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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. Guys and Gals(inc Kyle) Trophies are on their way and look great!! So if you want to win one of them then start scrubbing your Corolla and get it looking sweeet!!! Trophies are as follows- Best Interior Best Exterior Best Engine Bay Best Underbody Best Overall/Car of the day - Sponsored by Urban Auto-Tek Highest Output on the Dyno- Sponsored by CES Racing We will also have some prizes of some description as well to give out so come along on SAT 4TH JUNE and meet and greet all of the Corolla owners from this forum. Cheers Silvabullit :D
  2. X-trail with a slight mod is a cheap option and I'm sure that Northy would back me up on this one!!!
  3. Go to toyota cause if the air bag goes off while your changing it kiss some part of your body(probably your face!!) or even your life goodbye :(
  4. Koni sport front - 8610-1414 $270Approx each Koni sport rear - 80 - 2844 $225Approx each I'm in Brisbane and would have to check exact prices as my supplier told me of a possible price rise early June. As for freight i'd have to check on weights etc with couriers and also time frames. PM me for further info.
  5. AS a car detailer it's a waste of money and really is just a polish of some description that the dealer buys for about $30 hten charges you about $500 or something like that. Easy money spinner! Just go and buy Meguiars or Bowden's polishes and waxes and do it yourself or pay a professional to do a professional job. The results achieved with a polish and wax will be a silky smooth finish with a high gloss and a wax coating to protect your paint surface from contaminents and, bird poop,water spots and the like and make it easy to wash and chamois B)
  6. I was on of the 52 000 people there and it was friggen awesome. Go the maroons and bad luck to the bluesers
  7. The following comments are particularly aimed at Silverbullit who'se unending praise for the the CES system and refusal to accept criticism is suspicious: The exhaust drones. The degree to which this bothers you is subjective but the fact that it does is not. Danthuyer himself admits that it drones. While not impossible, I have yet to hear a car with a free flow system that does not drone. What I take exception to is your telling people it doesn't. It does. This is not a criticism of the CES system, just a fact. Power a noise go hand in hand. You state that you car gained 9kw. Well done, I am delighted for you. But, you make out that that is the norm for the gains for this system. It is not. Everyone besides you has gained onoly 5-6kw besides myself who gained one untill I fitted the CAI. If I dyno'd now I have no doubt the pipe would contribute a further 4-5kw. The dyno which my car was dynod on reads higher than a roller dyno which I accept. Regardless of whether you accept the baseline reading or not - it is consistant and for measuring gains - that is what counts. This dyno is used by a tuner who specialises in Supercharging BMW M5's, tuning M3's and does a lot of work in Sydney for Porsche. The dyno is a chasis dyno and is less than 3 years old. So to assume that this dyno is innaccurate is rediculous. You put your faith in an old Bosch dyno in a exhaust pipe shop. As a measurement tool for measuring gains, the dynapak chasis dyno works. It reflected a gain of 1kw with the CES system. Regardless of the results of the dyno as described above - I didn't need a dyno test to tell me that it made no difference (before the fitment of the CAI). The car felt no better - in fact it felt worse. I know my car well enough to not require a dyno to tell me if something has improved performance or not. With fitment issues sorted and having got used to the drone, I am finally delighted with the end result such that inspite have had a few good offers to buy it from me - I will be keeping it on the car. Lucio - sorry mate but I am enjoying it. WIll let you know when if it is up for sale again. Finally, I feel that this forum shoud be one where products are tried, tested and rated honestly for the benefit of all members. I take exception to anyone pushing a product and stating attributes which are not true or replicated consistantly. ← Man I'm not going to argue with you about the issues you have with the system. In fact if you seem to be more on the negative side so then you should have just sold it. If you would learn to read then YOU would have seen that I commented on this droning issue. Everybody has a personal preference and a different idea of what a droning exhaust system is. I have driven many many cars in my time and I can tell you that if you think that the CES system drones enough to be a problem then get in a Lancer with a Supercheap cannon on the back and you'll know what droning is!! AGAIN I REMEMBER SAYING IT'S A PERSONAL PREFERENCE. As for the rattling on the heat shield I don't recall bagging you but again said it was to do with the system moving on the rear mounts. As far as your complaint about losing power I've seen your dyno sheet and have spent hours comparing dyno sheets between the dyno's I have done(at 2 different locations with a difference of exactly 2kw atw) as well as comparing Danthuyer's sheets and dyno graphs from the last dyno day to say that your graph has some extremely unusual points and figures on it that make no sense to myself or CES. We told you to go and do a run on a dyno dynamics dyno so we could compare on a level playing field. You didn't do that neither did you respond to us when we sent you an email about your claimed loss of power. What more can we do?? Your quote about power gains is also irrelevant. So far my car was the only one(apart from yours) that didn't already have extractors, TRD CAI, unichip or some other form of modification done to it. So therefore the gains on a car with one or any of these mods would be less? True? Man you should really read the information that's on your screen before you start attacking people and totally slandering their character. If this system is such a burden and a pain to you then for goodness sake sell it to another keen member of this forum who'll fit it to their car and enjoy the benefits. I've heard reports and it is known that somebody in Sydney copied this system and did make a reasonable gain BUT can't stop it from droning and being quite excessive in the noise department. CES passes legal noise DB levels also. Standard cars make little noise and modified cars make some noise. Decide whether you want one or the other. PS. What else did you do to your Stivo to get a peak of some 620nm of torque??
  8. Hey JUL13 welcome to the forum! Which part of Brisbane are you from? Cause I've seen this car(pretty sure!) on the southside.
  9. Hey all It looks like the new CAPA Holden V8 drift ute will be at CES for the dyno day. I saw this car today(and heard it run!!!) and it's awesome. If all goes to plan then it will be at CES for the dyno day for us to drool over. CES will be putting up the prize for the car who tops the charts on the dyno. I'm still looking for sponsors for trophies otherwise we may have to charge $5 per car to enter the show and shine. I'd prefer not to do this but I can't afford to cover the costs myself and it's nice to reward the owners with something for the hard work they put into their cars to get them shining. Anybody with another idea let me know asap. Cheers SILVABULLIT
  10. Gregorious go white my black stivo friend. White rims would look hot on your car. Plus it would elevate it closer to silver on the looks ladder ;)
  11. I have been.... ...yours... :P ← Ever noticed why your wife's teeth are so shiny???Could have something to do with the Meguiars polish I left on her toothbrush ;)
  12. Every car is different as we saw at the dyno day last year where we had stocko's from 96 to 104kw atw. My car with just the exhaust picked up 9 kwatw and the improvement was right through the rev range as the dyno sheet showed. What some people call a drone others say is acceptable so that's a personal preference. My wife drives our Stivo to work everyday and if it droned then I certainly would hear about it!! I find the exhaust note to be fine and of course when you hit lift then ooohhh yeah!!! It sounds great. The rattle on the heat shield with the resonator has to do with the rear mounts on the muffler. If you line them up then no rattles. But if you say for instance have the pipe bottom out on a huge mother of a speed bump then it pushes the system on the mounts and it moves slightly and therefore it gets the rattles. Quick adjustment on the rubbers and it's all good. Well as for gravityfreak's problems with no gains on a stock car I have no answer for it but to say that it was on a hub style dyno and they do read a lot differently to the more conventional style dyno's. The variables are endless and i'm not going into the whole dyno debate or whether this was done or that was done but to say that of all the systems sold and fitted all have made a substantial difference to the Stivo's performance and I consider it to be money well spent. The only 2 Stivo's to run 14 sec quarters both have CES systems fitted!!!
  13. Time in the pits is priceless especially the time taken to open the fuel door to put the fuel in. Lightweight fuel door opens .056sec quicker than the original one...
  14. Boys,boys,boys. Want to get your wheels clean? Use a toothbrush!!! Gets into the edges of the spokes and one with softish bristles won't scratch either. To clean behind the spokes use a small sponge with a bug scrubber pad on it and using a couple of fingers poke the sponge throught the spokes and clean the rim either way. Then move up a couple of spokes and do the same. Use your ordinary car wash of your choice should do the trick.
  15. Not being able to upload pictures? Think that is one of the benefits is it Craig!!!!
  16. Definately go through a broker. Big savings for exhaust,wheels,tyres, intake etc etc.
  17. You make a lot of comments Azza but as the Chief would say on the Footy Show "That's gold"(with the hand movements) One of your best my friend!
  18. Thanks guys and gals but I live by the motto;- Growing old doesn't mean growing up!!!! Those of you who know me will probably testify to this!!
  19. spottted a silver stivo heading towards town on Kingston rd near Juers rd intersection at 7am. then spotted a red(yeah Azza red!!!!) stivo at Moss st/kingston rd lights heading south at 7.20 am. Lady driver...Sure it wasn't you AZZA?????
  20. Now now Shao don't get all flustered just take a deep breath and relax.... Dyno spots are nearly all gone and there's only one left so if you want it then contact me or miss out :( If you are attending then please let me know so we can organise food etc. ;) We currently have about 20 or so club members attending so if you see some of the newbies please invite them as well!! Trophy sponsors? Know somebody who would sponsor a trophy? Please contact me for info. No sponsors - no trophies or we will have to charge an entrant fee to cover costs. I would prefer not to do this but we are looking like there's not too many other options :( So get cleaning and we'll see you at CES on the 4th June for a great day with other club members!!
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