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Everything posted by Blackkluger

  1. Make sure your pram doesnt move to hurt the child in the 3rd row! Love the grande auto up and down! now more back work.
  2. the recovery points at the rear seems strong enough. None on the front though if you have a nidge bar.
  3. I suppose i cannot say we wont get stuck, not sure, will check my kxs awd tomorrow and let you know
  4. agree, they wont stop cars banging your metal as they dont stick out much, i cant even use them to wash the roof without a chair. The steps are fantastic for our kids to get in and out, and just recently on a holiday, it saved us when i reversed over some grass next to my brothers driveway, not seeing a stump and it took the hit rather than the car....dented it but as i have AWD, was able to pull myself off.
  5. When we test drove a grande overnight, we were very annoyed with the roof mounted factory dvd, as we had kids in each of the 3 seats, we found ourselves banging our heads on it! I think the commodore roof mounted one is better in that the roof is rounded rather than being rather flat which meant it was located higher and also did not block half of our rear vision mirror, dont you guys who have this factory come across the same issues? We ended up not spending the extra on the grande as we didnt need sunroof, dvd, but only thing i would have liked is the rear vision mirror that had the special feature which dims peoples lights...what ever it was called.
  6. I seen it, the NEW KLUGER driving just part the monash freeway, lots of chrome on the back similar lights on the rear but the big difference is the front lights, looks like prado lights and landcruiser with the lumpy plastic that sticks out but it has been squished, its now more like a mitsubishi triton sized lights...couldnt see if they where hid or projection headlights but otherwise it looks similar.
  9. Nothing wrong with mine, i think the front of the kluger looks better with than without it.
  10. I havent done it to my kluger, but just recently did my adventra, similar 3.6L engine and 5spd auto. I was averaging 12L per 100kms and now just 13.5L to 14.5L depending on how often my pedal is flat to the floor. I did the vapour injection, im assuming for that price your doing the Liquid injection...? Mine costs $3500 and after rebate just $2000. Romano system I was considering the Liquid injection but as my ar is an 05 i decided not to invest too much, whereas the kluger i would certainly do the Liquid option. So far so good, it is fantastic filling a tank of gas for 20-25 bucks! I did it through South east lpg conversion, but apparently after i had done it i found out a mob in frankston have better customer service....after sales service, not that SE has done anything bad but just a review i read. See how you go. My wife still doesnt like the idea of gas in her car from previous stories about cars blowing up etc, but apparently they are pretty safe option now. If you get it done, it would be interesting to see how much power the liquid option gives you, i reckon the system i chose looses about 5% power from what i have experienced
  11. So no one has mentioned this, if the speedo says 100kms per hour, and i do 100,000kms, when in fact the speedo is over stating it, then realisticly, the car has only really done 92,000kms approx, then it also means we are wasting $ on services as we are doing these 10% early too. and oh my god, my tyres which i thought lasted 10,000kms are really only lasting 9000kms. I travel @ 103kms as i know it was showing slow, as i go past those speed checks and even at 103 it states 99 on the overhead ones, may not be 100% but closer than the speedo.
  12. its a common problem, its the intermediate shaft, they then to fail in this respect, they wont break but i had mine changed under warranty and if yours is an early one it could still be under warranty???
  13. Dont waste your money, ours scrubs the outside fronts all the time, no matter how many alignements get done on it. Our new one is less than 10k and nearly time for a trip and fit to rotate on the rim.
  14. I think the genuine one looks better anyway than the aftermarket ones, plus the airbag issues, you dont want it to not allow the airbags to deploy. wait for 2nd hand one.
  15. If it aint got the badge, look under the rear at the rear wheel, check for a drive shaft from centre hub to centre of wheel, if nothing is present, then its a 2wd, i wouldnt think toyota would bring out the 2wd books for the awd, as i think a few people looking to get more $$$ by saying it s awd rather than 2wd
  16. did they quote a hire price? may not be worth forking out so much money and if they do break... Do you mean FWD grande? And also you may not need to fit it either if the conditions arent to bad, but you must still carry them
  17. Dont forget guys, you would have to change all 4 tyres at once if changing the rolling diametre as otherwise it will probably cause some sort of problem and if toyota find out you used a non spec tyre, they might not honour your warranty! As its a 50/50 awd, might need to change spare as well. Who would like to be the gunnie pig? I had maxxis and its the best tyre i had for my other car.
  18. Your lucky to get 47k from 1 set, the rears on mine have at least another 20k left, but just recently placed fronts new ones and it has done about 6k now and the edges are nearly scrubbed, so in about 1k im going to do a strip and fit, $30 extra for both, and get another 7k out of it, total life 14k if im lucky Well dont toyota...no it aint an alignment issue, its a manufacturing defect in my opinion. BTW - these are my 4th set for the fronts, while the rears are originals....go figure..
  19. just all plastic, and like me, ikf you reverse up an incline and it catches, it rips it off....so now it just half hangs off.
  20. 95 or 98 get similar resutls with us, 91 increase this usage by approx 2L/100ks and ethanol 10% blend is useless, about 5-6L more per 100ks, therefore the benfit of cheaper price is gone when you use more fuel to get there. we found this and since our local downs brew 95, we stick to 98 vpower, done use caltex, we found even with 95 premium, it gets the same as a shell 91! Bp is ok but i have found it to not be very consistent in results, could be our local store but who knows. bp has given the best results but on other occasions, not so impressive...
  21. theres the difference, i had the new 19' fresh rubber on and even in 2 weeks i could see the feathering starting on the outside edge already. Even in shop carparts i take notice of other 19 kluger tyre wear, some were ok but most have the severe wear i experience, wish toyota would fix the issue(which apparently is acceptable in metre driving according to them)! I drove my old car much harder and never ever had this issue, and its not as if i can push this beast around corners without understeer anyway lol
  22. Looks fantastic - Do you find the wear on the front wheels to be ok? Ive got factory 19' and the outside front wear like nothing i've had before. Ive been told by some dealers bigger wheels would improve it as less flex in sidewall, others say worse as larger footprint....what are your experiences?
  23. This sounds stupid what toyota have said. I have just changed my own car to the holden adventra(please dont bar me, i still have the kluger) and when i asked vicroads what tyre size can i change the standard 17 inch to, they said as long as it does not petrude past the side of the vehicle, its legal... This information completely different from what you guys are saying....When i called vicroads they also had no idea.... as you might be aware, the adventras has those plastic wheel arch extensions which means i probably can fit 22inch without a worry....according to vicroads...
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