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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. You planning on putting the car and yourself on a diet???? :P Or just some reckless driving to take some Stivo's out
  2. hmm few hundred more i can get the whole boot custom made, got that quoted for 700 dollars at autobarn. Thats with the whole boot remounted into a nice design with a fiberglass botom for the amp ;) and still got room for luggage. Only thing is that you lose the spare wheel . But i think i can sacrafice that. ← MMM $700 - $300 = $400? Am I correct cause last time i checked I didn't think that $400 was a few hundred. ;) The back of the box is all Fibreglass and is considerably light. Plus side is you can still access your spare wheel. FYI it wasn't done by some back yard dodgy either my mate runs his own mobile audio business Urban Auto Tek and works part time for JB Hi Fi so I'm thinking he really knows his audio stuff ;)
  3. Found some pics on the cruising brisbane website which had links to a couple of others of the toyota day yesterday. Looks like the silvabullit was favoured with the photographers over snowflake and the wed rocket B)
  4. If anybody is interested in the sub box in the pic(same as the one in my car) Then sned me a PM as A friend of mine makes them. Cost around the $300 mark and fit awesome plus you still have got a boot to put stuff in. ;)
  5. Map i'm keen to get some more info about the AEM CAI with water injection ;) Great day and I'll definately try to get my car to the next one. corolla's were well represented and from some of the comments I heard in the staging lanes most people probably seriously underestimated the power and the ability of the Corolla(especially the Stivo's) Shaohaok gave the bloke in the blue rex a damm good run for his money and I heard him say to his mate about how he couldn't shake the phantom. Gotta say that a stivo sounds great on a dyno but sounds awesome on a track B)
  6. Well we had 8 cars turn up and of course we turned a few heads with the newest toyota's there. For those who left early sucked in as your tickets no's were called out in the lucky door prizes(4 to be exact!!!) Stay tuned on Car seen briz 31(i think) as you will probably see footage of danthuyer,azza and myself being interviewed about our cars. All in all a pretty casual day but I think that Toyota needs to organise and possibly promote this event a lot better and have some sort of program for the day as nobody had a clue what was happening. But hey we had fun and some of the comments from old school Toyota owners were priceless :D
  7. I think that most of us are all "evented out" after this week end's activities(track day and all toyota day) B)
  8. Where's all the pics???? I know that pippy wasn't the only one there snapping away. Get em on here for all to see.... You know who you are(yes if your feeling GUILTY reading this then it must be you!!! :P )
  9. C'mon Melbourne crew get behind this or be the only ones who will miss out on a dyno day. :( We've set the benchmark up here in brissy now it's time for you guys to get it happening down there in Melbourne. A dyno day is what you make it; so turn up and make it a great event!!
  10. Good to see you guys are getting some events happening down there in old South Aus. Keep it up and post all your results. good luck with getting members to go etc :D
  11. Sounds like the plan buddha see you there and any other northsiders for that matter. I may/may not have club stickers due to being absent form work today with a painful arm injury :(
  12. Don't want your play lunch getting spoilt now do we??? Shao I reckon that with Azza in the car and after he consumes his play lunch and big lunch your lap times will be considerably slower :( B)
  13. There goes your pocket money for the week!!
  14. Those who waste company time perhaps or are engaged in unusual acts involving a computer(azza and craig don't and i repeat DON"T posts any of your pictures)
  15. he'll blow his cover talking to you rollagrl. So how is the silly car going anyway?
  16. So far we have the following people coming; Silvabullit Azza Buddha Danthuyer Rolla racer The "I'm not sure yet' list; Wei Wei Shaohaok Sportiv Sportivo rice Svalerko Pippy Stoopid head Any one else who's coming let us know so we can wait for you!!!
  17. Spotted a silver stivo at the Argonaut shopping centre on kingston rd at 4pm this arvo rego 555H**.
  18. Where do women have short black curly hair? Fiji! What does michael jackson and a cheeseburger have in common? Both have 30 odd year old buns with an eight year old piece of meat in between!
  19. northsiders meet at data 3 at 9am then we cruise to Calamvale hotel car park to link up with the southsiders and the boof heads from Bellbowrie(only joking :P ) at 9.30am. from there it's only a 5 minute drive to Toyota. See you at either of these meeting spots and we'll then convoy to toyota Hq. :)
  20. Silvabullit will be there(in a silva lancer rent a car :( )
  21. Sounds like the plan! All coming from the northside meet at Data 3 at 8am. :D
  22. So far the following crew are attending;- Silvabullit Azza Danthuyer Wei Wei(Possibly) Sportiv(possibly) Rolla racer Stoopid head Any other takers please add you name to the list! :) We will meet at Carpark of the Calamvale hotel @8.30am. Cheers Silvabullit :)
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