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Everything posted by dwee.

  1. All good. Next week it is! I propose next Friday night 7:30pm as per usual (time slot availability TBC). Keep it a part of the TOCAU family for the time being and certainly have at least 8. 10 would be a perfect number! :) Let me know and confirm either here or by sms by Monday 16th so I can confirm the booking! Details: - Somerton Gokarts 2 stroker open wheels 100km/h - Group of 8 or more, $80pp for 30mins & $100pp for 40mins - Wear closed shoes & can bring your own helmet as long as it's AS Standards approved Attending: 1. dwee 2. jeffy 3. Mr Levin ZR 4. alister 5. KenshinX? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  2. No worries, I have removed you from the list. :)
  3. Called up the usual gokarts place today and they will be free tomorrow (Thurs) night. :) Jeffy & Alister, can't make it Friday as it's my dad's birthday. Should I postpone it next week so we get enough numbers for a booking (and thus cheaper)? Was only thinking tomorrow night because it's nice weather and not sure how next week's weather will be like. Feedback guys!
  4. Show & Shine List: 1. juvenille 2. cductn 3. mick.wheelz 4. GDUBB 5. Tash 6. 7. 8. 9.
  5. I'll call the usual go karts place tomorrow for EOI Thursday night. If it's free, whoever wants to rock up rocks up, otherwise meet you at the kebabs place. :)
  6. Show & Shine List: 1. juvenille 2. cductn 3. mick.wheelz 4. GDUBB 5. 6. 7. To add your name to the attending list (located on the first page of this thread), post a reply saying you're coming and we'll add it on. :) Dave, it's up to you whether you want to stay right in the city or a bit out of the city. Both have easy access to public transport if you choose to explore in your free time. Traffic, Albert Park would have slightly less. In terms of comfort, I cannot say as I haven't been to either. Have you tried looking at another place near Albert Park or Brighton closer to the beach? Would be a good view.
  7. Duy, FYI Katy Perry is single now.. Gokarts then kebabs..? (assuming they're not booked that night)
  8. He's nickname is not wheel whore for no reason...
  9. So Jeff, did she tell you what you wanted to know? :P Robert, you're welcome down here anytime! Let us know and we'll organise something for you! ;)
  10. Mate, you already know what I think! ;) Haha I wouldn't mind coming around learning a few things here and there, as discussed last time. :)
  11. I think he was inspired by your last car Alex!
  12. Yes, too many Pete's! Up to you if you want spacers; they are technically illegal here in Australia. It depends what you do with your car. Are you doing it more for looks? If so, up to you once again (being illegal) but it should be okay if you're just cruising around. For the track, I would advise not getting. Personally, I would never use them as they change the geometry of the suspension and you can never 100% trust the quality of the spacers. :)
  13. I guess it's wash/photoshoot soon like the old days! :)
  14. All I got was asians, short skirts, car wash? from the last several posts hahaha. In regards to the cruise tomorrow, I won't be able to make it as I need to recover from 3 consecutive nights of partying and drinking. :D Reminder: please remember to take care on the roads and do not exceed your driving ability to stay with the car in front. That stretch of road is awesome but there are a few dangerous/blind spots to look out for if you have not been there before. :)
  15. It's all coming together now! Non-official activities separate to the annual meet itinerary will be on the cards Friday night, Sunday night and Monday for those that want to chill, socialise, photoshoot and have time to kill. Several options will be voiced prior or on the day depending what people feel like doing. If you think you might be interested, either check this thread a few days prior or PM me your number. Once an activity is decided, a massive text will be sent out with details. :)
  16. 17x8 +35. Perfect and no scrubbing. :D Awesome mod list you got there; well done and keep it up! Got all these silent forum readers coming out of nowhere! Haha
  17. 4300K is the way to go, and recommend 6000k is the max you go. Any higher, you can't see as well at night or in the rain.
  18. Heading to the east any time soon mate? :P
  19. I might join you guys after as I got a dinner at 8pm too. Will give one of you a buzz! :)
  20. Might be able to make it to the April EoMM. :D
  21. Sorry guys, I'd love to come and take some shots but I can't tomorrow; going GP! :D
  22. http://www.facebook....349305285103170 has anyone seen that add from toyota ? lol - i reckon you can win with that shot :P Hahaha I'll upload the photo to FB Toyota Australia for kicks!
  23. Woooo GP tomorrow! :D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Seby123


      same! cant wait.

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      oh yeah... i keep forgetting haha :D

    4. dwee.


      John's favourite restaurant in Melbourne? Visiting it any time soon John? :P

  24. I'm tired but fk it! I'm coming. Will leave soon so should be there slightly after 9. :)
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