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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. No I have not. Is that where I should start? Do I have to be careful of airbag or anything?
  2. I've installed my sub and amp but I'm getting terrible rattle from my parcel shelf. I tried different way to try and take it out put it's like it's cemented down. I have no clue how to remove it. I searched here but can't find anything. Can anyone lead me to the right path? Thankss!
  3. @DJKOR. That's how mine was pretty much when I changed at 60K:
  4. where do I find my watched threads?

    1. Pah


      Scroll down the page mate its towards the bototm

  5. Today I bought myself a system for the car finally :D.. 4 channel amp and sub and cabling from jb hifi :)
  6. MMM, I want a lowered, white ZR6 with black 19" rims :P. Saw one few days ago. White is actually a very sexy colour when you know how to mod a car

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pah


      White FTW :)

    3. 1stKill


      yep white done right looks tight....

    4. Silver-Aurion


      pretty much like that jeffy!

  7. So I've been really quiet on this forum lately. Probably because nothing new has been happening with my car besides putting fuel in it but that changed today and will change again tomorrow. Few days ago I got my supplies from Toyota and supercheap to give my car it's 6 monthly oil change. Everything went well with the oil change but boy did I feel stupid when I forgot something. I put everything back together and started throwing out the trash. When I picked the oil filter box off the ground I look inside (smack it hit me), I forgot to put in the filter cartridge. Major fail. So had to get all the tools again to unscrew the filter housing. Started the car and let it sit for three minutes to check for any leaks. All went well, no leaks, then took the car for a quick cruise around the block, came back and checked oil level. Everything A-ok! To compliment the cars oil change I finally gave it a wash (it had been weeks and the car looked shocking) so I gave her two washes, did the leather treatment inside, dash treatment, vacuum, windows, tyre shine, clean engine bay etc. So everything is now in immaculate condition :D. And tomorrow I'll be heading off to JB HiFi to check out a system for the car :)
  8. in vic [west side specifically] thats how much i pay for 95ron.. Today I paid 1.49 for 98 BP ultimate here in melb
  9. Pretty keen for the 4S. Already bought the Bodyguardz full body protector for it. haha

  10. I washed her on Sunday after almost 2 months and gave the inside a deep clean. Went to a mates place which has a cat and he decided to walk all over the car so the car had muddy paw prints all over the bonnet, roof, windscreen, and boot. So yesterday I wet the whole car with the hose and I dried her again with a the chamois and she's sparkling again. Miss seeing her this clean I swear. After almost 2 months it's finally clean as anything. This time the tyres are black rather then the rims
  11. effing cat! i just wash the car and it decides to get it's muddy paws all over the car and windows

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1stKill


      tie you dog to the car...when parked of course :)

    3. Silver-Aurion


      hahah :D.

      sif winning -_-

    4. jeffy


      the cats winning xD

  12. Crap!! I just had a look, do I cut the red wire or blue wire? :P. But thanks anyway guys, I had a feeling it's nothing bad but I've always wondered what's going on here.
  13. Everytime I go for a drive and the car gets pretty heated with some spirited driving. After I've parked my car in the garage and turn it off. A very rapid ticking nose comes from under the car middle of the exhaust(the fat part of the exhaust). What is this nose???
  14. oh hell yeah! Bro in law has been accepted to the victorian police academy!! :D the whole family is so proud today :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KIRIUS


      swear to god if he books me im blaming you

    3. jeffy


      "victorian police" ;)

      i think reese [private number] needs to make friends with him, :P

    4. Silver-Aurion


      oh yeah haha why not :P.

  15. Mmmmm. Would love to buy one too. Seriously considering it.
  16. +1 to that! I wonder if that's the sportivo? If so that's looking really good at the front. Still killing to know what the aussie line up of Aurions will look like!
  17. Yeah today I got BP Ultimate for 1.50. Couple of weeks ago I got it for 1.44 <_<. When it was that cheap I did a full tank.
  18. Damn that sucks mate. Try and get the panel beater to put in a sportivo rear :D
  19. Got my Jack Russell Terrier today. Damn these dogs have unlimited energy. haha. He's so cute though :D

    1. 1stKill


      whats his name?

  20. get a jack russell or no?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KIRIUS


      ..you really want a yapping handbag?

    3. 1stKill


      my little girl is silent,i have to encourage her to bark...but yeah she snores sometimes and chases stuff in her dreams which is funny as :)

    4. Silver-Aurion


      thanks guys. got a boy today :) 1 year old

  21. Even after four new tyres, wheel alignment and wheel balance I still get this pull left issue. Yesterday I drove my friend's mum's 2010 Holden VE SV6 (only 10,000K on it) and let me just say this car drives like it's driving on train tracks. It is just dead straight. Even if the road camber is tilted I can let go of the steering wheel and the car will track on effortlessly without me having to keep correcting. The second I let go of my steering on my Aurion she immediately starts veering into the ditch. Annoying as hell as you're constantly correcting this when driving.
  22. Thanks for the replies. Good to know that it's normal. I really thought I could push at least 550 before I even saw the fuel light come on. I ended up filling up at about 520 and at that time on the trip computer it said I have about 13KM left.
  23. Is it normal to only get 500KM out of a tank that was filled right up to the very top. Last fill up filled the petrol right to the very brim and of course using BP Ultimate and only managed to get 500KM out of it then the fuel light came on. I was at least expecting 550 to 560KM before fuel light came on. This is city driving. Should I suss out my spark plugs?
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