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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Looks to me like the charcoal canister, basically pollution control crap. If it's hanging loose you'd probably have a vacuum leak. If it were me I'd buy a cheap vacuum tube joiner and connect it directly to the other tube coming out of the canister (should be another one near the bottom of it) as a temp fix. No idea on replacement cost however should be cheap from a wrecker
  2. Bloody drooling here son! Smart going for A/Ts, whilst muddies have their place I reckon they would drive you mad until you actually made it off road
  3. The tank in all Hilux's from 2005 onwards is 75L, petrol or diesel. If you're getting 650km to a tank in a v6, then congratulations you've got a rare find there unless you're doing alot of highway kms. The majority of v6 owners average around 15L or so combined cycle and that gets worse off road. Diesels get around 10 to 10.5 and that goes upto around 12L off road. If you have a supercharged v6 it gets even worse on average. I don't know where the idea that diesels cost so much more to service came from, you don't even need to worry about plugs and leads - it's pretty much just oil and filter, plus the occasion fuel filter every 25,000km (about $20). The only expensive problem you will have is if the injectors go, and that's mostly occurs when putting cheap or contaminated diesel in it. Mine's an 05 model with the original injectors and I had them tested 2 months ago and they're still in spec. Both engines have their place - if you're a tradie or like going off road alot then the diesel is the best option by far when it comes to heavy loads or low speed torque.
  4. $200 off the new brand new vehicle purchase... Wow what a way to make amends No mention of a corporate fine or anything either. I loved the leather in my Aurion but even the actual leather part was still cheap grade anyway.
  5. Very keen to see how that UHF goes!
  6. Geeze we're all getting in a bit early aren't we? I suppose I better come along, if only to keep you lot out of trouble
  7. Monday public holiday has stuffed my week around, but yeah I'll be out but probably not too late
  8. If it runs genuine Pioneer software and isn't a CCS copy, then I'll gladly eat humble pie - hoping of course that they don't charge a rediculous amount for it (more so than otherseas) if it's ever brought here
  9. Mosfet 50w x 4 is typical. Mosfet is a TYPE of audio amplifier and for some reason Pioneer has carried on about it for years and years even though they're just one of many brands that uses it. I found a mosfet amp in my old Aurion unit as well. And it's very dodgy how they haven't actually stated the voltage of the pre-outs, but worded it in such a way that you would think they were high. Vague statements like "Hi Voltage Preout" is a consumer trap, you'd be lucky to get 3-4v I reckon. Also I doubt made by Pioneer, just rebadged maybe with some firmware tweaks.
  10. Looks like a rebranded version of a typical chinese unit - even down to the Windows CE interface and low (by brand name standards) resolution screen. Must be something done in Malaysia, they wouldn't get away with that here. Just an excuse to take a typical unit, whack on a brand name (not that they've even bothered putting a Pioneer badge on it) and sell it at twice at what it's worth.
  11. Modern day airbag systems are very complex . For example your current speed is taken into account using a variety of sensors to understand how much force is being exerted on the driver. Could you imagine how bad it would be if you hit an animal at 100km/h (not enough to bring you anywhere near a complete stop straight away) and suddenly you had an airbag in your face, forcing you to let go of the wheel blocking your view etc, and you're still doing a considerable speed? In short too many variables to answer your question. One thing I can guarantee though is you could say goodbye to that alloy bar, they aren't much good for anything
  12. Now here's something you can take almost anywhere.... and be sure it'll get back under it's own power :) Bloody tops mate
  13. That's reasonable, as adding a tray to them makes them about as aerodynamic as a shed full of russian airplane parts
  14. I shall be there, although it sounds like I'll be a bit disappointed :(
  15. The seats ARE leather, but a very cheap low grade thin leather. It's a typical thing done by manufacturers of non-luxo brands.
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