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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. Agreed. Unfortunately, that's not my style of car. Kudos for getting the power out of a 4AFE (I prefer the 7A though :P), but the colour scheme and massive bodykit are instant turn-offs (and this from a die-hard AE10x fan) Still, always good to see people doing proper work to an AE10x, not just tarting it up (whilst I don't respect the style, I do respect the effort). Now, if you could just send an FX-GT front bar over here for me (they seem to be everywhere in the US).......:P
  2. Hiro


    There are various versions of the 2JZ, some with VVTi, some without, etc etc. Plus it depends on whether it was an import or locally sold version, tuned for Australian fuel, measuring standards (SAE, JIS, SI etc)
  3. Do your remote release levers work? ie can you pop your tailgate and fuel filler door from the driver's seat? If one of them doesn't work then I'd say that's the one that's not connected.
  4. I'm not putting all the blame on him, but his mistake was the most obvious and possibly the costliest (apart from Monaghan's coat-hanger). And I also hate him, so I take every chance I can to raz on him.
  5. Looks like a remote-release cable for fuel filler door or boot/tailgate....
  6. And my opinion of Billy Slater drops yet another notch............and it was pretty low to begin with. I hate the current crop of players who think that they have to provide miracles on every single play, and seem to be allergic to being tackled. They're arrogant, selfish individuals who don't think about the team, and what possibly might result from their actions (take Jarryd Hayne's pass in Origin, almost identical to Slater's). Sure, there was a chance that Billy's pass could have worked, but it was fairly obvious that it was unlikely, and that a try to NZ would almost certainly result if it didn't work. Taking the bloody tackle and let your team come back in support is a much better, and safer, idea.
  7. Doesn't look like any engine I've ever seen, but then again I haven't seen a 1S-U before either....can't really tell much more without seeing more photos of the TB/intake area Or, look at the VIN/build plate on the firewall, it should have the engine code stamped there
  8. It'll be an import, by the sounds of it an ST150 or the like. If it's a 1.8L that'll make it the 1S, not sold in any cars in Aus so parts ain't going to be that common (along with parts for the rest of the car). However, being FWD and an S-series engine, you'll have lots of drop-in potential from a 3SGE or 3SGTE, and there's tonnes of aftermarket support for those two engines. Got any photos? They'll help solve the puzzle immensely.
  9. Remember also that different manufacturers, reviewers and magazines use different testing proceedures, locations and weather conditions for their acceleration tests, so it is very common for differences of up to and greater than 1 second between best and worst (some run both directions, uphill/downhill, full tank of petrol, 1 extra passenger etc). There's no acceleration standard like the fuel consumption tests (which arguably don't represent real-world conditions anyway, but at least they're a standard)
  10. In the same vein as Kahlua and coke, try Frangelico and coke......mmmmmm, tastes like fizzy Nutella And Simo, if you think Captain Morgan + coke is good, try it with vanilla coke instead. Sooo much better (then again, everything is better with vanilla coke, pity bars don't have it on tap)
  11. You _might_ actually want to say what MODEL the Soarer is....
  12. Hehe yeah I bought from him a couple years ago come to think of it ... or it might have been another Brad in Brisbane, theres so many of them! This one's in Radelaide, so most likely different.
  13. Hiro

    Yay or ney?

    Nothing wrong with mixing spirits with alcopops....afterall, alcopops _are_ spirit-based. Mixing beer and spirits, on the other hand.... And the problem with lots of Red Bull/vodkas and the like is that one is a stimulant (Red Bull), and one is a depressant (alcohol). Mix the two and the stimulant blots out the feelings of the depressant (but the underlying effects are still there), which is why if you get smashed on them you _really_ feel it afterwards, because the body basically comes crashing down off a simulated high (like a speedball of heroin and cocaine). Plus, it can really screw with your heart.
  14. There's a guy called Brad (usually his user name too), no sure if he's on here as well, but he's on Twincam and a couple of other forums, he's a reseller/dealer for Whiteline, KYB etc, usually does a springs/shocks combo for around the $7-800 mark delivered to your door Here's his Twincam profile if you want to get in touch with him, email is bjmayne AT bigpond DOT net DOT au
  15. Hiro

    Hiro's AE102

    Well, after Davo did some rummaging through his garage, he found his old 102 cam cover....since I always liked the look of it over mine (my one was done rather haphazardly and on the cheap), I acquired it (cheers). Sat in the boot for a couple of weeks leaking oil into the carpet, before I got some spare time on the weekend and fitted it. Almost made a fatal error putting the new one on, forgot to switch the gasket over :P Would have made a right mess, that one. Engine bay now looks disturbingly similar to Davo's old one, except with white paint instead of Inca silver. Old New Now just need to take the plenum off and paint that to match...thinking black with silver on the ribs like the cam cover.
  16. yeh we need to keep our 4 or 5 aurion drivers that come to the meet ups and cruises in brisbane (6 if BONDIE hardened up and came out ;) ) haha theres too many corollas out there!! He won't be in Brisbane either, so it's a double whammy :P
  17. Even though the thread title says closed, it seems it is still possible to post in here. So I thought I'd add some of my experiences. Yes, a stock ADM 7AFE AE102 is theoretically capable of hitting 200km/h (the max reading on the speedo) in 5th gear before hitting redline. Whether or not that is a true 200km/h is down to the accuracy of the speedo, but calculations based on gear ratios, final drive, wheel diameter and engine revs make it possible. I'll admit to a small bit of illegal activity, and say that I have reached this speed myself, albeit going down a slight hill, on the New England Highway just outside of Branxton (where the new dual carriage-way went in). I do not condone this sort of activity anywhere on public roads, and I was stupid to attempt it. And what's wrong with dyno-ing a stock engine? It gives you a base reading to give you an indication on how much gains you get from future mods. I dyno-ed my stock engine for that exact reason. I have since dyno-ed it after exhaust mods, and will be doing so again after intake mods. Some people just like to know how much of a difference some things make. Same goes for 1/4 runs at WSID, I've done several in the same stock AE102, just to see what it could do (haven't done one since the exhaust/intake mods though).
  18. Hiro

    Yay or ney?

    Vanilla coke is the bomb, especially with Captain Morgan..............I can barely stand normal coke in mixed drinks now, just tastes wrong. Out of a can it's bearable though. And I must be one of the few that actually liked the original Mother, sure it tasted weird (I like ginger though) but all energy drinks taste weird. New one is better though, if not for the taste then for the 500ml can value (V and Red Bull cans are WAAAAY too small, and over-priced). Even created my own drink with them, the Mother Superior. Mother + Bacardi Superior (like vodka/Red Bull). Never tried it though, probably tastes like ****.
  19. Welcome to 6 months ago, last year, and any time in-between...... ...............im behind the times?....lol Just a bit.....
  20. Welcome to 6 months ago, last year, and any time in-between......
  21. You'd have to have sensors in there to stop you starting it when it was in gear. Manual cars should always be parked in gear anyway, so it's kinda useless on them (you'd have to remember to park in neutral every time), auto is a different story since the car shouldn't be able to start in drive anyway (that's what the neutral safety switch is for)
  22. Ahh, but the old Insight looked like **** too (unique ****, but still ****), and it flopped majorly.
  23. Actually the Port Melbourne plant used to spit out Corollas, that is before it was closed down. 1968 - 1994 at Port Melbourne. And the Altona plant from '94 until the end of '99 (AE102 was the last locally-made Corolla).
  24. Wait 6 months or whatever until Lovells or Whiteline bring out a spring and buy those instead? lovells have got a spring but noone knows hoe good they are If the Lovells spring is just as good as the ones they've done in the past, then it'll be better than Kings.
  25. Considering the vacuum is the thing providing the suckage, bypassing the manifold and just plumbing it to a catch can will do jack all. Something has to suck the vapour out of the cam cover, it isn't just going to go by itself. Actually, the whole point of the breathers on the cam cover is to prevent the build-up of positive pressure in the head. If there's no restrictions between the breather and the catch can, any positively-pressured gas will flow out of it's own accord. spillage - leave the system alone, or do a catch can plumbed back into your intake manifold properly. Actually, on most cars the breather is there to draw air into the cam cover for the PCV system. Intake air goes into the cam cover, circulates through the engine, mixes with crank-case blow-by gases, and then when there is a large manifold vacuum the PCV valve opens and this mixture gets sucked into the manifold and then the engine, and burnt. That's how the PCV system works, PCV standing for Positive Crankcase Ventilation. If there was no breather, then no air could get drawn into the covers and the PCV circulation system wouldn't work, and the vapours would stay in the crankcase and mix with the oil (a bad thing). Some people don't like the idea of the blow-by/oil vapour blow-by getting re-circulated into the engine, so they fit an oil catch can on the PCV hose, which strains out the oil whilst still flowing air (basically a filter). This oil can get returned to the sump, or just periodically emptied. The gas output of the catch-can gets routed back into the intake manifold through the PCV valve.
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