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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. Rick'rolls work much better when you don't do them on April Fools Day.....everyone expects to be punked today.
  2. All 7th gen Celicas sold in Australia do indeed have the 2ZZGE
  3. I think this post answers the question we've all been asking. Almost certainly a spambot, not a real person hiro stop stalking the spambot <_< But it gives me purpose..... Plus, I hate spambots with a passion.
  4. The fact that you haven't had a cop pull you over when you haven't had illegal things on your car is irrevelant, considering they target cars with obvious illegal modifications (as those are the ones more likely to have even more illegal stuff hidden)
  5. That would be great thanks. Don't expect a response, general consensus is that it's a spambot....
  6. I think this post answers the question we've all been asking. Almost certainly a spambot, not a real person
  7. Most likely some stuff has been swapped in then. There is no such thing as Cressida Mark II, they are separate models on the same chassis (like an AE92 Seca and Levin - a lot of stuff can be swapped, a lot of stuff can't). If you put a Cressida side-by-side with a Cresta or Mark II you'll notice the differences immediately, especially in the boot and windows
  8. Just so you know, it's just a MarkII, not a Cressida. The X8x crowd are very picky about the cars they drive, and whilst the Cresta, Chaser, Mark II and Cressida are all on the same chassis there are major differences between them.
  9. Hiro

    RE: Spark Plugs

    OEM plugs will 99.99% be Denso, considering Toyota own Denso... And most cars come out with iridium plugs these days, mainly for longevity (especially for FWD V6s etc, where the rear bank of plugs is a pain to get to)
  10. Hiro


    Were you expecting anything different?
  11. Actually, peak-load power stations are designed to have their output varied across the day, it's the base-load stations that run at max efficiency 24/7. To me, Earth Hour needs to be turned into Earth Day, except that it's not lights that you turn out but useless standby crap, and minimising the amount of electricity you use whilst still doing everything that you normally do. Earth Hour only makes the old-farts feel nostalgic about the Blitz, young people complain that they can't play their X-Box for an hour, and candle manufacturers roll around in the piles of cash they make from increased sales. For it to be of any use, it needs to be more than a 1 hour sacrifice - make it a 1 day or 1 week compromise, and you'll see much better results from it. That, and the more you do it the more it will become second nature.
  12. The problem here is that most likely any savings will be lost due to the extra power used to start everything back up again. And any forced blackouts with regularity will just be offset by longer working hours etc to make up for lost work/time. Which means more power consumption, which wipes out any savings. Unless it happens at night, then alarm clocks reset and everyone is two hours late to work the next morning.
  13. Hiro

    Timing Belt

    I think it is annoying everyone. I keep wondering whether it is actually a person who types the replies, or whether it is completely computer generated. I think that it is a person typing the posts. I think a computer would be a bit more intelligent. Lol. But why is the question, only thing I can think of is he is trying to get to the 30 posts required to sell things on this forum. I think it's a spambot, you'll notice that it seems to pick up on key words, and often uses exact phrases from the original post, probably similar to the technology you get in Google ads where the first thing is often "Find _____ for cheap on eBay" etc etc. And if they are a real person trying to spam to get to 30 posts, they'll need all the help they can get trying to sell even a barn door to the Amish.
  14. I think you'll find it's really a 2S-C, not a 2SGE (which doesn't technically exist). They are from the same family as the 3SGE, but will share very little.
  15. I'd say the peak had been reached so the operator backed off the throttle (leading to super-lean), but the dyno rollers kept spinning up before getting shut-off
  16. Depending on the model (I think some are "widebody", some aren't), a fair bit should be swappable but most likely a downgrade (ie the 185 stuff is better than the 184 stuff)
  17. Hiro

    Timing Belt

    what is a wide body camry ? lots of info on google about how to change timing belt.. SX/SDV10, called the Widebody because, well, it has a wide body. The Camry sold in Japan was narrower (because of tax bracket reasons), the Camry sold to the rest of the world had the full-size body.
  18. Never thought I would see an intelligent, useful answer from a spam-bot. And I still haven't.
  19. 75w RMS? As if! They nearly blew my EARS OFF!! ... What was the price tag mate? If they're 75w RMS and they produced THAT noise then I bet they're damn expensive! The same theory always equals out in the end: "You pay for what you get" hahaha 75W RMS is decent power outtage for speakers, remember they're only 12V and relatively small. Think of big hometheatre speakers which only put out 100W or so, and imagine that in a car. My front 5 1/4 VDO splits are only 75-odd W RMS, and they sound awesome, as do my 50W 6" JL rears... I just need a sub so I can take some of the bass load off the speakers
  20. Hiro

    Timing Belt

    I generally prefer Gregorys over Haynes (even though they're the same company), Haynes manuals tend to bridge a few model series so seem to suffer accuracy-wise because of it, Gregorys ones focus on one particular series.
  21. Roos and other animals aren't too much of a problem during the day, it's night-time and dawn/dusk when it is the worst, due to both increased movements and lack of light.
  22. Or luxury hotels...
  23. I'd be more worried about coming up behind a slow-moving gang of bikies. It's a lot easier for a lot of bikes to overtake one car than it is for one car to overtake a lot of bikes. If you get up their ***** and start getting impatient because you can't overtake, thats when I'd be rolling up the windows and reaching for the tyre iron, just in case. One thing I've noticed about bike riders (of all kinds, sports bikes to cruisers to hogs), is that they WILL find a way to overtake, no matter what. It is impossible to hold up a bike for more than a few seconds if they are a competant rider, just don't do anything unexpected and they'll get around (kinda like giving way to an ambo/firey, sometimes the best tactic is to just keep doing what you are doing and let them thread their way through, no point moving over into a hole they were just about to scoot through)
  24. Just like I'm wondering what your purpose is here. Maybe the video is was taken to show them just testing out the engine to make sure everything works in that respect. Someone probably forgot the video of it down the strip... oir it didn't make it. No point replying to spam-bots...
  25. Hiro

    Timing Belt

    http://www.haynes.com.au/category160_1.htm Find your model, get the book number, and then go to Supercheap, Repco etc and search their service manuals for that particular book/number. If they don't have it, they will be able to order one in, generally they're around $50 if you order them in, often the ones on the shelves will be reduced or on special, got my AE82 one brand new from Supercheap for $25.
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