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Everything posted by yoshi

  1. I am not out tonight guys, see you all next week hopefully.
  2. Thanks guys, I knew that this was way too expensive, but I have never done it before and had no other prices to compare, I ended up finding another one doing it for around $100 for me just up the rd from work that I didn't even know about.
  3. yoshi

    Weight Loss

    As far as i know if you do light weights after cardio excercise it actually holds your heart in the work out zone longer and speeds your metabolism
  4. yeah i grabbed some pics with an ixus50, set the exposure to -2 which lengthens exposure, most of my pics were rather wobbly, not having a tripod here and all, but resting it against something certainly allowed me to get some shots where it still resembles a moon being eclipsed by the earth.
  5. I have been trying to find places in Brisbane to get my rotors machined but have been finding i difficult to find places that do it. So far I have found one place. I called them up and got a price, but as I have nothing to compare this with, I am at a loss as to whether this is the right price or not. The place I have found is Col Robinson & Co. in Kedron, and they have said the figure should be around $210
  6. yoshi

    GPS units

    As far as I am aware, Optus (who I am with) provides absolutely nothing for the GPS to function in my phone (6110), you can even set your phone to offline mode and still use GPS. Therefore Optus have no right to charge anything for me to use GPS as it isn't them provideing it, but NavTec. The Nokia N95 uses the same software for it's GPS, so it should be identical, but it has a larger screen. I find mine great, but slow to connect. I would highly recommend it to someone who is after a new phone and GPS and only wants to use it occasionally.
  7. Do a search, I remember reading about Northy's Power FC, There is page after page of info, good questions and answers and even stupid questions and appropriate answers.
  8. I thinks maybe it is time we start a little new section which (attempts) to list out the laws for modifications. Perhaps we need one topic for each state, I know I wouldn't mind doing a little bit of research into QLD laws. The section could possibly be on the front page or in the car related topics. Any Mods think this ia a good idea?
  9. Does not fit any of your criteria except the price, but it is so sexy http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Toyota-1975-corolla...1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. An also taking it to 9500 rpm, when you shift to second, you should still be in lift in second gear, unless taking like 3 seconds to change gears.
  11. I was just about to send PM's to people to find out where abouts they were and try and organise where they were to be sent, I am happy with where ever they are sent, I don't mind a small drive every now and then.
  12. I completely forgot about it until I jumped on just now. My girl has been a bit down cause of **** with work so I took her out to dinner, so I will see you guys next week.
  13. yeah i am in for this one too, and i just found out that there is a commodore cruise on that day so not many of those guys will be showing up. But hopefully a HUGE turnout.
  14. My car is famous, Hooray. I looked at the recent comments on it, Craig misses his car :(
  15. Sinan, Perhaps you can sell yours to someone in group 2 who wants blue ones and re sign up into group 2 for red ones.
  16. I think maybe that in the picture you have photoshopped, the little vent bit you added in was too big (as in not to scale), or maybe because it comes from a larger car it doesn't look quite as big on Commodores. Either way I think the idea is great, if only there was a way to make it a little bit less obvious that it is from a Commodore, maybe mod them or see if we can source something similar, or make your own. I am very keen to see it done.
  17. I am not out either, shacked up in bed with a bad fever from the flu.
  18. If your clutch was going and you were kicking into lift then the revs would climb as there would be less resistance from the clutch, so I don't think that would be it.
  19. I think it would be easy to get them sent to one location in Brisbane and we all head to there to pick and and maybe install why we are together.
  20. As long as you had your Provisional liscence before July 1st 2007, you stay with the old system.
  21. I am on the North side, but im sure if we PM'd phone numbers when the time is a bit sooner, something could be organised fairly easily.
  22. I will be giving tonight a miss, and i have noticed something, is the meet up every thursday night or every second thursday night? I think something makes me confused about what nights it is on.
  23. For the clutch itself your looking at a bit over $400 if you got someone who can give you a good price, if not around $500 i think while its out you should look at doing the rear main oil seal (rear main crank seal) which to byu from toyota is around $50 new gearbox oil not much, labour, once again depending on where you go, i paid a mate $250 (my suggestion on price that he was happy with)
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