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Everything posted by -JC-

  1. I think they are the perfect finishing touch for a nice car. Nothing worse than a beautiful, unique car with the same plates as every other stock piece of crap on the road. Pretentious? Only when its like 12ENV (one to envy) on a lancer with rims and a cannon . . . . . .
  2. ITS LEVEL FIVE!!!!!! Not till the 10th of april mate. So buckets are still ok till then. I will be out if I dont fall asleep first.
  3. Am I really the only person who wants to drive 1000ks EACH WAY for something more than a cruise, dyno day and some doughnuts? Surely there is something Sydney has to offer that we cant do in Brisbane, and please dont say Krispy Kremes, cause I was very disappointed when I went to sydney to pickup my car and walked into the airport KK store . . . . . . .
  4. +1 But, it should succeed in taking some sales away from the performance Falcons and Commodores. That comment has got to have come from someone who has never driven a HSV or an FPV. No offence intended. Seriously guys and girls, a front driver will NEVER EVER compete with large engined, rear drive cars in this country, they have a completely different target audience. AWD has proven itself a contender, FWD never will. I honestly thought Toyota would remove the cardigan this time, obviously I was mistaken.
  5. Damon Hill? Build looks familiar, voice sounds kinda familiar . . . . . .
  6. LMAFO, love it. The sticker on the side is actually and RBT Enhanced sticker. ;) Was talking to my dad on the hands free at the time and he was all for turning left to check out the car wash, he was ****** himself when I told him. She didn't look too interested in holding that wobble board did she?
  7. -JC-


    Couldn't have said it better myself Badboyz. Without bands like this, we would all still be listening to the same kind of music forever. Straight lines is awesome, cant wait to hear the rest of the album.
  8. Finally someone asking the important questions . . . . . .
  9. Its cheap because they obviously dont budge on mods. Im more than happy to pay an extra $300 per year over what you pay so I can have . . . . . . CAI, Konis, Springs, Alpine Audio etc etc etc etc. Horses for courses, if you dont want to mod your car, WQBE FTW, if you do . . . . . then you know the answer.
  10. Thats an awesome DIY. More importantly, where can I get me one of those front bars? It even looks like it will fit 1zz . . . . . .
  11. Drove my girlfriends new R32 for the first time last night, and I can definitely agree with you there. Awesome. As a few have mentioned, the shape will probably grow on me, and as SB mentioned to me last night, there is nothing that a few well chosen cosmetic mods wont fix. At least Honda has removed their Toyota style cardigan and are actually bringing the car here.
  12. If your looking at the Matrix vs the Sportivo, they dont get lift until 6800rpm. This would mean you fall out of lift every time you change gears rather than having no problems landing it on every change in a sportivo. I haven't checked, but maybe they are heavier too? The fuel would obviously also be an issue.
  13. Awesome specs, just a shame it looks bloody horrible.
  14. Change insurers mate. Cancel your current policy, obtain a pro-rata refund for what you havent used premium wise, and find an insurer that doesn't have their head in their *****. Hope this helps JC
  15. This man knows what he is talking about. As I mentioned once previously, Corey gave me lift @ 4000rpm one night whilst I was driving his car, basically made a whole heap of noise and fell into a torque hole. Went slower than a stock sportivo till it hit about 5500rpm.
  16. 100% Correct. Never a truer word spoken. Are you able to provide any slave badgers in the absence of monkeys? :D
  17. Im confused. You want me to drive 1000k's to go to a dyno day? What for? I can do that here in Brisbane. As for people not attending due to differences on the forum. I think if anyone is that petty, they should grow some balls and put their differences aside. Besides, I find in cases like this, differences are usually resolved quite quickly over a few beers or similar. After all, we all have at least one thing in common, you might be surprised . . . . we dont bite . . . . hard.
  18. And who's broken them? Like I said - lets keep it on topic. Just because you edited your post to make yourself look better doesn't mean you didnt break the rules. Dont you hate it when someone quotes you before you get a chance to edit . . . . . . .
  19. Actually the comment was a reference to the fact that E-Gene only seems to appear around here sporadically these days. I wouldn't class it as an attack, I thought we were all a little more thick skinned around here? Carlo, I thought mods were supposed to enforce the rules, not break them?
  20. check out the traders section for those items :D
  21. I think you will find that it was old man river who changed it mate. Im up for it, who else is coming?
  22. -JC-


    Now THAT is some good advice.
  23. Very nice unit this one, I looked at one. But for more than twice what I paid for the alpine unit . . . . . . Basically I could have added Nav, Bluetooth and the whizz bang equaliser unit and still come out cheaper than the eclipse.
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