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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. Back up now, server ran out of space for some strange reason (the fact we turned backups on at the recent upgrade might have something to do with it)
  2. Are you using the cigarette lighter or just as a 12v power point? Most 12v accessory plugs (USB, phone charger etc) have a fuse inside the plug that could have blown
  3. Best in what way? You're asking an incredibly vague question. Maybe try to narrow it down to what kind of goals you want, what style of engine (4, 6, capacity etc), hell even what brand (not unheard of to have a Nissan engine swapped in). Also, the RA28 engine bay is significantly different to the TA22, so something that fits neatly into a '28 could require major surgery in a TA22.
  4. Not to the US no, but at least I've travelled interstate without trapping my car in a secure carpark...
  5. Fan speed is most likely controlled by a resistor pack built into the switch - when this pack fails or the contacts wear out the fan control will stick to one speed only, usually flat out (as that doesn't use any of the resistors). Common problem on AE82 and AE92 Corollas. Pull the switch out and give it a good clean
  6. The US also sees much more varied operating conditions than Australia - our hottest temperatures are on par with the best Arizona and New Mexico can dish out, but our coldest is a mild autumn day in any of the northern states like Wisconsin or Michigan.
  7. The 5-speed isn't much different from the 4-speed, easiest way to tell would be to jump in and try and select 5th... I don't have a list of serialised production dates, but the 4K was made between 1977 and 1989, and came out in locally made Corollas between 1978 and 1988
  8. The gearbox is most likely (I'm talking 90% here) a K40 4-speed. There are 5-speed K50 boxes but they aren't anywhere near as common, and a couple of even less common T-series and G-series boxes (from the AE85 and some vans), but most likely it'll be the K40 that came with the engine. 4Ks in Australia only really came out in the KE55 and KE70 and most of the 5-speeds came from the KE70.
  9. Radar unit is probably mounted in/behind the front grille, try just wiping it clean with a cloth first (water droplets on the sensor will confuse it and cause it to turn off the cruise control).
  10. I need a new front screen pretty badly (along with a new bonnet), but my dash is fine :P
  11. Not going to get a whole new one from Amayama? :P
  12. Could be headgasket too, coolant loss combined with lots coming out of the overflow would indicate a BHG.
  13. How tight is that plug/cap? Looks like you could just use a pair of needle-nose pliers...
  14. Toyota Special Service Tool SST-058 OBD1 Code Scanner
  15. That _is_ a 5SFE - Toyota never made a single-cam version of the 5S.
  16. Just curious does the build plate say AE93? Because from my memory all RVs were AE96 (AE93s were generally all SX/GTi, but Toyota's naming structure went a bit silly with the AE9x series)
  17. E pins are normally grounds, no? If that's the case then having two pins going to a ocmmon ground point is not an issue *Disclaimer - Even though I understand it fairly well I hate auto electrics with a passion, thus any advice in regards to such should be taken with a massive chunk of salt. Something iceberg-y in size would be appropriate
  18. Rare isn't a word I would use to describe just about _any_ Corolla that was sold new in Australia. Uncommon maybe, rare no. At the end of the day it's still less desirable (and worth less) than an SX in the same condition.
  19. Windscreen wipers, serpentine belt, coolant flush, front and rear shocks are all things that can be easily accomplished at home by just about anyone with the correct tools/setup and a Gregorys manual, and would save a lot of time and money compared to a workshop. Even if you aren't skilled or don't have the setup, if any of your mates are mechanically inclinded ask if they can help out (and bribe them with beer if necessary) and you should be able to knock a good chunk of that list over for minimal cost (and obviously don't have to worry about paying for labour) Tyres, wheel alignment and the CV stuff is probably best left to the experts though, and bear in mind that it would be best to leave the wheel alignment to last as half of that list would require a wheel alignment after completion so you don't want to be doubling up.
  20. All the Australian-delivered AE112s (even the very early ones sold alongside the 101/102) I've seen have had that second dash (some with a single-DIN binnacle, some with double), but there were some overseas eaaaaaaaaaarly-model AE11xs that had a similar centre console to the 101/102 (still had the same cluster as the later 112s though) There are still immediate obvious differences though
  21. The entire shape of the rear end is different, not to mention 20cm longer... And the front end is completely different And the interior is completely different
  22. Subtle? Engine/driveline/suspension/brakes are the same or swappable, practically everything else is different and obviously so. It's fairly clear that this: is not the same model as this:
  23. Whilst the chassis and driveline are the same and a lot of parts can swap over, the differences in body are _incredibly_ easy to spot.
  24. Wouldn't be surprised if it's designed to do that - Toyota electronic throttles seem to have a habit of holding revs for a bit after you lift off the throttle, makes quick gear changes sound rather strange and un-natural
  25. The instant I have a house and enough cash you know I'm all over this...unfortunately that's still probably a year away, unless sped up by a Hiro Jr deciding to enter the picture
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