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Everything posted by CAP

  1. The ECU will make the necessary changes if needed. I the days of non EFI/ECU engines, they did/do benefit from changes to the timing if you know you'll only be using one type of fuel. However modern engines don't require this.
  2. 1 negatron 2 eddy_torrez 3 IZZ-FE 4 BlkZR 5 motoman 6 gOODbOYz 7 lucio libre 8 omn1potent 9 Bangn 10 E-gene 11 Danz 12 Ilivfor6 (yes if not 19-20 March ) 13 Gascan 14 ktse1881 15 FLAMEBOY (ozmazda) 16 spec_black 17 2fst4U 18 TAKA (yes if not 19-20 March) (ozmazda) 19 -[ez]- 20 Dantze 21 unco (ozmazda) 22 kthl (ozmazda) 23 stress less (ozmazda) 24 Triptizine (ozmazda)
  3. I'd rather not. Because some have made changes to their cars, it'd be better to run at the same place again for a more accurate comparison against the last set of results. Plus, we already know from last time, the staff know their stuff.
  4. Of course they can. I'd like to have everyone in the photoshoot this time too. Hopefully they can disable the traction control on those overbearing ecu's and show their true power figures this time.
  5. Go on, you know you want to :P 1 negatron 2 eddy_torrez 3 IZZ-FE 4 BlkZR 5 motoman 6 gOODbOYz 7 lucio libre 8 omn1potent 9 Bangn 10 E-gene 11 Danz 12 Ilivfor6 13 Gascan 14 ktse1881 15 FLAMEBOY (ozmazda) 16 spec_black 17 2fst4U 18 TAKA (yes if not 9-12 March or 19-20 March) (ozmazda) 19 -[ez]- 20 Dantze 21 unco (ozmazda) 22 kthl (ozmazda) 23 stress less (ozmazda)
  6. Speaking to my Toyota service manager about my brakes (30,000km and still 65% of pads left with No disc warping) he said the Japanese built ones will have little or no problems because of the better materials used. But it's common for the South African buillt examples to have discs replaced due to warping etc. If you've experienced problems, I would have Toyota order parts from Japan and replace under warranty, I wouldn't mess around with machining etc.
  7. Idiot of the Century goes to the P plate Commodore driver... Towing a boat trying to drive faster than Lucio_Libre, Peekay, Ilivfor6 and I through there one day... The trailer was skipping sideways at one point...
  8. Definetely have the numbers now, let's organise a date! :D
  9. Sure can, but I'm not responsible for any SP jokes that may come up again :P 1 negatron 2 eddy_torrez 3 IZZ-FE 4 BlkZR 5 motoman 6 gOODbOYz 7 lucio libre 8 omn1potent 9 Bangn 10 E-gene 11 Danz 12 Ilivfor6 13 Gascan 14 ktse1881 15 FLAMEBOY 16 Otaku??? 17 ....
  10. 1 negatron 2 eddy_torrez 3 IZZ-FE 4 BlkZR 5 motoman 6 gOODbOYz 7 lucio libre 8 omn1potent 9 Bangn 10 E-gene 11 Danz 12 Ilivfor6 13 Gascan 14 ktse1881 15 ... There are many other places but for consistency sake I think it's better to have it at the same venue.
  11. Way ahead of you, already posted on ozmazdaclub.com :D http://www.ozmazdaclub.com/forums/showthre...0375#post190375
  12. 1 negatron 2 eddy_torrez 3 IZZ-FE 4 BlkZR 5 motoman 6 gOODbOYz 7 lucio libre 8 omn1potent 9 Bangn 10 E-gene 11 Danz 12 Ilivfor6 13 Gascan 14 ... Otaku spectating but peer pressure will make him put it on the Dyno :D From memory we need 20 or more to bring the price down to $30.00 for 3 runs + Print out + BBQ + Sexy Blonde who knows cars
  13. Might also be a good idea to trial with shorter/longer length pipes running into the unit.
  14. O’Rings/Spigot Rings or Alloy Wheel Hub Rings are used to ensure that the wheel is centred correctly on the hub, the studs alone can't do this. It's important (but sometimes neglected by many wheel and tyre places) to ensure that your alloy wheels are secure and centred properly with a Hub Ring. With no Hub Ring, the wheel will have some play on the hub and will vibrate and long term can be a little dangerous.
  15. So, the list so far is 1 negatron 2 eddy_torrez 3 IZZ-FE 4 BlkZR 5 motoman 6 gOODbOYz 7 lucio libre 8 omn1potent 9 Bangn 10 E-gene 11 Danz 12 Ilivfor6 13 ... Otaku spectating but peer pressure will make him put it on the Dyno :D Has anyone called NT Performance ?
  16. I don't think it will be any sort of problem in Australia, or anywhere else for that matter.
  17. Most likely the alignment and balance, but also a good idea to check that correct hub rings were installed when the wheels were put in. So once the suspension is in and the alignment is done, the shaking should stop, but if it persists, it's either tyre/wheel balance or the hub rings. Cheers
  18. Eddy had installed his flip-up unit in the storage space above the ashtray. So when the flip down door is closed it's concealed, very clever and neat.
  19. One of my favourite stretches of road :D A few of us used to frequent it alot, but it's became too popular, attracted alot of idiots, and also someone in recent months from another forum lost their life there as a result of pushing too hard. You saw how heavily vegetated the Black Spur is, so imagine how wet and slippery it can become at night and in winter (hence the name of that particular stretch of road).
  20. The Toyota touch up paint needs to be mixed quite alot before applying, but even then it still doesn't quite match especially on the metalics.
  21. Seen it before, seems to be a Copy of the BMC Carbon Dynamic Airbox and Dynamic Air Intake.
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