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Everything posted by -JC-

  1. Um ma, you said a rudey word. :o Glad you enjoyed your day mate. Looking forward to hearing the induction roar on the "red" rolla now. JC
  2. Come on kids, play nice. :P I think the whole "is the 2zz slow" question basically relates to what you are comparing it to. As far as naturally aspirated 4 cyl engines go, I think its pretty close to one of the best available. If your comparing it to a turbo, then obviously its going to feel slower. I think 180hp out of a 1.8 litre engine is pretty good, especially for a toyota. JC
  3. Happy Birthday Ash. Hope you have a great day mate. Cheers JC
  4. That I did, which is surprising considering the time of the morning, and I even recognised you without the plates too. Usually im a little -_- at that time of the morning.
  5. Although the CES dyno doesnt show a torque curve, Todd has taken me for a spin in this thing and the torque is phenomenal (240nm I think is the figure). Power curve is very linear. This thing will eat a stock sportivo for breakfast (ie: about 4 carlengths off the mark till I hit lift and the gap didnt increase all that much from there, seemed like I had to wait forever for lift )
  6. Had a great day guys. Cheers to CES and all that helped with the organisation and running of the day, was great. The day has generated a bit of interest on CoastCars.net also, so we might even see a few more guys along to the next one. there are some pics here - http://www.coastcars.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=10027 JC
  7. Im definite Bren, if you dont already have me there as definite. Cheers JC
  8. Beat me to it. :D Can't wait to see that little weapon on the dyno. JC
  9. I like this idea. Seems to work well for most other car forums that I frequent. JC
  10. At this stage I'm a definite maybe. Where we meeting these days?
  11. Im trying to figure out what's so dead about the forum. I logged on at about 4.20pm and had a read, I have come back at 6pm, and there is more than a page of new posts. Hardly dead if you ask me. JC
  12. Oh of course. How silly of us. Because you know everything, someone at Toyota would have put their job on the line to approve a baseless warranty claim for your: Intake, Exhaust, PFC etc etc equipped toyota that you downshifted and blasted past the rev limiter on? Can I get some of what your smoking?
  13. Spotted QLD The Buddha mobile heading into Chermside this morning . . . . . Alas no Buddha behind the wheel, and different plates of course. I couldn't miss it with the Toyota sticker across the windscreen and the droopy exhaust tip.
  14. Im still trying to figure out what was so bad about what I said. Your post didnt make sense, so I questioned it. You made a very short comment, which to a reasonable person, implied that it was not possible to land lift on the 1-2 shift. I questioned that because I know its possible? Correct, it is freedom of speech. If you think I have crossed the line in some way, why not report my post to a moderator, or better still, pm me, and I can set you straight. There was no offence intended Danz, Im really not sure why you have taken it that way to be honest.
  15. Basically its shifting without lifting your foot off the accelerator pedal. Keep your foot flat, dip the clutch, change the gear, and let the clutch out again. Its not very mechanically sympathetic unless you have a clutch capable of handling the stress, even then its pretty harsh on the rest of the drivetrain.
  16. In relation to the engines, you will never know exactly what HP they have, thats something that is very well guarded. Have you seen the way the mech's all crowd around when the bonnet is open? If your talking brake discs with the other bit, I doubt it, V8 Supercars all run 17" rims, making it impossible to run brakes that big. Blue_stivo, I know exactly what your saying about small fry in relation to the actual cost, but your never going to convince me that they arent putting as much effort as is necessary into being a top team in V8 supercar, they wouldn't be there otherwise. Im leaning toward the TRD/Prodrive F1 involvement more than anything else. I think your spot on with that. Anyway, we are off topic, good to see that TRD is going to be backed by a company that knows what its doing in the performance dept. Bring on the turbocharged Toyotas. . . .
  17. It would be awesome to see Toyota in the category, problem is that AVESCO is not going to let it happen. Whats worse is that if they were to let toyota in, they would have to be running a Motor (and the rest of the car) identical to the Ford/Holden package. 90 degree V8 with pushrods, no OHC etc etc etc. Over the past few years, parity has basically made the two cars identical. Same suspension setup, same engine configuration, same aero package etc etc. JC
  18. I was merely making the point that Danz first post didn't explain what he was talking about. He knows full well that it is possible to land lift, as do you.
  19. Maybe if you explained yourself better in the first place there wouldn't be so much confusion. "Its not possible mechanically" to the reasonable person, means that its not possible mechanically (der). If its not mechanically possible, it cant be done, which in this case, is not true. The mechanical limitations of the vehicle do not prevent you from landing lift. I think you meant "Its not possible on paper" or similar.
  20. Isnt FPR still affiliated with prodrive? Jason Bright had some good pace at the last V8 meet, he won the 2nd race from memory. Dont forget they are new to the category, it takes any team at least 2 yrs to get results, its all about data in that category, and if you have none, you have nothing at all. They now have a few sessions at each track on the computer, watch this space, and Im not even a ford fan. Good to see toyota keeping the cardigan on, and leaving the performance to those who know what they are doing. I was waiting to see who would be running the show. Prodrive have the runs on the board.
  21. ??? care to explain? Yeah I'm curious too, I dont seem to have an issue with getting it to land dead on 6k rpm.
  22. So who did you get to type this for you? Obviously your an illiterate. Couldn't have been your sister, cause I just got off her. Max, your either uneducated, or just plain stupid. No gains? Ive got $10,000 bucks that says your wrong about sportivos not gaining from mods. Care to take that up? Any dyno, any place, any time? Any dragstrip, any time? Money where mouth is, or get fcuked. EDIT: Not all commodore owners are gay, I used to own a 230rwkw LS1 myself, lets just see mr Max take up the challenge. . . . . .
  23. I bought mine new in Feb 06 (05 Model of course) and its just ticked over 10500k's
  24. Awesome. Gotta question the bit where he sparks them up though, its quite obvious that he puts the breaks on, but whos going to say no to a burnout with 700+ Newtons at the motor . . . . loved every minute.
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