from him was that i was slowing down

for a red light in 2nd gear going about 20km and the lights turned green so i accelerated to 60km/h and not realising he was behind me.

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if his car was going 60km/h and you were accelerating away from you, he would have grounds to fine you.. doesnt matter what speed you were going...

but i think you could appeal that if you were so close to changing lights... cos if they go green while im still rolling ill put it in 2nd and get back up to the speed limit quickly.. in that sort of situation, if you were accelerating quickly, a moron cop could just take that as you're a hoon and you must have accelerated past the speed limit...

i reckon go for it...

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Never admit that you are speeding, especially if you were not. I see a whole lot of problem with this argument as to how he can prove that you are doing 80km/h....you could be doing 90k/m which would put u up in the next category. The question is that are you completely sure that you were not speeding? I got booked for doing 88km/h in a 70 zone, but i'm pretty sure that i only got to 80km/h. I know equipment can be faulty at times, but sometimes...you are speeding and you won't know...

Go for the appeal if all is true though!!


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always ask to see the radar read out. No radar = no fine. If they say they speed checked you then they must let you check the tyre pressure in every tyre of theres and it must be 37.5psi. They even have to provide the tyre pressure guage. Failure to do any of these means no fine.

Never admit to going faster than the posted limit. And no they cannot book you for going through an amber traffic light. If they ask "why didnt u stop at the lights" simply say you only have to stop for red. Ive had this before and they immediately said "pop the hood" back in my skyline days which ended up in a blue slip defect. But atleast it wasnt any points.

Also another tip - they have to have 2 speed read outs 3 second between and its the lesser speed you can only be booked for.

Also they cant speed check within 100meters of a speed limit change or hill without written approval from a superior. Another one that might save you - if a cop doesnt have a hat on u cant be booked.

for more info check out http://www.policespeedcameras.com

Edited by Daniel
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the only time ive heard of a speeding fine being overturned is when it was caught on a speed camera. member of my family was caught speeding but they managed to get out of a fine due to their great driving record - 18 years driving experience & no previous fines, no loss of points etc.

considering you are hanging on your last points, and theres no camera to prove you were speeding or otherwise, its your word against the police officers!

it dont look good mate..

whether its unfair or not is hard 2 say.. but yea, seems obvious that if you didnt accelerate the way you did b4 he pulled you over, then he probebly wouldnt have noticed you at all!

really wish u the best of luck with the appeal..

can only imagine how hard itll be if i couldnt drive for that long.

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well if he wanted to he could have got you for accelerating too quickly and seeing as though you have obviously done somethign wrong before to not have all your points i think any chance of you winning an appeal is down the drain so i reckon either way your stuffed

but you never no its worth a try i suppose but appeals sometimes can turn out worse the punishment MIGHT end up worse than the initial fine in the first place

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but you never no its worth a try i suppose but appeals sometimes can turn out worse the punishment MIGHT end up worse than the initial fine in the first place

yea thats also true... they could increase the time from 6months to 12 who knows.. gotta be dealing with a judge too.. (or is it magistrate?) i dunno aussie law 2 well.

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that sucks dude

but my sitch is worse haha

this happened last nite

got caught 110 in 60 zone .... ok fair enuff ...... BUT they ***** suspeneded me on the spot and took my liscence so i couldnt drive home the farkers ..plus not to mention the $1500 fine + 6 month suspension

ive only had my stivo for 2 months ....

poor me :D

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Another one that might save you - if a cop doesnt have a hat on u cant be booked.

for more info check out http://www.policespeedcameras.com

...no hat = no fine?? :lol: I'll use that one next time...

i've been lucky with speeding fines - been flashed... twice - once i knew i was goners, but the ticket never came (90 in a 70 zone - irresponsible...yes__ ---- and it was to a drag day! >_<;; ) other was for 'running' a red light no fine no points no ticket ...lucky

Oncy...here in Vic i believe it's if your over 30 km the speed limit - it's immediate loss of licence- so i in ur case, 50 km over ?? It's lucky they didn't impound your car dude - think of it as a 'lucky' thing. B)

There should always be three modes of driving -

1. Normal - lift is acceptable *to put that smile on your face/ or wipe it off someone else's*

2. Grandma - lift is unacceptable as you may shatter your hip (pocket wallet) and require a replacement $_$

3. Hoon - which really only applies when your familiar around your surroundings ---- which shouldn't really be on public roads ;) - but what can you do?

I think Aussie Law is alright with appealing speeding fines - In my boss's case - he was doing 140km along Geelong Rd late at night - and got off with a suspended sentence? - taht was using that appeal for good behaviour driving SupraThai was talking about :D

Edited by RME1
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this happened last nite

got caught 110 in 60 zone .... ok fair enuff ...... BUT they ***** suspeneded me on the spot and took my liscence so i couldnt drive home the farkers ..plus not to mention the $1500 fine + 6 month suspension

umm.. THATS FINE SOUNDS PRETTY DAMN FAIR 2 ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if im driving with my wife and my babyboy sitting in the back in a 60zone, the last thing i expect or want 2 see is someone driving 110 down the lane next 2 me!

its 1 thing 2 modify your car so its lower, lighter, faster etc. whateva, but theres gotta be an appropriate time and place for showing off n speeding at 110km!

besides thinkin bout the copz catching you n the fines youll have to pay, PLEASE consider that there are other drivers on the road that want to get home in 1 piece!

i aint hating you, but what you did just was some irresponsable sh!t n now you got 6 months to think bout that.

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Another one that might save you - if a cop doesnt have a hat on u cant be booked.

This is correct. I knew of this when I was younger and more virile (and stupid). An 'apparent' police officer in a clapped out old VP Commodore made an attempt to make me pull over for 'overtaking him at speed on the right...when he would not remove himself from the fast lane'.

After evaluating his gestures I blew him a kiss and made a 'hat tipping' gesture (appropriatley) to him, which he did not take lightly and proceeded to get out of his car. The lights 'poetically' went green so I dropped it and launched a rather loud chirpy (I was in the Escort) right at the pinnacle moment when he approached the right hand rear wheel arc on his way to speak to me. After watching him sh!t himself I drove off and he attempted pursuit in his Yobbodore. I lost him after 50m.

Now...don't attempt to do any of this as I was really really stupid and young lol. I'm lucky he didn't take my numberplate (that is if he REALLY was a copper).

But that is correct, no hat or badge...no powers.

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hey man i hear ya no doubt i was stupid and foolish


no one was on the rd i was by my self and the rd is pertty much flat and dead straight

and it was quit late ..... so hell why not

my and my car is stock man didnt get the chance to modify it yet hehe

but yeh i feel the pain and its not the first time ive been suspended so yeh call me stupid and a half wit if u may but i think ive really learnt my lesson now

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that sucks dude

but my sitch is worse haha

this happened last nite

got caught 110 in 60 zone .... ok fair enuff ...... BUT they ***** suspeneded me on the spot and took my liscence so i couldnt drive home the farkers ..plus not to mention the $1500 fine + 6 month suspension

ive only had my stivo for 2 months ....

poor me :D

Join the club. In two and half months (yeah im counting) im gettin my licence back after a 12 month suspension.

I got done on a highway doin 147 in a 70. :ph34r: Damn lift made me do it i tells ya!! Dont think i'll be doing anything like that again. But i tell ya what, im so much fitter after riding for almost a year. Like you i only had my brand new stivo for 3 months.

Have fun man hahaha!!

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hey man i hear ya no doubt i was stupid and foolish


no one was on the rd i was by my self and the rd is pertty much flat and dead straight

and it was quit late ..... so hell why not

my and my car is stock man didnt get the chance to modify it yet hehe

but yeh i feel the pain and its not the first time ive been suspended so yeh call me stupid and a half wit if u may but i think ive really learnt my lesson now

thats really good 2 know man.

theres really gotta be something wrong with you if you didnt learn from something like that

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hexxx u crazy fool

hahah iknow how it feels man ..... ive had a 12 month suspension before lol

but yeh im gettin rid of my sportivo .... thinkin of getting a VW r32 if i can get the funds up within the next 6 months

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hexxx u crazy fool

hahah iknow how it feels man ..... ive had a 12 month suspension before lol

Yep suspension s#cks b#lls big time. I can top both of you unfortunately, I get my licence back on September 19 2008. I had an at fault accident while my licence and rego were cancelled for unpaid fines (idiot!). Karma got me and I can accept that. At least i'll have a low kay sportivo in a couple of years ;)

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Did he have another copper in the car? If there is no second copper and he didn't have a radar then it is pure speculation and they cannot get you, even with a second copper in the car, no radar its pure speculation and they cannot prove a thing. You should be able to contest this one extremely easily. Just do NOT say anything like "I wanted to get through the lights" just stick with "I was not speeding, I was doing the speed limit, and until you can show me the photo or the radar log that says otherwise I maintain that I was NOT speeding"

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