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Everything posted by jps137

  1. try contacting TTE (www.tte.com.de) or a UK toyota group. Toyota UK sold the Corolla Compressor basically a supercharged Sportivo, the work was done by TTE so I don't know if they do a kit or not
  2. Well boys and girls hasn't this been a fun thread that's kept the moderators busy. It is certainly one that you would not have seen in a Holden or Ford forum (let's say our hi spec sport model is not as good as the one from the other majors - I think not) Convincing the Aust public of that a sporting car can be FWD will be a challenge. Ford tried in the late eighties to convince people they didn't need a V8, their sales dropped accordingly. Just look at the EF (circa 1995) XR6 and XR8 supposedly there was only 1kW difference between the two but a lot more kg but people still bought the XR8 (paying extra for a slower, thirstier and heavier car "but it's got a V8). The TRD Aurion will not beat the Falcon or Commodores for sales even if it is a better car because there are so many people out there who will only buy a Falcon or Commodore no matter how good the other options might be.
  3. Yes but people have also been telling Porsche for years that the engine should be in the front not slung out the back like it is. The brands you mentioned are designed with the track in mind and tend to cost a bucket load more. But then have AMG and M-sport got it wrong, if I am not mistaken (and that can happen) none of the AMG or M-sport cars are AWD (unless of course there is an upcoming M-sport X5 - would that then be an MX5???)
  4. Not always, I was told that Simpson Red and Merlot Red were the same colour and allegedly that they have the same colour code. I have parked my Simpson Red Camry next too a Merlot Red Corolla and they are very different shades
  5. jps137


    Have you tried an insurance broker they may be able to help. In NSW Shannons are significantly better at insurance prices than the others but then I have the benefit of being old (over 30)
  6. White or Silver both good options. Working on construction sites I see every day how well these two cars don't show dirt. Sure merlot and that funky blue look brilliant but that is only while they are clean, half a days dust and they look filthy where as white or silver keeps looking clean. White is the best option for the simple reason that when some idiot scratches your pride and joy it is much easier to touch up. Sad but true this needs to be considered, my Camry has been hit seven times in various locations, by idiots who let there doors go and being Simpson Red it is difficult to touch up without looking like it has been touched up White FTW
  7. Spotted a black Camry (20 series - I have no idea of generations, sorry) driving through Bella Vista / Norwest (NSW) about 9am this morning. Awesome body kit looked like a bit of work had been done to it, blackened or smoked taillights looked superb. Number plate was the 2digit 2 letter 2 digit black on yellow (unfortunately can not remember the actual number plate).
  8. The pictures are great, thanks for posting them. Was there any details of who will be the TRD dealers or any specs on the TRD Aurion (especially is it front or four wheel drive)?
  9. Thanks for the pics, this has really helped my friend. He has decided not to bother, maybe if there was a hairdryer under the bonnet it might be ok, but it is too loud for a standard V6 Sportivo. The wing looks almost like a Honda extra.
  10. jps137

    V6 Tarago

    From what I have read it varies GLI is 8 seats and GLX and Ultima is 7 seats.
  11. On the topic of insurance don't necessarily let it scare you off Turbos, get quotes for both first. I was considering getting a Supra a little while back and so made inquiries with NRMA (for a laugh) and Shanons (for reality) and found something very disturbing. Fully comp for an old codger like myself (over 30) a turbo Supra is actually cheaper (but not by much) than a n/a Supra for both companies (it's just that NRMA was more than 2x Shanons).
  12. jps137

    Post 99 Supra

    No need to respond I found the info I was after - the MkIV was apparently produced up to Aug 02
  13. Is there a Supra after the 1999 model?
  14. jps137

    V6 Tarago

    12th Feb is the V6 goes on sale, one would think there would be a bit of a marketing campaign
  15. Has anyone seen a 36 series with the high mount spoiler option? Supposedly it was an option at the time the 36 series were available but I have yet to see a car with one attached. A friend is considering upgrading the spoiler on his Sportivo, but we would like to actually see one on a vehicle first. Pics anyone?
  16. Castle Hill Toyota, currently the only official distributor in Australia of TRD parts (as per the TRD Japan website) have said they will. Though I would clarify this for yourself when purchasing.
  17. Patience sportiyo, good things come to those that wait (like the TRD Corolla - well it had better be good after all this wait)
  18. A new TRD website is now up and running www.trd.com.au though it doesn't say alot at least it is an indication that things are starting to move in the right direction.
  19. Interesting reading No.1 car Toyota No.3 car Toyota No.1 4WD Toyota
  20. Just called them and unfortunately no luck guys, "long sold out of those"
  21. I actually tried the powerchip website already and got the following response Unfortunately there is no Powerchip upgrade released for the Toyota Camry (MCV36R) 3.0 at this time. Your vehicle has been seen by Powerchip but with our current technology we cannot upgrade the ecu at this time.
  22. Does anyone know of a chip manufacturer for the V6 engine in the 36 series (or does the ECU have to be reprogrammed)? I am looking at the engine and thinking surely it is easy enough to get more than 140kW out of a quad cam 3.0L V6
  23. jps137

    V6 Tarago

    Does anyone know anything of the specs and a release date for the new V6 Tarago? Apparently it is supposed to be using the Aurion V6, so a Tarago with 200kW
  24. Good career choice Dave, for some reason most Civil Engineers that I have met are into cars one way or another. Both my current Site Engineer and Project Manager have cars that give just under 300kW at the rear wheels (one uses 1.2L and sodding big hair dryer and the other uses a bucket load of cubic inches which equate to 6.0L).
  25. Another thing to keep in mind, apparently the optional Sportivo springs (made by/for Toyota in Australia) for the Corolla are not the same as the TRD Sportivo Springs (made in Japan).
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